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published in(发表于) 2016/9/26 14:33:15 Edit(编辑)
Man ID card fraudulent use of credit, 4 years 79 million of indebtedness,

Man ID card fraudulent use of credit, 4 years 79 million of indebtedness,(男子身份证被人冒用借贷,4年负债7900万元,)



Man ID card fraudulent use of credit, 4 annual 79 million in debt-information security, credit report-IT information

Recently, Liu Hanting lived for nearly 20 years in Shenzhen is reflected to reporters, from 2012, the identification information to have someone with, around and act as legal representative for several companies in Shenzhen to borrow over four years so far, 32 cases involved, has debt of more than 79 million.

In this case, Liu Hanting family has been living a scary day. "We can't have any assets, either fixed assets or intangible assets, and two daughters also DUN life threats. "Liu Hanting said.

And Liu Hanting cannot understand is that after his efforts prove innocence, the Court is up to 32 court case lists himself as a defendant, and included in the credit performance in the list itself.


"370,000 DUN call from the Minsheng Bank"

More than 20 years ago, was born in huilai, Guangdong's Liu Hanting came to Shenzhen to do temporary work. But in more than 20 years later in 2011, the family had a peaceful life suddenly made waves.

According to Liu Hanting introduces, in a 2011 card routine checks, he was the heart of a police check to its identification and networking system does not match the picture, avatar is another strange man that appears, then taken to the police station for examination.

Liu Hanting told reporters: "at the heart of the civilian police to check my identity card, suspected that my identity was fake. I thought it was a simple mistake. ”

That year, Liu Hanting home jinghai, huilai, Guangdong Border Defense police station replaced a new identity card, the thought that this thing will come to an end, but a year after the DUN phone plays to come.

Liu Hanting on December 8, 2012, he got a call from a bank in Shenzhen, collection letters, saying that he owed the Bank a 370,000.

"Telephone that said, I have a credit card, overdraft amount to 370,000 yuan, I was stunned, puzzled, because I don't have to handle the business of the Bank. "Liu Hanting said.

Liu Hanting told reporters when he responded by telephone say they never owned credit card business in the Minsheng Bank and Minsheng bank asking for evidence of open business.

"Results of Minsheng Bank can say what my ID number, name and address, and then I went to the Bank, clerk saw me, say not this person, photo does not match the" Liu Hanting said.

In the ensuing two days, Liu Hanting on December 10 to the Minsheng bank reconciliation information found in Bank registration is a picture completely different from himself, but with his identity card number and address exactly the same copy of your ID card.

In this regard, at the time, could not be contacted to comment on bank-related members of the people's livelihood.


Out 32 cases involving a number of banks and loan companies

Liu Hanting discovered his 2011 networking for the new ID card and did not use his information back, as long as a brush-ID, avatar is above another strange man appears.

According to Liu Hanting told reporters, after the Bureau of investigation investigations, Futian, Shenzhen, the fraudulent use of their ID card at the strange man really named Liu Peiwei, now by the Shenzhen Futian police on suspicion of the crime of contract fraud, as cyber pursuit.

Reporter Liu Hanting this confirmed to the Futian Public Security Bureau official, the source said, had indeed learned that Liu Hanting ID card about the fraudulent use of registered companies by Liu Peiwei borrowing, currently Liu Peiwei police as escape.

Liu Hanting Express, another take his ID information called "Liu Hanting" opened a company in Shenzhen, and in the name of the company was borrowing, and in the major banks in Shenzhen to offer higher credit card cash, in 2012, the risk of employing disappeared, leaving their debt sustainability.

National enterprise information system data show that Liu Peiwei take Liu Hanting ID for the company Shenzhen Yulin space art decoration co., Ltd. As of September 22, according to the media company in the country of registration of enterprise information system data addresses visited, is not the existence of Shenzhen Yulin art decoration co.

Reporters ask nearby property managers, he told reporters, before the company did exist, but later he did not know when removed.

Journalist discovered through national enterprise information system data, January 04, 2016, the company through the registration of residence or place of business cannot be contacted by the South Hill market supervision authority the list of operating anomalies.

According to several court processes open Shenzhen Liu Hanting data show that he is involved in as many as 32 civil action, proceedings the applicants ranged from the personal to the banks to private lending companies.

Liu Hanting said of the 32 in the civil suit, including the decision and the case is being prosecuted in succession, have produced decisions in proceedings, he does not accept the Court's summons, also did not attend the hearing.

Journalist login queries on-line proceedings service platform of the Shenzhen Court found that Liu Hanting 32 cases involved civil cases, including the Industrial Bank, Shenzhen Commercial Bank, the agricultural Bank of China and a number of involved.

In this connection, the reporter called Société Générale retail center related people, said Liu Hanting has indeed come and we reflected on this thing, we have put the matter into the headquarters there.

In addition, the call is responsible for the agricultural Bank of China, and Liu Hanting Deputy Counsel for the case, Guangdong Ka Tak law firm lawyers, he said, did know this thing, this thing has been for years.

Subsequently, the reporter a number of agricultural Bank of China Shenzhen branch to verify, as of press time, no response.

Among them, according to a report issued by Liu Hanting Shenzhen Commercial Bank and loan contracts with these companies, these companies to a commercial bank loan of 30 million yuan in Shenzhen, the loan term from the date of the issuance of the loan, for 96 months.

"The banks and lenders are now you DUN, I told them truthfully reflect the situation, but there is always someone to Dun to us, I am now afraid of any assets, travel was restricted. "Liu Hanting told reporters.

In this connection, the reporter called a commercial head office in Shenzhen, after specific enquiry, the head of the event told reporters on September 23, investigate this matter is currently being verified.


Banks have modified Liu Hanting personal credit

Liu Hanting 2 provided to the reporter through micro-credit dispute letter of reply shows that after repeatedly with proofs and proof-reading his own handwriting of huilai County Public Security Bureau, some banks have made changes to his personal credit report.

Reporter Liu Hanting offers 2 personal credit above objections see response letter, Guangdong Development Bank, Shenzhen branch and Industrial Bank Liu Hanting credit reports have been modified.

Worth noting is, according to Liu Hanting said, there are some banks felt that he provide proof of huilai County Public Security Bureau not directly to explain the situation, refused to change the credit, if it comes to the Minsheng Bank, agricultural Bank, have become bad debts.

In response, as of press time, agricultural Bank of China Minsheng Bank, could not be contacted to comment on this.

Liu Hanting told reporters, he hoped that the relevant departments would check to help manufacture false identities of persons, clarifying relevant facts to the public at an early stage, himself no stranger to carry over "79 million" debt, as well as their normal life.

男子身份证被人冒用借贷,4年负债7900万元 - 信息安全,征信报告 - IT资讯









































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