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published in(发表于) 2016/9/28 13:04:07 Edit(编辑)
Chinese college girl trapped as much “naked credit storm“: a monthly 20%, no topless,

Chinese college girl trapped as much “naked credit storm“: a monthly 20%, no topless,(中国多地高校女生陷“裸贷”风波:月息20%,还不上钱就发裸照,)



Chinese college girl trapped as much "naked credit storm": a monthly 20%, topless-naked credit without money, the loan-IT information

5000 bucks, for a lot of people probably just enough to buy a cell phone, but "naked credit circles" are sufficient to lure cash-strapped nude photos of female college students, loan sharks, and no money to pay the seller the body fall into the trap.

Alice: Zhang ya is one of the victims. Were younger than 20 years old, she came to liaocheng in one county in Sichuan province a year ago some schools and more than two months ago, she borrow the treasure platform to borrow from one of 5000 Yuan, now long past the day of repayment, lenders break, she could only agree to their demands, their mercy.

Nude loan can change your fate, relying on classmates chipped in repayment

September 26 is the last loan grace Alice: Zhang ya, creditors would have declared, and if you still don't pay, then two self portrait of naked videos and nude, along with her family, University information, will be posted on the school stick and QQ Group.

Before the start of the summer vacation this year, Alice: Zhang ya Bao platform got a 5000 loan, borrow, mutually agreed interest 20% per month, for a period of one month. At the request of creditors, she photographed her topless indecent and a 5-minute video, video she put the card on chest and other parts of the body and constantly posed, finished in the hands of each other.

Alice: Zhang ya know the consequences of not money, so she hurried back before the year begins in September. Sichuan home came as rice season on 8 September, she had to drop work, back to school ideas or money. "Doing some part-time jobs, but is there any way, in addition to the debt, and 4000 does not fill on next semester's tuition. ”

Xiaoyu and because with the Sichuan girl nude loans faced life a few months ago. After a business failure let her on the back more than 30,000 yuan debt, so she had to bare emergency loans. Because the expiration is not on money, creditors are currently around "selling" her, born in 1996, Szechuan, each month "dues" list price is 7000 Yuan, she can also go along with men in the field.

In fact in addition to Alice: Zhang ya and Yu, currently has a significant number of College female students fall into naked credit trap, a large number of video pictures were leaked. Journalists collecting information in recent months, Shandong, Beijing, Guangdong, Jiangsu, Sichuan, hundreds of women are victims.

"Naked credit is terrible, if not money, even my parents receive a DUN SMS, or naked pictures of children. "A person familiar with the matter said, after a female student of a University in Yantai nude loans overdue, lenders all DUN, last by dorm people clubbed together to ride out the storm. Middle school girls is less than within the province, as in take naked when his class's QQ number, late a lot of strangers every day Add Group, the current has been set to prohibit anyone to join this group.

It is understood that a year ago one of the earliest nude loans emerged in the South of the campus, lenders also present within the province, many female students in Jiangsu, Guangdong and other places. "Campus loans have many years ago, some students in order to meet the high consumer demand for someone to borrow, but repayment ability is very low, so many overdue, bad debts, then some lenders think ' naked credit ' in this way, because women in general are more loving face. "Working on campus near the University City of Jinan Changqing loans to people familiar with the matter said. "However, a lot of girls don't deserve our sympathy, not because they were naked credit for the emergency, but to buy high-end electronic products or to fall in love. "One nude of loan lenders, Lianyungang, Jiangsu Province, said Xu Kai.

Nude credits to buy iPhone to borrow money to save dog

QQ Group, lending the treasure, which is grafted nude loan borrowers "business" of two major bridges, lenders published advertisements in a QQ Group, have borrowing needs of female college students going to private lenders, negotiate the conditions, parties will borrow the treasure platform for funds transfers.

"Female nude, ignoring all black households, borrowing treasure, as long as the higher Yen value, accepted the interview, lines of up to 30,000. "In a business QQ Group in the province, one of the lenders crowding the screen with ads in a row. Near the University City of Jinan Changqing, this borrowing small ads are found in many places. New season has just begun, gathering of freshman in all directions and sometimes stop to take a wait-and-see the above content, there is a bold call for consultation.

"For those of us private loan, monthly interest 20% is normal. "Xu Kai said that the so-called private loans is not through formal financial company, both sides relied on borrowing network platform to complete the formalities such as Bao, the main customer groups are students, and each September is high season. "Repayment pressure on summer and coming back a lot of children on the one hand, on the other hand new students can borrow money to buy things that we like. "Xu Kai was right, just one day in September, he released 17 nude loans, borrowers are mostly college students, many young girls have internships or work.

Contact for more than a month's time, gradually gained confidence after each other, the reporter became Xu Kai and a lender in Beijing Li Bo in the Shandong area agents, as long as the Shandong girls naked credit, line will be introduced to reporters here, make a "business", 2% interest Commission on-line extraction.

The evening of August 26, this reporter received the first "business".

Warm is the King of the borrower, Weihai huancui district electronic enterprise quality inspector, who just turned 20 years old this year, 11 o'clock reporter got through the phone, says it needs to borrow $ 3000 Yuan. "Teddy the dog in the House is sick, need to borrow money to see a doctor, listen to friends ' naked loan ' letter quickly, so come try it. "During the conversation, Wang Nuan said that his monthly wages around 15th, absolute power payments, just as anxious to think this way. "Don't want to trouble your friends and family, and I accept the provision of identity cards, the guarantor and the naked ID photos. ”

"Prostitution to save dog," Xu Kai is not surprising. In his six months of nude in credit management, loan girl reason strange. "Love, need the money, buy iPhone without money, there are business needs money. "Xu Kai to reporters showed an edited and prepares to send a text message:" XX is your daughter three months ago to require abortionists to lend the company RMB 5000 Yuan, due not to send video. ”

Released to naked force, advised girl sold her body

"Alice: Zhang ya is also part of the money, something a few days ago. "Lenders said Li Bo, Alice: Zhang ya naked credit is he released, after the ultimatum, Alice: Zhang ya is chipped, 800 bucks back in early September, but a far cry from the total distance.

"It's not money, we can give you rich boss, so that you can pay back the money, also has a fixed source of income. "Lenders released to naked force," good faith "to persuade. According to reports, Alice: Zhang ya to chip in, went back to school after the lender conditions, willing to sell the body chipped in.

In order to understand the experience of the woman-child, paid 1500 Yuan "Bao", reporters rushed to liaocheng, met in a café of this 20 year old girl.

Clutching the iphone6S phone, wipe the screen from time to time, Alice: Zhang ya ponytail under a green face. Although it is in a public place, but for the first time to show her pretty tight, in conversation with his head down, looking at each other.

Alice: Zhang ya introduced, she was born in a small mountain village in a County, Sichuan, as patriarchal culture seriously, from small to large home and love the "not very aggressive" younger brother. Coming back, my brother took money from home go to Internet cafes to play games all day, as sister Alice: Zhang ya to be under paddy crop, an unguarded sting blood by leech on the leg. Opening soon, MOM and dad did not afford her tuition and living expenses, Zhang Yaxin semester all expenditures need to work to achieve.

Southwest from mountain villages to the coastal provinces, Alice: Zhang ya come to the city for the first time. The first year she privately visited Jinan, Qingdao and other cities in the province, horizons gradually open, see dorm girls with high-end electronic products, leave a cruel net lending platform when borrowing money to buy an iPhone.

"I kind of hate those lenders. "Into a pay wall Alice: Zhang ya said.

Bad loans of more than 50%, net profit 10%

Sold her body for money or delay repayment period, Xu Kai are also common. After paying 10 Yuan, Xu Kaifa gave reporters two faceless video. In the first video, a nude girl read already drawn up contract: "my name is xx, this borrowed RMB 5000 Yuan, 20% of the monthly, I fail the consequences themselves. "Up to 5 minutes of video in the second paragraph, is Xu Kai and the girl's picture. "The Jiangsu girl long ago borrowed money, expires on not only occurs after a relationship, I give her the grace of a month's time. ”

On the night of September 20, Xu Kai suddenly personal reporter, "a girl for you, you here in Shandong. "Later did reporters know, Xu say this girl is from Weihai in King of the warming. Although, of course, not getting money from journalists here, but Xu Kai still naked credit "norm" borrowed 3000 pieces to her.

Unfortunately, warm and Wang failed to repay the money, Xu Kai, temptation, she had to sell her body. "Don't ask anything, you want to feel fit to Weihai, I accompany you, you give me the money. "In the face of various questions from reporters, King heating and apparent reluctance to say much more.

But in an interview, Shandong's own nude loan lender told reporters that the default rate on this line in 50%, in some areas even more than the 70%. "Money really isn't very good recovery, I was considering pulling out. "Said Xu Kai, his previous release 20 naked credit, most have become bad debts, only 5 people can be reached, the rest of the changed cell phone number, could not be contacted at all.

According to statistics from reporters in Jinan, Dongying, Yantai, Qingdao and other places there are at least hundreds of girls involved in a "bare loan", its age at 22 years of age, including "00" after high school, after some delayed for half a year. "Although a lot of people didn't want to pay back the money at the outset, but we also have many means. "Xu Kai said that even if default rates so high, but they can still make money, and net profit margin is above 10%.

Using naked credit information was liquidated by bad debt, Xu Kai the lender what other activities?

中国多地高校女生陷“裸贷”风波:月息20%,还不上钱就发裸照 - 裸贷,贷款 - IT资讯


































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