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Bloomberg financial markets global reach: the MA 17, first she

Bloomberg financial markets global reach: the MA 17, first she(彭博金融市场全球影响力人物:马云排17,第一是她,)



Bloomberg financial markets global reach: the MA 17, the first she-Ma, Bloomberg, Mr Wang-IT information

When it comes to the world's most influential people in the financial markets, many people immediately think of Yellen, like Buffett. But this year the Bloomberg list may surprise you.

In this Bloomberg on Thursday named the sixth edition of the world's 50 most influential people on the list, even Bloomberg News senior editor Robert S.Dieterich first admitted, "you will find some unexpected names on the list, they make things very interesting. ”

Now, you take a deep breath from your glass of water next to the keyboard and phones removed, hold the seat, we began –

No.1--United Kingdom Prime Minister, Theresa May

Yes, you read that right, this woman got on the Prime Minister until July and was soon at an alarming rate as the world's most influential people in the financial markets, disdain for Obama, Yellen, a political gangster.

Bloomberg said, if she could successfully tackle difficult issues, such as banks, insurance companies, investment firms can continue to leave the camp in London, also doing business as usual in the EU, then the woman will win everything.

No.2--United States Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump (Donald Trump)

Poof ~ ~ ~ out to to have a mouthful of blood.

If I remember correctly, United Kingdom report made by the Economist Intelligence Unit in the middle of March, Trump won the United States presidential election, will be one of the top ten global risks, their risks and "Jihad terrorist activities interfere with increasing threats to the global economy", even more so than United Kingdom popular votes out of the EU are more dangerous. Since he was elected President, it will upset the global economy and to promote United States political and security risks.

Bloomberg's explanation: If Trump WINS, global financial markets are going to look at his stance against free trade "in good faith", while free trade was precisely his Republicans espoused for decades. As well, people will wait to see how Trump to implement his promises – on the premise of not to cut social security to solve the country's debt problem. Another key problem is that Trump vowed during the campaign to repeal the Dodd-Frank (Dodd-Frank), regulations, financial markets would wait and see whether he will honor the commitment.

No.3--United States Democratic Party presidential candidate Hillary Clinton (Hillary Clinton)

Bloomberg's election on the grounds that: If the women win, global financial markets will see whose power than she's policies – what is Clinton's Wall Street capitalists, is that she has been trying to win over supporters of Bernie Sanders. For Hillary, she will face a key test: how about "will ensure that the rich pay fair share tax, Wall Street, corporate" commitment.

No.4--President XI Jinping of China

Brought to Europe by the British before the new uncertainty, global financial markets are watching China. China's influence on the global economy and financial markets is self-evident. "China roared roared, shaking the world shook three. ”

No.5--Amazon founder and CEO Jeff Bezos

The man in the commercial sphere of influence is obvious. For his Amazon, this year was a good year: September 7, Amazon share prices refreshed record high to 787.88 dollars, could fetch about $ 370 billion, with the "God" of Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway become United States's fourth largest company by market capitalisation. Profit in the second quarter for the fifth consecutive quarter, profits hit a record high revenues growing at fastest pace since in more than four years.

Amazon shares shot higher, Jeff Bezos's personal wealth amounted to $ 65.3 billion, more than Buffett the world's third-richest person. Amazon in 2016, the Fortune Global 500 list jumped from 88th last year to 44th this year.

No.6--Germany Chancellor Angela Merkel (Angela Merkel)

Not surprisingly, Bloomberg singled out Merkel's refugee policy: "we can do this" is the motto of Merkel's Government opened the border. But the Germans are not so sure on this point. In the recent local elections, voters with practical actions to punish Merkel's Christian Democratic Union. But until now, the mokeerdu refused to compromise on the refugee policy. This accelerates the speculation: Merkel may not win re-election in 2017, the federal election. But at the moment, no one for her leadership in Europe's largest economy pose a strong challenge.

No.7--European Central Bank Governor Mario Draghi (Mario Draghi)

Financial sector saying; "don't fight the European Central Bank." Dang United Kingdom voted out of the EU, and Drudge without batting an eye, still maintains the bond purchase. But the market responded, many sovereign and corporate bond yields lower, many even fell into the negative range. Bloomberg, Drudge that "whatever happens" attitude makes the euro area even with his nearly five-year career as a Governor is in trouble.

No.8--Federal Reserve President Yellen (Janet Yellen)

Finally turn the silver-haired coconut milk.

Bloomberg believes that from the United States economy into a long and steady road to recovery on this point of view, Yellen as Butler's work is worthy of recognition. Although the United States now economic growth may be a little disappointing, but stronger than in other countries. When she was finally released at the end of last year after raising interest rates for the first time, did not derail the inflation, nor, as some opponents have is expected to hit the market before. Now she refuses to rush to raise interest rates for the second time. Her greatest feat may be in political polarization increased keep critics away from the Fed. In this year's presidential election, the Federal Reserve has not been controversial as the 2012 election.

No.9--Buffett (Warren Buffett)

The "God" does not do more to explain it.

No.10--Brazil federal judge s é rgio Moro

Most people should know who is very strange, he was into the list for the first time. And won tenth bit is and a world are know of things has close contact--S é rgio Moro and he of Prosecutor and survey personnel composition of team lasted two years, and across four continents, track has a involved near 2 billion dollars of giant of corruption rot scandal, directly led to has Brazil President rousseff (Dilma Rousseff) was ousted stepped down, Brazil Qian President Lula also for suspected in Brazil oil company corruption case in the made has corruption and money-laundering, charges and was official prosecution. Brazil is caught in the worst economic crisis in a century. However, investors soon turned this corruption case--after Brazil's benchmark stock index rose sharply this year, more than 30%. This is a sign of impending economic recovery.

As for those of you concerned about other Chinese, Chinese Central Bank Governor Zhou xiaochuan, China ranked in 14th place. Alibaba Chairman Jack Ma ranks 17th. Wanda Group founder and Chairman Wang Jianlin in 43rd place, and last year he was 37th.

Russia President Vladimir Putin's presence is not very strong this year, ranked 30th. Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman of Saudi Arabia ranked 42nd. United Kingdom Mark Carney, Governor of the Central Bank of China ranked 28th.

Tesla's Elon Musk, the founder of this year came in 11th place. Korea Samsung Group Chairman Lee Kun-hee's son, and actual control of the Samsung Group Lee Jae followed Ma, ranked 18th. Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg (Mark Zuckerberg) ranked 39th.

JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon ranked 13th. Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein ranks 15th.

彭博金融市场全球影响力人物:马云排17,第一是她 - 马云,彭博社,王健林 - IT资讯


在周四发布的这份彭博评选的第六版全球50大最具影响力人物排行榜上,连彭博社高级编辑Robert S.Dieterich都在第一段承认,“你会在榜单上发现一些意想不到的名字,他们让事情变得非常有趣。”


No.1——英国首相Theresa May



No.2——美国共和党总统候选人特朗普(Donald Trump)




No.3——美国民主党总统候选人希拉里(Hillary Clinton)

彭博社的推选理由是:如果这个女人最终胜出,全球金融市场倒要看看谁的力量能比她制定的政策厉害——到底是希拉里的华尔街金主们,还是她一直试图争取过来的Bernie Sanders的支持者们。对于希拉里来说,她要面对的一大关键考验是:如何履行自己关于“会确保有钱人、华尔街、企业支付合理份额税费”的承诺。



No.5——亚马逊创始人兼CEO Jeff Bezos


随着亚马逊股价蹿高,Jeff Bezos的个人财富已高达653亿美元,超过巴菲特跃居世界第三大富豪。而亚马逊在2016年《财富》世界五百强的榜单中也从去年的第88名跃升到今年的第44名。

No.6——德国总理默克尔(Angela Merkel)


No.7——欧洲中国中央银行行长德拉吉(Mario Draghi)


No.8——美联储主席耶伦(Janet Yellen)



No.9——巴菲特(Warren Buffett)


No.10——巴西联邦法官Sérgio Moro

多数人应该对此人是非常陌生的,他也确实是第一次入榜。而夺得第十位却和一个世人皆知的事情有着密切联系——Sérgio Moro和他的检察官和调查人员组成的团队历时两年多、横跨四大洲,追踪了一则涉案近20亿美元之巨的贪腐丑闻,直接导致了巴西总统罗塞夫(Dilma Rousseff)被罢黜下台,巴西前总统卢拉也因涉嫌在巴西石油公司腐败案中犯有腐败和洗钱等罪名而被正式起诉。巴西则陷入了一个世纪以来最严重的经济危机。不过,投资者们很快就将目光投向了这宗贪腐大案之后——巴西基准股指今年大幅上涨,幅度超过30%。这是一个经济复苏即将到来的征兆。


俄罗斯总统普京今年的存在感不算很强,排在了第30位。沙特副王储Mohammed bin Salman位居第42位。英国中国中央银行行长Mark Carney排名第28位。

特斯拉创始人Elon Musk今年排在了第11位。韩国三星集团会长李健熙之独子、三星集团实际控制人李在镕紧随马云,排在第18位。Facebook创始人扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)排名第39位。

摩根大通CEO Jamie Dimon排名第13。高盛CEO Lloyd Blankfein排名第15位。

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