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published in(发表于) 2016/8/26 8:55:57 Edit(编辑)
EU Court: publishers can charge royalties to Google,

EU Court: publishers can charge royalties to Google,(欧盟再出招:新闻出版商可向谷歌收版税,)



EU Court: publishers can charge royalties to Google-Google, Google, EU-IT information

IT information Google was very difficult in the European Union, which constantly on issues such as taxation, competition and privacy to put pressure on Google, forcing them to make concessions or face heavy fines. Now the European Union has come up with a "coup", the European Commission is preparing a draft paper on copyright reform, which European newspaper publishers to Google and other search engines will be given the right to collect royalties.

Pointed out that the draft, as long as search engines displayed their reported pieces of content, publishers will be able to collect royalties from Google. Move will trigger greater differences between Google and the EU, and cause damage to the interests of both sides. According to the draft plan of copyright, news publishers will have online content available to the public for their "exclusive rights", which would force Google News and other online services show a fragment with the news organizations agree on new terms.

But critics pointed out that Germany and Spain had launched the activities of Google aggregate costs of news coverage, but similar efforts have failed. Google Spain compulsory fees responses in the country shut down Google News. In Germany, many publishers give up after suffering severe decline in traffic charges in order to still appear on the Google News search results. Therefore, if there is no search traffic from Google, I am afraid that all network publishers are hard to properly maintain.

欧盟再出招:新闻出版商可向谷歌收版税 - 谷歌,Google,欧盟 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 谷歌在欧盟的日子很不好过,后者不断在税收、竞争和隐私等问题上向Google施压,逼迫其做出让步,不然就面临巨额罚款。现在欧盟又想出了一个“妙招”,欧盟委员会正在拟定一份关于版权改革的草案,该草案将给予欧洲新闻出版商向谷歌等搜索引擎收取版税的权利。

草案指出,只要搜索引擎显示了他们报道的内容片段,出版商就可以因此向谷歌收取版税。此举将引发谷歌与欧盟之间产生更大的分歧,并对双方利益都造成损害。根据版权计划草案,新闻出版者将拥有把它们的在线内容提供给公众的“独家权利”,这将迫使Google News等在线服务与各家新闻机构就显示文章片段问题商定新条款。

而有批评者指出,德国和西班牙曾经发起的向谷歌收取聚合新闻报道费用的活动,但类似的努力都失败了。谷歌对西班牙强制性收费的回应是在该国关闭Google News。在德国,很多出版商在遭受流量严重下滑后选择放弃收费,以便仍能在谷歌的新闻搜索结果上出现。因此,如果没有谷歌带来的搜索流量,恐怕各家网络新闻出版商也很难正常维系。

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