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published in(发表于) 2016/9/25 19:42:47 Edit(编辑)
Telecom fraud not only losses: the hidden damage is difficult to measure,

Telecom fraud not only losses: the hidden damage is difficult to measure,(电信诈骗不仅经济损失:隐性危害损失难以估量,)



Telecom fraud not only losses: the hidden damage is difficult to measure-Telecom fraud-IT information

Today, many people see unfamiliar number calls are wary or not answering, or directly hang; "referring to justice shall be hung up the phone" and other fool-proof Guide, affect the normal work of some departments; someone mistakenly put the Red Cross telephone scam calls, missed opportunities to save lives ... ... Also, express phone are mistaken for harassing phone calls, some units in Beijing for "5" prefix telephone troubled, outsiders not code "010" phone, and so on.

Modern means of communication with each passing day, at your convenience, reduce the social cost of economic and social life at the same time, but it also makes Telecom fraud like a cancer, due to the proliferation of advanced communications technology and more ferocious,. Many people complain of harassing phone calls and prevent psychological tension behind, may also not realize that Telecom fraud terrible cancer hazards. Because the Telecom scam brings property and even loss of life not only for the direct victims, also exacerbated the distrust between people and people, increasing social costs, undermine the cornerstone of social trust and bring more "secondary disasters".

People always say that, trust, is a simplified mechanism of social complexity. Modern skyscrapers need social trust cornerstone support, would then collapse. Basic lack of trust, like social ulcer and let it grow, will lose the cohesion of society, will not only increase the social costs, hindering national development and psychological barriers to people, make people insecure, led to increased internal friction in society and conflicts, undermine social harmony.

In fact, telecommunications fraud, as erosion undermines social trust, damage far greater than the general lack of credibility, no one has no reason to turn a blind eye on Telecom fraud. Therefore, we focus not only on explicit harm caused by Telecom fraud, should pay more attention to Telecom fraud undermines social trust, disrupting social order, increasing the social cost of hidden hazards. Recurring problems faced by more and more use of reason found on the rule of law from the law; the more harm social trust cornerstone of crime, the more search strategies using the system from mechanism. Thus, relevant functional departments should promote the State governance system and management modernization of height, more emphasis on Telecom fraud against more actively to take effective measures to eradicate it.

Lower running costs, increase the degree of trust between the members of society, strengthening the construction of forward at the same time, black sheep must be severely punished. It is regrettable that, on the one hand, some carriers instead of creating healthy environments for consumers, but with bad businesses, personal information, dealers, bulk SMS, bulk equipment sales enterprises to form a Alliance of interests of the company, on the weak regulatory, objectively connived at the arrogance of criminals. Therefore, preventing telecommunications fraud "secondary disasters" impact on society, fundamental strategy is related functions to correct understanding, show sincerity and vigour of heavy turbulence.

Phone numbers and bank accounts are two core elements of telecommunications fraud, wants deeper investigation uncovered involved, recovery of arrears cheated and should not be too difficult. And "Xu Yuyu" after national concern is raised, 6 arrested all persons involved in a few days, it is enough to note, Telecom fraud is not incurable, can cure diseases, management of all parties concerned, to promote the modernization of national governance systems and governance capacity has no responsibility.

电信诈骗不仅经济损失:隐性危害损失难以估量 - 电信诈骗 - IT资讯







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