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published in(发表于) 2016/9/28 13:04:29 Edit(编辑)
The secret of Bill Gates, richest man in the world: Microsoft,

The secret of Bill Gates, richest man in the world: Microsoft,(比尔盖茨保持世界首富的秘密:靠的竟不是微软,)



The secret of Bill Gates, richest man in the world: Microsoft-gates, Buffett-IT information

Xiao bian recently, this United States Americans are embarrassed to make the general election, said many polls, both people want to do. They want to pick? Many people give answers is this ↓

Bill Gates, though not in politics, but the big absolute number.

His total of 17 times in 30 years with Forbes richest man of the year 2016 's personal wealth is equivalent to United States GDP 0.5%, beyond GDP in 162 countries and regions in the world ...

Despite the recent news that Gates ' personal wealth was founder of the ZARA amanxiao·aotejia catching up, but small series to say, Gates has donated US $ 27 billion, Ortega had donated how much?

Maybe in your mind, gates to make money is to Microsoft ... Too simple, in fact, Microsoft is only 1/8 per cent of its wealth, but in recent years, Gates has been holdings of Microsoft stock, so here's the thing: what did he make money?

To answer this question, small today 818 gates and his mentor, "God" between Buffett's story, we moved well little bench, learning new skills to make money ~

To say the two men, initially despise each other. Inside Gates think Buffett's stock, the sale of a piece of paper, no technical content; gates and Buffett is a bit young in addition to the computer knows nothing. Both are like two parallel lines, in order to let the two lines intersect, there was a man who played an important role, Gates is his mother ↓ ↓

Gates ' mother called Mali·maikesiweier·gaici, a bovine mother, used to be the Council of the University of Washington, is still the Chairman of the Executive Board of the United Way Association of America's first female, and first Interstate Bank's first female Director. Very wide network of bovine mother, 20-year old Bill Gates dropped out of Harvard, just creating little Microsoft can work with IBM research and development of PC machine, because of IBM's then-Chairman, with cattle and mother is a friend, cow mother used his reputation to his son to make the guarantee.

In 1991, Gates has been the PC industry billionaire, but Microsoft wants to expand its business, alone was so busy writing code can be anywhere. One day, the bovine mother and a phone call to his son, said MOM home made a party, come, Buffett will come.

That year, Gates 35 years, Buffett, 60 years old. Reluctantly, they accepted an invitation of bovine mother. He drove off in his car, Gates sat at his helicopter, greeting every two sentences on the Flash people.

The result, love at first sight, too late ...

That day, two people talk to each other, talking for hours. While Gates bafeiteanli a PC machine, but Buffett and no orders on the spot, but a few days later, he bought 100 shares of Microsoft stock.

Liangweiyiwan billionaires met for the first time didn't do any business, but it became an important start of friendship between them. Small series, it's very rare when people around you think about is money, it's hard to find friendship.

Since then, the gates opened the learning process with Buffett. He learn, learning to play bridge, to learn to play golf, talk business, played table tennis with ... ...

Buffett is such a good teacher, teaching students not to let students pay.

In this way, the gates with Warren for 25 years. Last year, Warren Buffett at the helm of Berkshire Hathaway, the 50 anniversary of the gates made in their own personal website on the Gates Notes sent a long article about his 25 years three things to learn from Warren Buffett, also put a lot of thought he had good pictures, we take a look at.

Gates, Buffett personally, not just great friends, is a great teacher. First thing he follows Warren Buffett is not just for investment and investment.

Buffett has a very well-known theory called value investing , he done good analogy: If you see something of value, and you can afford to buy, then just to win, don't think about this stuff may be cheaper next month. (This theory may sound simple, but difficult to operate ... )

And when you put your money down, don't count on pouring money tomorrow to look long term. (You can now prepare for retirement ... )

Gates and Buffett learned the second thing is to use your platform, make friends.

Buffett is a man of humor, Gates said few people could say would make him laugh so ↓ but he has the knack.

And funny, and make money, more natural friends. In addition to gates, Warren circle of friends which is not cool, and even the United States President Barack Obama heard about Buffett's prostate cancer will take the initiative to call the condolences.

We don't think that Warren's friend just wanted to touch him, and honestly, the idea of bosses is: we work together and fight. Warren Buffett once said that people have to invest in their ability, with the expansion of the circle of friends, borders will be more and more vast.

Gates and the third thing he learned, is the most important small series, are value time.

No matter how much money you can't buy time. Buffett has been a cherished time, meaningless things not to do. But it is a trusted person, he was very generous in the time.

Buffett is busy enough, the family said that his regular travel distance never exceeded beyond Nebraska. But in 1995, when Gates invited Buffett to the mysterious Orient, China travel, Warren did not want to promise. This is a family trip, without any commercial purpose, playing for 17 days. From Beijing to Urumqi, Xian, three gorges and Hong Kong and other places, by train through the land of China.

Buffett later recalled the day a scene when they are traveling together in China, watched the river tow boat Tracker, Buffett said those boat trackers may have another Bill Gates, but he was born here, is destined for a lifetime so hard to pull the boat. We have access to such wealth success is purely luck.

It sounded real sad, but CCTV in 2010, Buffett came to China for the third time, please do the show with those boat trackers, trackers have also found good homes are built a 7-story building.

Gates learned from Buffett's three things that benefit all his life, he is no longer confined to the tech industry, but to invest so much ↓ diversified composition of wealth makes him comfortably the world's richest man on the throne for 17 years.

The Bill and Melinda Gates part of the portfolio of the Trust Fund (December 31, 2015)

Richest person in the world to make money reading experience, you have a little inspiration? Gates once said: If you are born poor, it's not your fault if still poor when I leave this world, that's your problem.

Small series have always felt that people have a correct Outlook on life, values, world view, wealth is also important for young people. In this regard, perhaps we can't like Gates a key called Buffett's phone, listening to God teachings, but we also have our mentor.

比尔盖茨保持世界首富的秘密:靠的竟不是微软 - 盖茨,巴菲特 - IT资讯





也许在你的印象中,盖茨赚钱就是靠微软啊。。。too simple,事实上,微软只占其财富的1/8,而且最近这些年,盖茨一直在减持微软股票,那么问题来了:他究竟靠什么赚钱?











就这样,盖茨跟着股神一学就是25年。去年是巴菲特执掌伯克希尔哈撒韦50周年,盖茨特意在自己的个人网站Gates Notes上发了一篇长长的文章,讲述他25年来从巴菲特身上学到的三件事,还贴了许多他自认为拍得不错的照片,我们一起来看一看。

















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