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published in(发表于) 2016/10/2 12:37:12 Edit(编辑)
The truth: the transfer of ICANN, United States did not give up control of the Internet,

The truth: the transfer of ICANN, United States did not give up control of the Internet,(真相:移交ICANN,美国并未放弃互联网控制权,)



The truth: the transfer of ICANN, United States did not give up control of the Internet-the United States, the Internet-IT news

Related: target global governance: the United States formally hand over the rights to the Internet domain name administration

On October 1, when you are through cell phones, laptops or desktop computers connected to the Internet, may not feel any different. But decades in the history of the Internet, this day may have special significance.

On this day, United States Government finally hand over the rights to the Internet domain name administration "Internet Corporation for assigned names and numbers" (ICANN), the core resources of the Internet to an end nearly 20 years of one-sided monopoly.

Followed the problem is that United States did really gave up control of the Internet?

In fact, this "right" is not the United States Government is willing, but the little concession under strong pressure from the international community. Meanwhile, United States Government and it is not just "turn right", but stringent precondition is set, namely to the "global Internet community interest" and set up a complex system of checks and balances in order to keep themselves in the form of a "right" still has an invisible control .

Headquartered in the United States, California, nonprofit international organization ICANN was established in 1998, in accordance with United States Department of Commerce national telecommunications and information administration under the contracts, it assumes the management of the global Internet domain name system, Internet Protocol (IP) address allocation, Protocol parameter configuration, and root server system management functions, while the national telecommunications and information administration on the operation of this body has the final say.

Since ICANN was first established, United States Government on the promise that the future will hand over the rights to the Internet domain name system management, but have been "little wool". Until 2013, the "snow event" exposure of United States intelligence agencies after large-scale monitoring of the Internet, in order to calm the anger of the international community, United States announced in March 2014, accelerate the transfer process.

United States Internet research specialist at the University of Southern California Hongyu said that United States Internet top-level domain name allocation, the Government has maintained monopoly control of unilateralism, constitute a single geopolitical and military deterrence, so unpopular in the world. "Snow event" laid bare the United States claims to be the "guardian of the open Internet" sham, seriously undermining its moral foreign policy based on the Internet.

Meanwhile, the Internet has changed from a cutting-edge technology for global infrastructure, countries around the world step by step legal norms. In this situation, if also at the most basic level of Internet resources to maintain a State prerogative, not too much sense, but United States Government into the passive. These are the United States finally decided to "hand over power" an important factor.

As the United States national telecommunications and information Council recently in a copies background statement in the by admitted, has long, United States Government in Internet domain name system management in the of role "has been is let foreign Government discontent of a source", some national so calls for by United Nations, and International Telecommunications Union or new established a Government between institutions to took over domain name system management right, "if United States Government not completed this a power of transfer, States to multilateral Government run way replaced more interests stake mode of calls only will increasingly high ".

It should be said that in the United States national telecommunications and information administration after the surrender of control over ICANN, seemingly United States administrative intervention on domain name management ability greatly reduced, but the United States has full use of the power to last for some time, for ICANN's future evolution of foreshadowing, "multi-stakeholder model" is the key.

The so-called "multi-stakeholder model", includes academia, civil society organizations, industry groups and the Government, including a diverse participation. However, in order to avoid after the handover of power by a Government or a third-party control or "hostile takeover", in the terms of surrender, governmental and intergovernmental organizations are limited to policy advisory role. Over 160 countries of the Government as a whole as an Advisory Committee to participate, consensus must be reached within the Commission can publish policy recommendations.

Thus, ICANN took over rights to the Internet domain name administration after independence are more likely to "privatization", rather than a multilateral Government-run. This is inconsistent with claims of other countries of the world.

Has written several monographs of the global Internet governance United States Professor Georgia Institute of mierdun·mile think, which Internet governance is an "important innovation". He told Xinhua that "This marked national sovereignty to sovereignty of the people in cyberspace. "But he also acknowledged that needs this model starts to run only after know if practical.

Worth noting is that Internet giant "multi-stakeholder model" will play an important role, and the United States will is much stronger than in other countries business, hardware and software technology, and talent advantage continues to remain relevant.

Hongyu that, while "global Internet community interest" in principle support the involvement of multiple, but Internet companies have enormous influence, so the transfer access to Amazon, Google, giants such as Cisco systems, Microsoft and Facebook support, and these are United States companies. In addition, most commercial value of domain assets, such as the largest top-level domain. "com", ranking fifth. "net" in United States business weiruixin hands, does not change with the handover of power , "the political and economic structure of the domain name industry has not changed for the time being."

In addition, the future of Internet governance, United States law also still exists. United States national telecommunications and information administration laolunsi·shitelikelin, the Secretary has said that ICANN will "has been and will continue to be (United States) restriction of anti-monopoly law." Rights programme also made clear that the Agency's headquarters are still in California, must comply with local laws.

Obviously, in the process of transfer of rights to the Internet domain name administration, the applicable law is a focus of discussions. Miller noted that the United States Government, especially the impact on ICANN enforcement and the Executive actually decreases, but the United States will continue to influence the institutions of law. He further explained that ICANN is an international institution, so once the Act is considered to create or increase a monopoly, not only may be subject to United States antitrust law investigations in China or Europe might accept the same antitrust law investigations.

In the long run, ICANN is it possible in the future in the United States as outside Switzerland built a parallel body to enhance its international legitimacy, is still unknown.

Obviously, United States "hand power" a step towards world governance of the Internet, but the Internet to really get rid of United States stealth control, there is still a long way to go and many challenges to face.

真相:移交ICANN,美国并未放弃互联网控制权 - 美国,互联网 - IT资讯





















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