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published in(发表于) 2016/10/8 11:27:24 Edit(编辑)
China’s traffic police patrol 19 hours a day, 43891 steps,

China’s traffic police patrol 19 hours a day, 43891 steps,(中国交警一天巡逻19小时,走43891步,)



China's traffic police patrol 19 hours a day, 43891 steps-a traffic policeman, circle of friends-IT information

Now a lot of people look at the mobile phone could do two things, first, brush your circle of friends, there is a brush step ranking, if you're not a sports person, then how many steps a day? More than 40,000 more, can you believe it? 5th, due to thick fog, combined with the high return traffic, Huaian police detachment, an army captain Wu Haijun at high speed from 1 o'clock in the morning to 8:30 at high speed, while a total of 43891 step, this figure being their friends screen, forward and immediately maxed your circle of friends, while his team-mates, walking for the day at least at more than 20,000 more.

Covered more than 40,000 more, gave themselves a fright jumping

"Usually duty, daily is 10,000 step around, 5th night a see himself of micro-letter movement, found 43891 step, really scare has himself a jumped", 6th morning, in Beijing Shanghai high-speed Huaian paragraph, is road patrol of Wu Haijun told reporter, 5th night returned to home, actually was is tired, face family prepared of dishes, are food and tasteless, most wants to do of thing is sleep.

According to Wu Haijun introduction, 5th day, fog, from 1 o'clock in the morning until 8 o'clock in the morning, the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed Huaian closure. "This is our busiest time of high-speed traffic police", Wu Haijun told reporters that because of their area has three entrances, two hubs, two service areas, and he led team-mate group action. In service area, he to down walk guide vehicles ordered Park, in access mouth, also to walk on vehicles for shunt, reminded Division took personnel fog bulk Hou travel, on not understanding of some driver for publicity explained, but most driver are can understanding they, some driver see he pace hurried, also active handed mineral water to he, see he face Shang has sweat, active handed tissue, also some driving took personnel with phone photo.

"Most uncomfortable of is day by weather effect, we are mess wear clothing", Wu Haijun told reporter, morning Shang high-speed, to wear coat, but a circle go down, inside shirt all wet, morning, wear long sleeve, noon wear short sleeve, night and wear coat, stay 8 o'clock in the morning high-speed release, originally backlog in high-speed entrance of vehicles piled on, this and to road traffic added pressure, also to kept to driving patrol, dang found fault vehicles, and touch wipe accident, he had to got off walk, guide evacuation vehicles. Until 8:30, road traffic after the smooth, he went home to rest, at this point, he opened his own app, go 43891 step.

"Man, why are you walking so much?" Reporters saw in the Wu Haijun micro-circle of friends, some micro-why friends don't even believe he is gone so much? When micro-friends learn that when fighting him because he was on the high speed, micro friends understand them hard at the same time, pray that the next high speed no longer are the days of fog, so Wu Haijun and his team-mates can get more rest.

? Wu Haijun was walking to direct traffic on the freeway.

Drinking 12 bottles of mineral water, only on a toilet

Reporter understand to, Beijing Shanghai high-speed for two-way four lane, is in usually, traffic also is big, especially big truck compared more, and Wu Haijun where Brigade area one-way on has 80 several km, got off walk guide vehicles shunt, and took with microphone propaganda, and while investigation traffic violations, is he and its teammate in is past of small holiday in the daily by do of work, Wu Haijun told reporter, but they now wear of are is "province version" police with shoes--soft end of, somewhat bias Yu movement type shoes, such, feet Department not is pain, But one down leg is still sore.

Wu Haijun I micro-motion home page, reporters noted, 1-3, walk less than 10,000, and starting from the 3rd, numbers soared. "Said is go, actually are is trot, day drink has a tied, and 12 bottle mineral water, but only to has a trip toilet, because water are into sweat has", Wu Haijun told reporter, because in high-speed Shang will has many also unexpected of things occurred: 5th morning, received a bus driver alarm phone, has a passengers body does not apply, they in with police will its sent to high-speed export of while, call to 120 ambulance, but some place emergency car lane also is was social vehicles occupied, do, only got off back patients walk.

"While it is not allowed to occupy the emergency lanes, but there are still many vehicles regardless of the consequence of fines, points, take up emergency lanes", Wu Haijun told reporters, so they combined team of "five for a" hundred days of traffic operations, 5th, they destroyed 170 occupy the emergency lane violations.

In an interview, reporters heard Wu Haijun and his teammates the most is "we only officer, wouldn't say." Dang reporter asked Wu Haijun whether know he 5th day by go 43891 step equivalent to how many in road Shi, he said not clear, reporter told he, adults a step equivalent to 0.7 meters, by this calculation, he 5th day equivalent to go has more than 30 more km Shi, he laugh with told Reporter: "no wonder home Hou, bubble feet sleep has, morning up, wife said ' you last night sleep playing call is has level '".

中国交警一天巡逻19小时,走43891步 - 交警,朋友圈 - IT资讯













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