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published in(发表于) 2016/10/7 8:15:14 Edit(编辑)
Whale shark leaping out of the sea to get fishing vessels, result of near misses,

Whale shark leaping out of the sea to get fishing vessels, result of near misses,(鲸鲨跃出海面蹭渔船,结果有惊无险,)



Whale shark leaping out of the sea to get fishing vessels, and near misses-the whale shark-IT information

According to the United Kingdom, the daily mail reported recently, Australia encountered when a fisherman fishing giant whale shark leapt out from the deep sea, and found that it was just to get fishing itch, full of funny scenes.

Fisherman who lives in Queensland, Jason (Jason) when fishing in the Coral Sea, suddenly found a giant whale shark made a beeline for fishing vessels to, fright moments can't help but frightened. Whale shark fishing boats turned around him for more than 10 minutes, the head rubbing back and forth in the lower part of the vessel. Then the itching of large whale sharks are not enjoyable, again with the back against the ship. Johnson said: "I thought it would spoil fishing boat, but it was very friendly, I want to jump and even swim with it. ”

Johnson said he had never met this fishing for years, does have whale sharks appear before, but they are always careful, and fishing boats at a distance.

鲸鲨跃出海面蹭渔船,结果有惊无险 - 鲸鲨 - IT资讯




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