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published in(发表于) 2016/9/25 19:41:46 Edit(编辑)
6 square meters in Shenzhen “pigeon House“-150,000 yuan each, the official: being investigated

6 square meters in Shenzhen “pigeon House“-150,000 yuan each, the official: being investigated(深圳6平米“鸽笼房”每平15万元,官方:正在调查,)



6 square meters in Shenzhen "pigeon House"-150,000 yuan each, the official: under investigation-Shenzhen, housing-IT information

This morning, the Shenzhen 6 sqm small apartment "pigeon House" becomes famous, because an average of 150,000 yuan for a flat price at an alarming rate. Shenzhen official had previously said that Shenzhen has never approved a similar dwelling, planning permission will also in the future law and regulatory scrutiny. This afternoon, @ Shenzhen urban planning and land resources Committee reported that is under investigation, the findings will be made public in a timely manner.

Shenzhen urban planning and land resources Committee said Oct Yu are the sale of 6 square meters apartment, priced at 880,000 yuan, actual sales area is much larger than the area of property rights. I appointed, Nanshan District Nanshan authority in conjunction with the planning and land monitoring bodies this afternoon, is under investigation, the findings will be made public in a timely manner.

Specification for design of the new House, entered into force August 2012 expressly provides that: "by and living/bedroom, kitchen and bathroom the minimum set of components, such as housing, space shall be not less than 22 square meters. "Shenzhen" pigeon House "since 2004 has been completed, so it is not affected.

It is understood that the "pigeon House" really called Oct-Yu, Sha East Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen City, is located in junction with new road, formerly known as completion in 2004, the ACK and the entire hotel. In the 6 to 15-story corner at the end of the corridor of the hotel, has a tiny apartment, a total of 9 units, ranging in size from 5.73 square meters to 7.48 square metres.

But according to experts, this becomes NET red "pigeon House" belongs to the whole room decoration, developers also presented 6 square feet of kitchen, bathroom, the actual building area of 12-13 square, 4000 a month, due to the higher price locations, an annual rental income of 5.45%, their prices are higher than prices, less than 19 years to recover the cost . Price around 100,000 yuan, the actual unit price 70,000 yuan, is snapped or what do not understand the problem.

深圳6平米“鸽笼房”每平15万元,官方:正在调查 - 深圳,住房 - IT资讯






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