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published in(发表于) 2016/5/11 7:24:57 Edit(编辑)
Giant Intel,AMD can attack, full resurrection? ,

Giant Intel,AMD can attack, full resurrection? ,(面对巨人Intel,AMD能否进击、满血复活?,)



Giant Intel,AMD can attack, full resurrection? -Intel,AMD, Intel-IT information

AMD and Intel are among the competition is mainly concentrated in the first decade of the 21st century, when both companies matched it, and challenge each other in the innovation chips reached their peak during the period. However, AMD seems to have lost its direction, today there seems to be no on Intel's ability to pose a major threat. Whenever a competition or AMD, that "AMD daily failures" and "AMD daily rise" folk-joke to roast.

In the vast majority of PC and server markets, Intel x86 chips accounted for most of the market share, while AMD continues to lose share in the field. One of the main reasons is to chip technology, especially in a time of chips on the schema upgrade, whether on its own internal improvements, and acquisition of technology, as well as in the manufacturing process, AMD is fully behind Intel.

According to a market survey from Mercury Research report, 2015 Intel x86 processor market share as high as 87.7% in the fourth quarter, compared with 86.3% in the same period of the previous year is still growing steadily, while AMD's market share slipped from 13.6% to 12.1%.

In recent years, AMD launched a relatively smart move in order to survive, since 2013 the decision would weaken its dependence on PC chip market. This decision confirmed with the recent Intel cut 12,000 jobs in transforming your business moves in the direction of somewhat similar. Also, AMD also highlighted custom chip Business Outlook, so we in modern consoles PlayStation 4 and Xbox One pre-order are seen on the AMD processor.

Other aspects of AMD are planning to break Intel's monopoly position in the market, whether it is too early to be successful it is too early. So what does the competition really vary? AMD last year and this year implemented a series of new measures, how again next year as scheduled "up"? Here to talk about, what AMD did to better compete with Intel.

Authorized x86

Just after the first quarter of 2016, AMD released a horrible loss of earnings. However, AMD said the other new measures to increase revenue, that is to license x86 chip technology to other manufacturers. Simply put, the future we will see a different brand of x86 architecture of PC and server chips, but not from AMD or Intel, but is based on AMD's chip technology to create.

Intel and AMD both companies a x86 cross licensing agreement, AMD will now be licensed to other manufacturers, is bound to adversely affect Intel. But because mandated this way, AMD not only through licensing to get a decent income, but also can easily increase based on their chips, market share, and birds.

Late last month, AMD has officially and Tianjin optical advanced technology investment company agreed, will set up a joint venture company x86. In addition, the benefits from cooperation in China, promotion and distribution of AMD chips will be better addressed, perhaps China's home PC and server markets in the future there will be more "AMD" chip.

Some people may ask, AMD and Intel cross-license agreement is expressly prohibited this, AMD can do that? Intel does not report to AMD bankruptcy? To be honest, specific authorization the contents of the agreement it is not clear, but AMD does not authorize x86 instructions related to core technologies, and complete autonomy to design chips (such as the new Zen architecture processors) provide to a third-party OEM sales, in short, is not involved in the crossing agreement prohibited content.

Graphics card business

AMD has Intel does not possess valuable technologies, are the world's best FirePro and Radeon graphics cards. GPU graphics processing unit today is in a period of hot, not just console to high demand, and high end gaming PC market is still growing. Even Intel, also began to focus on the game, but in any case can only proceed from the CPU, AMD can be in virtual reality and games on combinations of hardware technology called Intel.

In the video card market, AMD has the strength to compete with Nvidia. However, Nvidia recently released the new flagship graphics card GeForce GTX GTX 1070 and 1080, the new Pascal 16nm process technology of architecture and advanced, from comprehensive specifications, performance and price, the next AMD latest Polaris (Polaris) video card to do win this battle seems to be not so easy.

Versatile CPU platform

ARM is undeniably moving areas of hegemony, but the ARM chip for PC or server, it is really hard to choose. But AMD tell people they can do it, because AMD's chip business is not limited to x86, in the past two years its executives repeatedly stressed the importance of flexible and diversity, so since then, AMD has stockpiled a lot of ARM architecture of chip technology. Maybe the next couple of years, we can see that AMD ARM chip into the data center business, or more embedded devices see figure.

AMD believes that chip ARM architecture with scalable performance, connectivity, energy-efficient and low cost advantages for expansion-type cloud data center, storage and network infrastructure of mainstream companies and organizations, and contribute to upgrading in a much shorter time, considerable savings in cost and complexity. As for Intel, being only a x86, it is difficult to provide second choice for data center business.


AMD's biggest wish is to ship a new generation this year code-named "Zen (ZEN)" CPU core. On the "Zen" full confidence in AMD, known as after entering the 1x nanometer era, its performance relative to the "bulldozer" schema on each clock instruction set implementation rate rose more than 40%. Zen CPU AMD CPU performance will be solved behind the advent of a great problem, as long as the Zen and that abortion, technology caught up with, hope of the shrinking performance gap is very large. Later this year the first Zen designed for desktop enthusiast chips will be released, is expected to attract some fans in the Intel camp.

The server chip market

The next two years, may is a good time for AMD to regain market share in servers again. I have to say, Intel Xeon chip excellence completely destroyed the possibility of growth AMD Opteron chips, AMD had double-digit market share in the server market, but due to the rough "bulldozer (Bulldozer)" architecture chip once again caught in a messy situation. Although Zen architecture of the AMD CPU core desktop PC platform only for the time being, but in 2017 will be for the enterprise server market orders, when AMD will win more market share in this area.

Custom chips

AMD claims that finds a decline in PC shipments of new treatment options, it is custom-chip business, this section includes a gaming machine, low-power servers, and custom embedded device chip business. Three games, gambling machines, automated teller machines and cars are AMD custom business directions, and AMD as a stable source of income. AMD custom IC business is booming at present, as long as AMD as far as possible to meet the customized needs of more customers, I believe the future will be to create more revenue.

面对巨人Intel,AMD能否进击、满血复活? - Intel,AMD,英特尔 - IT资讯



根据一份来自 Mercury Research的市场调查报告了解,2015年第四季度英特尔x86处理器的市场份额高达87.7%,与前一年同期的86.3%相比仍在稳步增长中,而AMD则从13.6%的市场份额下滑到了12.1%。

近些年,为了生存AMD展开了一些相对明智的举措,从2013年开始决定削弱其对PC芯片市场的依赖性。此决定与最近英特尔确认裁员1.2万人转变业务方向的动作有些许类似。并且,AMD还特别强调了定制芯片的业务的前景,于是我们在当代家用游戏机PlayStation 4和Xbox One上均看到了AMD特别定制的处理器。









在显卡市场,AMD拥有与Nvidia竞争的实力。不过,最近Nvidia正式发布了新旗舰显卡GeForce GTX 1080及GTX 1070,全新Pascal架构和先进的16nm工艺,从综合规格、性能及价格来看,接下来AMD最新的北极星(Polaris)显卡要干赢这场战斗似乎并不那么容易。

Versatile CPU平台




今年AMD最大的心愿就是出货新一代代号“禅(ZEN)”的CPU核心。关于“禅”AMD信心十足,号称进入1x纳米时代之后,其性能相对于“推土机”架构每时钟指令集执行率上涨幅达到了40%以上。Zen CPU的问世将进一步解决AMD CPU性能落后一大难题,只要Zen能够保证不流产,工艺方面赶上,其缩减性能差距的希望就非常大。今年下半年第一枚针对桌面发烧友设计的Zen芯片将会正式发布,预计将会吸引一部分英特尔阵营的爱好者。


今后两年,也许是AMD重新在服务器市场夺回份额的好时机。不得不说,英特尔卓越的Xeon芯片完全摧毁了AMD Opteron芯片增长的可能性,AMD曾经在服务器市场有两位数的市场份额,但是由于粗糙“推土机(Bulldozer)”架构芯片,再一次陷入了一团糟的局面。虽然AMD的Zen架构CPU核心暂时仅针对桌面PC平台,但是到了2017年将陆续为企业服务器市场交付订单,届时将为AMD赢下更多该领域的市场份额。



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