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hpmailer published in(发表于) 2013/11/28 8:45:12 Edit(编辑)
Sided cat: head tide, leather merchant’s life,

Sided cat: head tide, leather merchant’s life,(李国庆批天猫:逆潮流而动,革商家的命,)

Sided cat: head tide, merchant of leather-cat, Li guoqing, General online-IT information Sided cat: head tide, leather merchant's life

On November 28, held today at the 8th annual online retail, dangdang CEO sided shared his judgment to present different retailer business model.

Sided view that cat was commercial real estate, whose business model is "does not control the supply chain, does not control the price and does not participate in running water into, making fixed capital". However, this model has its weaknesses, such as fake.

When model sided regarded department store. Short-term real estate model could be very popular, but he was looking forward to when you can go deeper in the Department store model, businesses with life and death.

When CEO Li guoqing

However, in the context of current business pursuit of profit, Li guoqing think cats are moving in reverse currents, because the cat in advertising costs charged to the merchant, merchant of leather.

In addition, said Li guoqing, cat category mode is not mainstream, and if you can give the user more choice, price ", well, it's back to business." However, sided still regard cats as the benchmark for the industry, he hoped the cat listed later, which allows him to see clearly the future.

As for the future, sided view, because there is no culture of mergers and acquisitions in China, so many competitive situation will continue; the price war will be unavoidable, even if you have very good user experience and service, retailers and brands, online and offline translations beats will continue.

Sided speech has been reminded repeatedly of the organizers to speed up, so when talking about O2O, sided only simply said, "never did."


李国庆批天猫:逆潮流而动,革商家的命 - 天猫,李国庆,当当网 - IT资讯










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