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published in(发表于) 2016/7/9 8:04:00 Edit(编辑)
QQ Download 4 terrorist video of men detained for half a month fine of 10,000,

QQ Download 4 terrorist video of men detained for half a month fine of 10,000,(男子QQ下载4段恐怖主义视频,拘留半个月罚款一万,)



QQ Download 4 terrorist video of men, detained for half a month fine of 10,000-terrorism, QQ video-IT news

Shandong wendeng youth Tan one downloaded from the Internet and store 4 video involving terrorism, contrary to the anti-terrorism law, was 15th in administrative detention, fined 10,000 yuan. This is the first in Weihai "terror tickets".

A few days ago, Weihai wendeng Public Security Bureau received a clue, it was downloaded and stored in the urban area of terrorist videos, security police soon captured a TAM, Tan pleaded guilty.

6th, in Tangerang, detention centres, Tan told reporters that "caught knew this was illegal, and was curious. "25 year old Tan one is self-employed, last summer, when he in QQ groups chat, it was sending more than one video links, TAM an open look," is the kind of film of beheadings, shootings of people. " Although after reading "weird, flustered", Tan some or all of the download and storage into your own Web site, "seems to be about 10, 35 minutes long, short for a minute or so." Tan Mou said he only "store changed hands"-and did not see, nor for others to see, and Web site password, other people cannot see or copy.

However, TAM never thought, this "did not care at all" was fined – 15 days of administrative detention, fined 10,000 yuan.

Police investigators described, were found in the police NET in handling a TAM 17-related videos, read and found 4 video of brutal killings of foreign extremist organizations, extremely bloody, violent pictures. 80th in accordance with China's anti-terrorism law provides that Tan's behavior constituted "illegal possession of advocating terrorism, extremism" on TAM made a penalty in accordance with law.

"The anti-terrorism law is not far away"

The anti-terrorism Act, 80th, 85th, 86th and 90th more closely associated with people's lives.

Similar to Tan it, thought it was small, but is likely to constitute "dissemination promote terrorism, extremism, illegal possession of's articles", may 10th above 15th the following detention and a 10,000 yuan fine.

Express company, and logistics company, units if didn't identification customer identity, or not in accordance with provides check or Kaifeng inspection depending on transport, and delivery items of; on exists major security hidden, or customer refused to security identification of items be transport, and delivery of; not registration customer identity, and items information of, on has may was sentenced 100,000 yuan above 500,000 yuan following fine, directly is responsible for of competent and other directly responsibility people can at 100,000 yuan following fine.

Hotel, and long-distance passenger, and motor vehicle rental, operators, and service who not by provides on customer identity for identification, or on identity unknown, and refused to identity identification of customer provides service of, in competent sector ordered corrected Hou refused to corrected of situation Xia, also may received "counter-terrorism tickets"--200,000 yuan above 500,000 yuan following fine, and on its directly is responsible for of competent personnel and other directly responsibility personnel at 100,000 yuan following fine; plot serious of, at 500,000 yuan above fine, And the persons in charge and other direct liable persons directly responsible for, fines of between 100,000 yuan and 500,000 yuan.

Individuals such as micro-credit, QQ, and fabricating terrorist incidents, dissemination of information on the site, transmission may cause the implementation details of the terrorist activities of the imitation, released during a terrorist incident scenes of cruel, inhuman, will also be sentenced to between 5th 15th over detention, and a 10,000 yuan fine.

男子QQ下载4段恐怖主义视频,拘留半个月罚款一万 - 恐怖主义,QQ视频 - IT资讯

山东文登青年谭某从网上下载并存储4部涉及恐怖主义的视频, 触犯《反恐怖主义法》,被行政拘留15日、罚款1万元。这是威海首张“反恐罚单”。











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