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published in(发表于) 2016/9/24 16:19:08 Edit(编辑)
Yahoo stall: information disclosure caused by fear of their “marriage“ does not go out,

Yahoo stall: information disclosure caused by fear of their “marriage“ does not go out,(雅虎摊上事:信息泄露恐致自己“嫁”不出去,)



Yahoo stall: information disclosure caused by fear of their "marriage" out-Verizon, Yahoo-IT information

September 24, Beijing time, according to foreign media reports, the science and technology circle broke a major news yesterday: already bought by Verizon, Yahoo said more than 500 million users of Yahoo accounts hacked, including user name, email address, login password, date of birth and a secret security answer, time of crime dating back to the year 2014. This incident once again Yahoo are on the cusp, for some time in the future it will be drowned by the Government and the user's mouth, and its new owner, even a 180 degree turn.

"The very serious consequences of information disclosure, Yahoo may be busy in the court challenge, on the back of significant damages. "Security company CTO of LogRhythm, Chris said. "This far-reaching, worst case may delay Verizon takeover of Yahoo. ”

In addition, Yahoo will let users disappointed, or even complete loss of credibility in a certain user groups.

Now, from all walks of life care most about is Yahoo exactly when information disclosure issue has been identified, whether they hide for a long time before deciding to the public?

If Yahoo were only recently discovered this huge loophole, morally it is a victim, but it would also have an adverse effect, a world-famous big technology companies, in the face of hackers had 18 months to respond, this level is not too bad.

However, if this assumption does not hold, know hacking Yahoo two years ago, then I am afraid that hidden and not have disastrous consequences for the company.

Analyst Evans said: " given this information leak incident involving a number of Yahoo users in foreign countries, if they are intentionally hidden his report, I am afraid, simple hearings have been unable to resolve the scandal . ”

After the incident, Yahoo wanted to dump responsibility to other countries, saying that the leak was caused by organized hacker attack, but in any case, the impact of remains back to themselves. IBM study shows that information leak discovered late, causing a greater loss.

For now, Yahoo is rushing to fix their security systems, they also prompts the user for account upgrades, passwords, and security issues, but these efforts have been futile, because they're too late.

Yahoo is the only mainstream technology companies are not using two step validation company, their determination and confidence has now completely fallen to the freezing point.

In addition, Yahoo has also drawn criticism from the society. RedSeal CEO said: "Yahoo may think information disclosure is routine, they didn't think a positive response. After all the responses are routine, apology, urging the user to change the password and promise not to do it again, don't see any sincerity. "To avoid such incidents from happening again, Yahoo must carry out in-depth investigation, otherwise their commitment does not work at all.

Leak this information early warning on previous earnings conference, Yahoo mentioned their security system is vulnerable to hackers, just when nobody cares about it. In addition, Yahoo executives responsible for information security also said that he tried many times caused Mayer to higher levels of attention to safety problems, but all of them failed. Now, they are paying the price for his contempt.

Analysts generally think that is estimated to be at least 5% users will directly leave Yahoo, after conversion is probably 50.01 billion. If Verizon had they known it, it would substantially drive down Yahoo's purchase price.

After information leaks out, and Yahoo give up attitude has been fully known to the world, such a company is worth acquiring quality assets? I'm afraid that Verizon would stop and think.

雅虎摊上事:信息泄露恐致自己“嫁”不出去 - Verizon,雅虎 - IT资讯















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