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published in(发表于) 2016/9/25 19:41:55 Edit(编辑)
Consumption of college students staging in China extended to the field of plastic surgery: plastic agency 0 0 interest paid,

Consumption of college students staging in China extended to the field of plastic surgery: plastic agency 0 0 interest paid,(中国大学生分期消费推广到整形领域:有整形机构称0首付0利息,)



Consumption of college students staging in China extended to the field of plastic surgery: plastic agency 0 0 interest-college student, consumption in stages, plastic-IT information

According to voice of the news reports of the evening rush hour, plastic surgery is becoming a fashion for young people. Not only the beauty of female white-collar, even college students joined the "tide of plastic". Risk, the pursuit of high face value, plus for your job, love it?

New semester began more than two weeks, little classmate Chen found a University in Shijiazhuang, orthopedic medical advertising more on campus, the "beautiful college student", "needle-free light 99 water tasting", "85 percent off the students," such as advertising slogans are everywhere. "The amount of micro-plastic can be, for example cutting double eyelids, a needle, all for yourself even more beautiful. "Chen said.

Reporters saw the ad pages, mostly to promote itself as a formal large cosmetic institution, college students launched a double eyelid, nose jobs and other packages. A case study of double eyelid, cheapest price on 1000 Yuan or so, expensive to 5000 Yuan.

A chain of beauty companies in Shijiazhuang City staff said: "we here different fees depending on how the surgery for eyelids, cost is one thousand or two thousand to four thousand or five thousand have; Rhinoplasty is also one thousand or two thousand to four thousand or five thousand or more, telephone booking can enjoy 85 percent of students (discount). ”

Some institutions declared that "plastic 0 0 interest." " Now many have just reached the age of 18 have no money, you can hire to do now have 0 down 0 interest . ”

Reconstructive Surgery specialist in Bengbu city, Anhui Province, the third people's Hospital, reporters saw many young women is conducting micro-plastic surgery. It is understood that from this summer until now, plastic surgery, cosmetology students have a lot of holiday cosmetic, with new students, the majority of the large, plastic items mainly for nose jobs, face, eyelids, etc. Third people's Hospital of Bengbu city, according to the Director of the plastic surgery Center Zhang Xiangzhou introduces students to special micro-plastic, cosmetic industry is a mixed bag, in almost every cosmetic beauty institutions failed to hospital patients, not "cosmetic disfigurement." He pointed out that the beauty parlor or Studio is not a medical site, not up to sanitary conditions, qualification and some doctors are not up to, prone to complications or sequelae .

"Get together" cosmetic reasons, many students said that not only the beauty but, there are also factors such as employment and love of booster, even if failure of the plastic case, and will try. "Is acceptable. See personal preference, good as a whole . "" I'm fine with it, everyone has the right to the pursuit of beauty, everyone is seeking a way of life. "" Side has a few friends did double eyelids and feel that there is no discrimination, because in order to make themselves look better. ”

Second affiliated hospital of Hebei Medical University, Deputy Director of the Department of plastic surgery Xuelian Zhao reminded: the plastic must establish a correct concept, from the reality of their own, do not blindly follow. "Plastic is not operating out of the door, instantly change a person. Plastic surgery needed to develop a more complete plan, and step by step to achieve is not easy. ”

Plastic surgery can give the students a job and love plus, Xuelian Zhao said, depending on the characteristics of minor fixes, it can create the most beautiful themselves, and more importantly can boost their self-esteem. "Such as eyes, said that the eyes are the Windows to the soul, it is very expressive. Their conditions have improved, people's confidence is not the same as a whole, and then to go to work or get married, she will become very confident. ”

中国大学生分期消费推广到整形领域:有整形机构称0首付0利息 - 大学生,分期消费,整形 - IT资讯










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