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published in(发表于) 2016/10/11 8:32:27 Edit(编辑)
Why do airlines favor artificial intelligence? ,

Why do airlines favor artificial intelligence? ,(航空公司为什么青睐人工智能?,)



Why do airlines favor artificial intelligence? -Artificial intelligence, aviation, aircraft-IT information

Ranking Skytrax "best airline in the world" list of the U.A.E. air, this year launched an "interactive amenity bag." The engine room based on artificial intelligence technology application, allows passengers to pass through mobile interactive interaction between virtual and reality. Similarly, as early as 2011, Netherlands airlines will start in its home base Amsterdam Airport test of artificial intelligence robot. So far, Netherlands air passengers have a chat robot can, through its platform, confirming the cabin booking information and related services.

In order to get rid of the continued negative news exposure dilemma, compete against the underlying hardware in approaching a bottleneck after the customer experience has become the next power point of competition among airlines. In recent years, as airlines around the world gradually try to water the field of artificial intelligence, and expose a wide variety of experiences of artificial intelligence products, heat about artificial intelligence topics on how to enhance the travel experience is always high. It is clear that major core chips of aerospace giant has the soft competition brought in the field of artificial intelligence.

From a broader perspective, this is more like a solid traditional industries gradually move closer to the emerging technology industry. By the sophisticated new technology, such as data, cloud services, born of the fusion of artificial intelligence Neural network system, in addition to mimic intelligent human behaviour, but also in many more efficient ways for airlines to reduce the burden. A intelligent customer service at the same time, for example in the dialogue with the people, save a lot of manpower and training costs. For example, passengers can choose any dialogue take place, whether at the airport, the cabin, and is equipped with a WIFI flight, such interactive experiences to strengthen corporate branding to establish, or enhance the quality of services are useful. From the user's point of view, select start from the ticket, including travel management, related questions, travel information, practice, if there is a steward's Assistant, answering questions from start to finish, which will improve travel quality and feel.

In this industry trend, China Eastern Airlines last year on joint try Microsoft Small ice in the field of artificial intelligence. Access Microsoft Small ice through the background, dialogue can standardize service to passengers on the basis of the satisfaction of individual needs. Industry-leading "intention engine" can collect in a round of talks the potential needs of the users, by way of natural voice text or personalized services. But when it comes to more complicated problems, still need to manually Toggle Docking, only the combination of human and artificial intelligence can be truly "customized services" fall to the ground.

In addition, more and more artificial intelligence related products landing aviation industry, travelers have more or less had a similar experience. In accordance with the current speed of development, it is easy to see into other areas of artificial intelligence is a matter of sooner or later. And based on the experience feedback, this kind of increasingly sophisticated technologies for people living in addition to convenience, maybe has a real sense of personal satisfaction and implementation.

航空公司为什么青睐人工智能? - 人工智能,航空,飞机 - IT资讯






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