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published in(发表于) 2016/9/26 14:33:07 Edit(编辑)
CCTV: online shop selling a weapon earns 20,000 yuan a month, micro-transactions in private,

CCTV: online shop selling a weapon earns 20,000 yuan a month, micro-transactions in private,(央视:网店卖凶器月赚2万元,私下微信交易,)



CCTV: online shop selling a weapon earns 20,000 yuan a month, micro-transactions-private firearms sale, circle of friends-IT information

IT news , CCTV reported, sale items in the circle of friends is a very common thing. However, the open sale of dangerous contraband to cross the red line of the law. Recently, the Heilongjiang Qiqihar police busted a network sales of gun violence-related cases.

Zhalong Nature Reserve a app called "hard goods" business friends post videos, openly peddling dangerous contraband. Police investigations revealed that, who calls himself "hard goods" sellers, not friends published the man in the video, but a single mother.

Yuan an account, according to the suspect, and her friends in danger of selling contraband, as well as parts for Assembly of firearms are purchased through the network. So what is the actual situation? CCTV reporters tried in several online stores. The results can really buy.

Yuan Tan police officers with electric batons in the circle of friends, said an online mall can get, the reporter found by keyword search, similar products, prices are around four hundred or five hundred Yuan.

The reporter then contacted an online, according to this online shop customer service introduction, adds shop app, micro-letter from customer service at a glance, according to reports, this stick is police officers with electric batons, can break bricks, glass and other hard objects and holding the stick does not constitute an offence. Owner introduced, takes only micro-transfer to mail home batons, purchase very easy.

Zhihou, reporters in Taobao shops found selling bow, rifle, air guns, crossbows and accessories shop. Several businesses expressed need and QQ, the app can be purchased, and crossbow, handcuffs and other products can be purchased, and installation guide. In order to sell products, some shopkeepers also released some video in the app. A shopkeeper in Tan micro-letter Bill shows that in August alone, the flow more than 20,000 yuan.

Reporters found that businesses in the goods only online shopping platform which is designed to attract customers, but few deals are generally carried out on micro-transactions.

Suspect account Yuan Mou, shipping business very carefully, would not reveal the real identity. Police say businesses buy sell, basic inventory, is forwarded to the arrival of goods, and now police are tracing.

央视:网店卖凶器月赚2万元,私下微信交易 - 枪支,买卖,朋友圈 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 据央视报道,在朋友圈里买卖物品是很普遍的事情。但是,公开买卖危险违禁品就跨越了法律的红线。近日,黑龙江齐齐哈尔警方就破获了一起网络销售涉枪涉暴物品的案件。








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