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published in(发表于) 2016/6/21 9:41:18 Edit(编辑)
Korea University training “hacker“ against North Korea: free student participation

Korea University training “hacker“ against North Korea: free student participation(韩国大学培养“黑客”对战朝鲜:学生免费参与,)



Korea University training "hacker" against North Korea: free participation-hacker, Korea, North Korea-IT information

June 20, Beijing time, according to a Reuters report, Seoul, Korea University, there is a name for "network defense" professional, its course is only with a number to call, students ' identities secret to the outside world.

"Network defenses" professional from Korea China's Defense Ministry subsidies aimed at training young "keyboard warriors",

Korea and North Korea

In response to continued network conflict with North Korea. Participate in the professional students pay no tuition fees, but in Exchange they have commitments in Korea cyber warfare Department of the army served 7 years.

Although it has long been the Korean war ended in a truce reached between the parties, but Korea and North Korea is still essentially in a State of war. Apart from nuclear weapons and rockets, North Korea reportedly has a strong network of army, the army launched a series of attacks in the past three years.

Korea University defense professional founded in 2011, the first batch of students regularly enrolled in the following year.

Only willing to reveal names of 21-year-olds Noh said he has been interested in computing and network security, his father suggested that he participate in this major. It is reported that Korea all men are required to perform military service, usually for a period of up to two years.

"(7) the time is not a burden for me, it's part of my career," Noh in school science library in a room filled with computers and wall-mounted screen in the war room said. "Be a network Warrior means to give their service country. ”

As a United States ally, Korea is one of the most technologically advanced country in the world. In Korea, network controls including grids, and the banking system, but it also makes Korea very vulnerable to North Korean attacks. North Korea's infrastructure is relatively primitive, Korea to retaliate goals are few.

"Relatively speaking, Korea seems to be at a disadvantage, because we need more of the defense, while North Korea is not used or the provision of Internet," Noh said.

Korea said last year that the North network has doubled the size of the army over the past two years to 6000 people, Korea must improve its capacity to cope with this rising threat.

United States White House in October last year, Korea President Park Geun-Hye said during his visit to Washington, United States, and Korea will implement various initiatives to enhance bilateral cooperation in the area of network security, including deepening bilateral military collaboration network.

In addition to Korea University defense professional, Korea police have been expanding their network defenses, Korea Science Department and other departments in 2012, a year-long project, cultivating so-called "white hat hacker".

Nevertheless, North Korea seems to be in Korea and the United States victory of cyber-war.

According to Korea last week, police disclosed that North Korea into 160 Korea company and Government agencies more than 140000 computer, in which to plant malicious code, thus preparing long-term plans for large-scale network attacks.

In 2013, the Korea claimed North Korea attacked former Bank and broadcast equipment, computer system paralyzed for more than a week.

In addition, the United States Federal Bureau of investigation accused North Korea in 2014 against Sony Pictures network, as the company is planning to release a comedy film of the assassination of Kim Jong-UN. The attack led to Sony Pictures internal mail and many other films that are not released by revealing.

North Korea responded by saying that these allegations were "unwarranted slander".

Korea University defense professional will select up to 30 students a year, almost all of whom are boys. It said Jeong Ik-rae, a professor at Korea University, in addition to free tuition, school provides each student with 500000 won per month (about us $ 427, 2800 Yuan) living subsidies.

Network defense courses include a number of subjects, including hacking, cryptography and math, laws, students use the Internet security company donation program for offensive and defensive drills.

According to Jeong Ik-rae said, wishing to participate in this course, students need to receive three days of interviews, including medical examination. Korea military and Korea University professors will take part in the interview.

Compared to Korea's about more than 500 people, North Korean army of network far better, but Jeong Ik-rae believes that as long as gifted and highly trained team students are able to defeat the enemy.

Jeong is an expert in information security, from 2012 onwards, he began to teach the defense programs. Korea University to Israel the Talpiot program for benchmarking, which in science and technology, applied science and fighting a variety of training talented students.

"When an attack occurs, respond with a variety of skills is very important, which not only includes the defense," Jeong said. (Compile/sail)

韩国大学培养“黑客”对战朝鲜:学生免费参与 - 黑客,韩国,朝鲜 - IT资讯








“(7年)的时间对我来说并不是负担,它是我职业生涯的一部分,” Noh在学校科学图书馆内一间摆满电脑和壁挂式屏幕的作战室中说。“成为一名网络勇士意味着奉献自己,服务祖国。”











高丽大学的网络防御专业每年会挑选最多30名学生,其中几乎全是男生。据高丽大学教授Jeong Ik-rae表示,除了免除学费,学校还每月为每位学生提供500000韩元(约427美元,人民币2800元)的生活补助费。


据Jeong Ik-rae透露,希望参加这一课程的学生需要接受为期三天的面试,其中包括体格检查。韩国的军官和高丽大学教授均会参与面试。

相比韩国的约500多人,朝鲜的网络军团人数远远占优,不过Jeong Ik-rae认为,只要具备天赋且训练有素,一队小组学员也能打败敌人。



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