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published in(发表于) 2016/5/9 4:33:21 Edit(编辑)
Users also get bored of Hong Kong: sales calls every day indiscriminate bombing,

Users also get bored of Hong Kong: sales calls every day indiscriminate bombing,(香港网友也烦:推销电话每天狂轰乱炸,)



Users also get bored of Hong Kong: sales calls every day indiscriminate bombing Hong Kong, sales call-IT information

Telephone marketing is an important way of selling, many businesses rely on text messaging, email, telephone and other electronic means of marketing products and services, consumers often off-putting. Hong Kong and the Mainland, people suffer mental bombardment of electronic promotion every day, government regulation for ear cleaning. Hong Kong all these years through legislation and implementation of basic control spam, e-mail promotions, but person-to-person marketing calls, this modern metropolis still stranded.

The current situation

7000 people employed 210,000 calls per day

Reporters to Hong Kong a few months ago, a local phone number, and rarely receive spam messages, but they often receive sales calls from a stranger, some even calling my name. Telephone marketing practices varied. Some claim on behalf of a Bank, loans can be arranged, but afterwards discovered that the other side is the intermediary company, is not authorized by the Bank. Many overseas calls, show Hong Kong local phone numbers with the prefix 2 and 3, and, often, very difficult to trace. Fraudulent use of well-known institutions, easy to take some slick, stalker.

How much do Hong Kong people a year receive a sales call? Commerce and economic development Bureau of the SAR Government (by the Council) commissioned a consultancy, recently allocated for promotional telephone industry investigation, interviewed 42 companies, hire someone played a total of about 210,000 sales calls every day. The survey also visited 1000 residents, 96% respondents believed promotional phone causing a nuisance or inconvenience, 35% respondents received more than 6 promotional telephone calls a week.

Responsible for investigation of the estimates, currently employs about 7,000 in Hong Kong engaged in telephone sales work, survey shows before, tens of thousands of practitioners. Industry sources, on this livelihood of Hong Kong's call center has about 2,500 people. Along with the decline in telecommunications costs, some telemarketing Center to go to the Mainland and continue to Hong Kong computer telephone.

As early as 2014, Privacy Commissioner for personal data, Hong Kong has also commissioned the University of Hong Kong to do a similar survey showed that over 40% respondents believed promotional calls involving the use of their personal data, 62% less than calling each other by their first names, more than 40% sales calls from owners to patronize companies or businesses.

"Although my phone have been included in the rejection message to register, but unable to drag live-call telemarketing calls! "People Miss Huang in disgust.


Stunt attractive phone promotion easy consumption trap

Call this an interactive mode, let the sales person can capture consumer reaction in real time, play it by ear, contributed to some of the transactions. But salesmen often resorts to in pursuit of performance, some concessions, the gimmick intriguing, and then sell the real stuff, some hidden, fake commercial elements, quantity to purchase their goods or services.

Human rights and the Hong Kong Consumer Council (referred to as CC) received "false telemarketing" complaints from dozens of cases each quarter. CC, journals often published on its website a number of cases available for public analysis.

Mr Hu is d bank customers, due to financial difficulties, but to pay the credit card minimum payments each month. K call him claiming to be d banks approved staff, introducing a "bonus cuts" program, that helps customers improve credit scores, so that their interest and be granted another credit card, but Mr Hu's credit score is too low, unable to apply for joining the program can take h financial advisors to launch a debt relief plan to boost scoring. K's repeated urging, Hu agreed to pay more than 30,000 Hong Kong dollars to h in consultancy fees to improve credit scores.

A month later, Mr Hu and d banks power, learned that the Bank had never launched the "bonus cuts" plan, then verify the contact number provided k, k is not d bank clerk. Being lied to Mr Hu to h company canceled the contract and refund, contact the Consumer Council also assists, h financial advisors stressed that plans and charges have been set out in the contract, signed, cannot be refunded. CC can only suggest that Mr Hu is seeking legal solutions.

A professional medical Corporation's employees knew a former customers have refused to accept the promotion, still calls to their mobile phones to promote themselves, computer email asking to stop direct marketing. But medical staff still call on a combination of physical examination services, owners complained to the Privacy Commissioner for personal data, cases referred to the police for follow-up action. In November 2015, the medical company is liable to a fine of 10,000 Hong Kong dollars by Tuen Mun Court, company pleaded guilty involved. Has a number of similar cases.


The abolition of government industry has concerns

Hong Kong Legislative Council of the unsolicited electronic messages Ordinance came into effect in December 2007, email, fax, pre-recorded voice messages, text messages or multimedia messages, and so on, are subject to regulation. Registration method is very convenient to the Government, call the hotline at 1835000. People not to set out to "reject the message register" on the telephone and fax numbers to send commercial electronic messages, such as violation of and on conviction to a maximum fine of HK $ 100,000 for the first time, a maximum fine of HK $ 500,000.

According to the statistics of the Hong Kong Telecom by the end of 2014, handle the rejected registration number 270duowange. After the implementation of the regulation, Telecommunication Bureau received reports from 2008 more than 8,000 cases declined sharply to about 2000 cases per year in recent years. Shows that the Ordinance basically curb the spam messages, recorded phone ads.

But not included in the purview of the Ordinance "person-to-person marketing calls." When the main reason is that the legislative, Government take account of such calls involves the livelihood of many Hong Kong people and companies. So, despite the Hong Kong community has repeatedly put forward to solve this problem, the Hong Kong Government has not been determined.

Consultant survey conducted in April this year after the release of Su Jinliang, the Secretary indicated in the Legislative Council of Hong Kong, 7000 in Hong Kong are engaged in telemarketing, 20% respondents also indicated that if the legislation, fall in sales, many companies rely on electronic communications as a marketing tool. Strengthening the regulation of, and balance causing nuisance to the public, employment and small and medium enterprises business environment. Mr MA Fung-kwok believes that a two-pronged approach, decisive legislation, and to find ways to assist the industry in transition. DAB the Honourable TAM Yiu-chung believes that promotion of nuisance, ineffectiveness, employees also are shrinking, but not "break the people their jobs."

On behalf of the industry, Executive Director of the Hong Kong call centre Association Chen Chien-nien said in a radio programme: agreed regulatory randomly dialed sales calls, but not across the Board, not to affect too many people jobs.


Legal Windows self-regulation of members of the public to protect themselves

It seems that live-action promotional phone ban could not help, banning, depending on future results. Prior to this, the Government guiding industry self-regulation. From June 2011, more phone sales finance, insurance, telecommunications and telephone sales centers 4 industries, established and published the code of practice for the industry, provided the owner such as promotions company refused to receive sales calls, operators should follow. Code issued by the Hong Kong Association of banks last September contained various retail telephone banking in promotions, employee number, direct line or extension number will be provided, allowing the public to verify identity. Self-agency limited contact period, when that owner living abroad, should immediately hang up.

Unsolicited sales calls, from early to late, many Hong Kong people they have a strategy, and seek blessings. Many telecommunications operators have launched to intercept nuisance calls service, anecdotal, IT's got talent collect information for several years, posted on the Web site "advertising call blacklist" Netizen writing Smartphone applications, download blocking, filtering there is no caller ID and has been reporting sales number, downloaders are numerous. But some businesses constantly changing numbers, sales calls are still pervasive.

Hong Kong Consumer Council, the police and officials of the Privacy Commissioner for personal data, often prompting people, trap to prevent telemarketing, such as Member registration, product offers and questionnaire to fill out personal information, care should be taken to verify its use, to avoid inadvertently "threadbare". When it encounters a telemarketing of dubious origin, remember "cheap Mo greed!" Don't be "afraid of annoying", "don't know refused" and hasty promise to deal, not just promise to enter into contracts, payment or renewal, do not think that may easily reverse transactions after the promise. If you suspect each other's identity, do not verify due to the feelings or bother.

香港网友也烦:推销电话每天狂轰乱炸 - 香港,推销电话 - IT资讯




























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