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published in(发表于) 2016/10/6 6:05:56 Edit(编辑)
Sister Feng claimed to take United States green card and hopeless, Twitter for help to migrate to Australia,

Sister Feng claimed to take United States green card and hopeless, Twitter for help to migrate to Australia,(凤姐自称拿美国绿卡无望,微博求助移民澳洲,)



Sister Feng claimed to take United States green card and hopeless, Twitter for help to migrate to Australia-Feng-IT information

Moved to United States for many years sister Feng said tweet, own United States hopes, would like to have lawyers to help him apply for travel to Australia. In this tweet comments, netizens comments, it was the immigrant road for her "advice", was also questioned her country ... ...

Known as the "sister Feng" Luo yufeng as an outrageous ad network in China and a series of shocking speech red. Then, in 2010, her tourist visa to travel to the United States, although it has not got his green card, but still with temporary residence status in the United States so far.

Chinese network in 2015, New York Times interview, Feng said to the United States because she is not fit to stay in China, and she would go to United States to pursue dreams of becoming a Wall Street financier.

Earlier this year, a VOA interview, she also revealed to the United States once dreamed of becoming a United States President.

However, the reality is skinny, she arrived in New York after more than four years has been in and nail shop workers to earn a living.

Feng recently released micro-blog, you can see that she herself believes that the United States develop did not go smoothly:

However, Feng still appear to prefer life abroad. In previous interviews, she has repeatedly complained that because farmers in China origin, less educated and not pretty, discrimination and unfair treatment.

Therefore, the immigrant United States hope she took up the idea in other countries ... ...

Now that Feng was mentioned in the Twitter Australia, let us take a look at, her condition the possibilities of immigrants to a kangaroo?

First of all, no education and no technical (non-immigrant Professional nail) she could not apply to skilled workers. From her show's run, should also do not have enough financial resources to apply for business immigrants.

However, Feng, after all, expensive for China Red, is there for this special talent in Australia's immigration visa?

In fact, Australia is called "outstanding talent" (Distinguished Talent visa) visa, specifically for those in sports, arts and academic fields with permanent residency for people who have outstanding achievements.

The visa requirements for applicants are as follows:

In a professional, sports, arts or academic studies with internationally recognized outstanding achievements in the field;

In this area remain outstanding;

Contribution for the Australian community;

In Australia there will be no difficulty in the areas of work or independent development;

Guaranteed by qualified persons or organizations;

Meet health and have no criminal record requirements.

Current sister feng has 6.61 million followers on Twitter, I can't see any traditional industry expertise, but red in the net economy continued to heat up today, it's hard to say she had not been an eligible "exceptional talent". Therefore, the road to give it a try.

In addition, another for feng to apply for a visa was "refugee protection visa" (Protection Visa).

Many speculated that she was in the United States applied for political asylum, so will it be possible for a tourist visa, then stay on the ground so far.

Our United States immigration policies are not familiar, in Australia, if a refugee visa was granted, is to get a permanent residency (PR).

To qualify for Australian refugee visa, you must prove they were persecuted in the country of origin.

Immigration is the definition of persecution due to race, creed, national origin, political affiliation, social groups and political and other reasons arising from threats to the lives and freedom.

Feng said she often discriminated against in China, but her treatment of those not serious to the extent of becoming refugees, too?

Well, analyzed so much, would there be any Australian immigration experts are ready to take this case?

凤姐自称拿美国绿卡无望,微博求助移民澳洲 - 凤姐 - IT资讯












其实,澳洲有一种叫做“杰出人才”(Distinguished Talent visa)的签证,专门为那些在体育、艺术和学术等领域有杰出成就的人士提供永久居住权。









除此之外,另一个适合凤姐申请的签证就是“难民保护签证”(Protection Visa)。







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