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Reading number is top 10 pictures
Plump breasts1
[猫扑大杂烩]华东师范墙上看到的捐精告示 15毫升3600元
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The world first motorcycle will be auctioned for 21000 pounds
published in(发表于) 10/13/2016 6:30:00 AM Edit(编辑)
Vicki Ali pictures holdings 799 million shares and cash of HK $ 1.26 billion,

Vicki Ali pictures holdings 799 million shares and cash of HK $ 1.26 billion,(赵薇减持阿里影业7.99亿股份,套现12.6亿港元,)



Vicki Ali pictures holdings 799 million shares and cash of HK $ 1.26 billion-Zhao Wei, Ali pictures-IT information

IT news October 12, as we all know, film star Zhao Wei followed Ma investment makes a lot of money. In 2014, Zhao and his wife Ali pictures HK $ 3.1 billion investment, access to Ali 9.18% stake in the film, and become the second largest shareholder of Ali pictures. 2015 Vicki followed Ma investment Hong Kong brokerage Credit Suisse Group, and also gain a lot of money.

In recent days, according to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange latest files show, Vicki Ali, October 5 reducing 799.3 million shares shares pictures, per-share price of HK $ 1.571, stake reduced from 8.14% to 4.97%, cashing $ 1.2557 billion.

This is Vicki couples since May 4, 2015 to Ali the film stock for the second time now, the last time they reduced holdings of 256 million shares, about HK $ 998.4 million.

赵薇减持阿里影业7.99亿股份,套现12.6亿港元 - 赵薇,阿里影业 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 10月12日,众所周知,影视明星赵薇跟随马云投资赚了不少钱。2014年,赵薇夫妇曾以31亿港元投资阿里影业,获得阿里影业9.18%的股权,成为阿里影业的第二大股东。2015年赵薇又跟随马云投资香港本地券商瑞东集团,同样获利不菲。



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