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delv published in(发表于) 2014/1/8 7:48:25 Edit(编辑)
Scolded big pressure vent 12,306 set up

Scolded big pressure vent 12,306 set up (image)(挨骂压力大,12306自设发泄区(图),)

Scolded big pressure vent 12,306 set up district (map)-12,306,-IT the spring information Scolded big pressure vent 12,306 set up area (map)

Access to tickets during the Spring Festival peak period, tickets on the site hope of success faded, 12,306 call center traffic volume surged on January 6, the traffic volume exceeded 30,000. Traffic volume not only make significant increase in staff workload to take calls from morning till night does not pausing, "scolded" opportunities abound. Yesterday, the reporter visited 12,306 customer service center "vent" – passengers hurling the operator only to this emotional, for comfort. According to statistics, the venting area boxing column, the most recent is called one hundred or two hundred times every day.

Passenger complaints have mainly verbal abuse

Rice, the reporter into the customer service center to find more than more than 100 seats were too busy answering the phone. Sue Wang Rui had encountered an "intractable" King, the gentleman suggested "railway company should increase a few more official website, preferably a high-speed rail site, a light rail website ... ... Tickets easy. " Wang Rui has been offering customers said: "your proposal will be gathered up. "But the other party has throat and could not respond to Wang Rui does. Later, the other end began to swear, Wang Rui only indignantly picked the headset, put it right back on again.

The operator experienced on a daily basis. According to Xu Rui, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of customer service center introduction, in early December last year daily average traffic volume of around 6,000, January 6 broke the 30,000 expected peak traffic volume during the Spring Festival this year to 45,000. Passenger complaints are mainly concentrated in the official failures, the Internet does not respect, was "abusive".

In paragraphs could be heard in the recording, one of the 53-minute scolding voice. One passenger complained to the operator when 12,306 color code, scold here are unprintable and vile, and operator can only again and again repeating: we're sorry, but for the inconvenience.

Unreasonable demands on the train "he"

Spring Festival this year, 12,306 call center traffic over more than 50 of the seats are held by the daily increased to 174, full banquet staff induction, two students have been seconded to support customer service staff at more than 330 people.

Despite this, the telephone, one by one, customer service personnel have a sit down and can't get up, not to mention the rotation. Yesterday at 12 o'clock noon, traffic volume has the same day 11,953, full banquet staff induction, also showed there were 20 people in the queue (the highest show 20 people).

In fact, 12,306 12,306 and railway ticketing Customer Service Center Web site are two different things, but a lot of passengers angry at getting a ticket to the attendant, and in this regard, the operator said "passenger bought a ticket, can understand." Also part of the call is simply unreasonable demands, such as train ticket six months ago, requests for refunds, for its own reasons requires the operator to call the driver missed the train "he", getting a ticket ask for single train yourself again, or let the operator "must" get him a ticket. Got this phone call, operator to laugh or cry.

Canteen corner set vented wall and boxing column pressure

In accordance with the requirements, no matter how badly passengers called the operator "red lines" are not yelling or hang up, but the attendant depression, causing induction can't answer the phone. Mumble is "Hello, glad to serve you." Service Center operator are "$literal" at home is precious, who also have no gas, at 9 o'clock in the evening time, often have a crying little girl hiding in the stairwell.

To this end, the customer service center last year set the vent area in a corner of the dining room, there is a vent in the wall, attendant to put their grievances in writing on the wall, there is also a boxing column, a lot of traffic at dinner, first punching boxing column "out" meal, sat down to dinner again.

Han was born in 1988 in Beijing girl, a passenger who bought a ticket last year, scolding her for an hour, June Han was called to head, so a "grievance". "Now I have trained a passenger bought a ticket in a hurry, we all understand, complain, hung up the phone, come take a deep breath and look out the window with its traffic, easing. "June han said that now is a little professional" legacy ", answer your cell phone after hours is often conditioned to saying thank you for your call!

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12,306 today 6/ticket time

Access to available train tickets during the Spring Festival peak in the last few days railway ticketing website 12,306 "pressure Alexander", especially on time, time traveler login difficulties. January 6 tickets 8.026 million a day, 1 million more than the January 5. And the volume of extra tickets are pretty much over the network and mobile ticketing. Beijing morning news reporter from 12,306 website yesterday was informed that balanced 12,306 site visits, to further improve the user experience, from today onwards, from the sale of the railway sector to Internet, telephone booking time to adjust.

By adjustment, in original 8 points to 18 points (except 14 points outside), each hour put votes of based Shang, increased 9:30, and 10:30, and 12:30, and 13:30, and 14:00, and 14:30 six a put votes time points; all "g" Word head train up sold time by 11 points moved to 14 points, "d", and "c" Word head train up sold time still for 11 points, keep not changed.

Moreover, some ticket sales have been adjusted the station window, query 12,306 website for details and station announcements.

Reporters saw Beijing station window ticket time except South g prefix changed to 14 points, there is no other change, remains the Beijing West railway station at 8 and sold; Beijing North railway station at 9 and sold; 10 and sold in Beijing railway station Beijing South railway station c, d from the sale of the first 11 points, g from the sale of the first 14 points.

Railway sector prompt on January 8 will go on sale on January 27 and February 1 temporary passenger train tickets for passenger trains. Appears from the 7th, from Beijing to Urumqi residents nervous, but the Beijing-Xian, Xian, Urumqi, some to over, passengers from Beijing to Urumqi, demand can relay via Xian.

Million made by the railway ticketing service guide

Yesterday morning, 60 young volunteers based in Xidan of Beijing railway administration xizhimen, dongzhimen subway station, subway station, complimentary to the public in Beijing railway administration during Spring Festival passenger ticket travel services guide (see figure).

According to introduced, guide also will in the big station to passenger issued, total printed 100yuwance, guide in the first printed has Beijing railway company-oriented social made of 20 article spring open commitment, accept social and passenger supervision; and to passenger focus introduced has phone booking, and Internet purchased votes, and railway sale Department and the station window purchased votes, and self sold (take) votes machine purchased votes take votes, and phone purchased votes, variety purchased (take) votes way, and railway sector for young sick pregnancy passenger dedicated of "love channel" And priority booking service launched telephone and Twitter.

Brochure order form of the letter to the traveling public, focuses on railway safety regulations come into force on January 1, 2014 the relevant contents. While also increased for the first time the Beijing railway Bureau official micro-blog, micro QR code, passengers can phone to scan, Beijing railway transport during Spring Festival travel for more information.


挨骂压力大,12306自设发泄区(图) - 12306,春运 - IT资讯


























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