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published in(发表于) 2016/9/25 19:42:32 Edit(编辑)
One Indiana survey: thousands of Yuan to build platforms for someone to lose nearly 3 million Yuan,

One Indiana survey: thousands of Yuan to build platforms for someone to lose nearly 3 million Yuan,(一元夺宝调查:几千元建平台,有人输掉近300万元,)



One Indiana survey: thousands of Yuan to build platforms for someone to lose nearly 3 million Yuan-Yuan purchase, an Indiana-IT information

The current, known as the one able to command thousands of Yuan worth goods or even hundreds of thousands of Yuan "-draw shopping" platform for Internet, has formed a billion market. "Xinhua viewpoint" investigative journalism found that "a buy" Lottery done may exist; some Internet users in "a buy" platform lost nearly 3 million Yuan. Concerned that, "a buy" suspected illegal gambling should be clear as soon as possible to monitor.

"A buy" market scale of billions, for someone to lose nearly 3 million Yuan

"One purchase", that is, users can at least one get a chance to draw large goods, these prizes including thousands of Yuan worth of phones, tens of thousands of bars and even hundreds of thousands of cars and millions of houses. Most of "a buy" platform tips, the more input, the higher probability of winning. Many Internet users to see high-value prizes, once invested thousands or even tens of thousands of Yuan.

Just over two years time, "a buy" model has been spread on the Internet. Reporters recently in the search engine type "a buy" search, 700duowantiao information, promote the site as dozens of.

E-Commerce Center data show China currently has hundreds of vertical "-draw shopping" platform, a number of large e-commerce, Internet business to get involved in. Scale level tens of millions of users of these platforms, many websites sales of billions of Yuan, to estimate the national "Lottery-style shopping" market size has surpassed that of the billions of Yuan.

Reporters noted that many platforms to invest heavily to promote "a buy", such as in email, Twitter, and related advertising. Some platforms directly send money online to try and platform to the users in your circle of friends also publish the winning reward information.

Due to the purchase of convenience, lottery speed, coupled with the lure of high returns, some netizens are very easy to "a buy" this addiction, addicted to them.

Some netizens said they rely on luck to make a, but later found that fell into the trap of initially invested dozens of hundreds of Yuan, and sure enough, the iPhone and other products and then more investment and greater, but thanks to Peregrine .

Netizens said Zhang junjie, who is a junior student in June, contact an Internet company a purchase in the lottery APP, lost 100,000 yuan a month. "Even worse is, I can't stop now, my life was ruined. ”

Another Netizen from Shanghai Chen said, he didn't even play mahjong, but "one Indiana" invested 3 million Yuan a year, lost 800,000 yuan. "My wife and I divorced and sold the House, more than 10 years of hard work all gone. ”

Sun Zhisheng, Deputy Secretary General of the China Federation of commercial media professional Committee said so far this year has received more than 300 cases of netizens for "a buy" complaints from the platform, losing tens of thousands of these netizens platform to millions of Yuan.

Universal 10%-20% higher than the market price of goods, the background can be specified arbitrarily jackpot winners

Reporters found that "a buy" goods on the platform a price higher than the market price of around 10%-20%. Some sites in one purchase, a mobile prepaid card price of 5000 to 6000 Yuan, premium up to 20% terms in a cloud, one Apple 6S (64G) phone sells for 5688, price 5000 Yuan.

Reporters saw one cloud on online sites which show participants more than 11.2 billion, behind the number of participants, websites for huge profits. Some people familiar with the matter said, the platform product delivery and after sales by third-party merchants are responsible for, the platform everyday only need maintain your site or APP can be, can be described as extremely low cost and highly profitable.

In addition to premium sales, "a buy" Lottery public fairness cannot be guaranteed. Although most platform declared that "100% fair, the whole process is completely transparent." Platform claimed winning rules also introduce uncontrollable external data, through the relevant formula. But professionals say, the opinion of it's platform, particularly some small platforms, there are possibilities of manipulation .

"Not much of money to build a small platform, profit is very impressive, a hundred thousand of a month is easy. Willing to make promotion is key, a small platform for hundreds of thousands of websites to make promotion is just one of those things. "One industry insider told reporters that" now that large Internet companies are increasingly seeing the ' buying ' large profits, have related business. ”

Arrested for illegal betting, said outside the scope of regulation

Many respondents questioned in the interview, "a buy" mode is not an ordinary shop, but a disguised form of lotteries and gambling.

History of Hangzhou said: "participation of Internet users not to buy things for the consumer, but in order to cash out money. Such as prepaid card platform direct liquidation recovery; others, such as mobile phones, there are specialized teams in the recovery. ”

Director of the Zhejiang University Law School Center for Internet criminal law Gao Yandong believes that "a buy" and the difference between regular gambling, General gambling direct gambling, gambling goods and property. As banner of new business, create the illusion of online shopping to some Internet users. "Innovative marketing mode should be encouraged, but the bottom line innovation must not break the law, disturb normal market order. ”

"On the international ' gambling ' is defined as the activities involving money or other things of value, involves a prize (reward), the result is decided by chance. According to this definition, ' buy ' model is a kind of gambling, gambling behavior. "Salon founder Su Guojing of China's lottery industry.

There are many platforms to promote "a buy" proclaiming that this is a "chip", for which Tang Zhi Xia Jiapin said law firm partner, Zhejiang, "chips" are a common product or project, physical or profit of the operation as a participant return on investment. "A buy" mode of operation and raise completely different, users buy only the opportunity to draw, such acts in civil law is aleatory. In China, need administrative examination and approval of such acts, without the approval of the alleged illegal operation.

Head of the Zhejiang Provincial Public Security Bureau Police Corps said in an interview, the police have started to pay attention, "a buy" situation. "Sweepstakes-shop" process lack of supervision, as appears by adjusting the computer data to control the rate of winning and winning conditions, alleged criminal.

In an interview at the press conference, business, lottery management and other related sectors, "a buy" not within the scope of their custody. Su Guojing believes that "a buy" such illegal operations, the lottery Department could theoretically tube, but there is no law enforcement power, public security, industrial and commercial departments have no clear legal basis to investigate and actually nobody "grey area", therefore it is necessary to clarify functions, improve relevant laws.

一元夺宝调查:几千元建平台,有人输掉近300万元 - 一元购,一元夺宝 - IT资讯

























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