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published in(发表于) 2016/6/21 9:41:40 Edit(编辑)
NET exposure after the user sued Luo Yonghao false propaganda,

NET exposure after the user sued Luo Yonghao false propaganda,(网曝90后用户状告罗永浩虚假宣传,)



NET exposure after the user sued Luo Yonghao false propaganda-Luo Yonghao, hammer phone-IT news

On June 21, as we all know, many Android manufacturers because of safety concerns, would prohibit user to root systems, emerging domestic brands hammer is one example. However it is interesting, in order to meet the needs of some Flash enthusiast, in 2014, Luo Yonghao promised, hammer handset will offer official unlock the boot loader. Maybe even Luo Yonghao didn't think, his commitment has resulted in a lawsuit.

A Netizen recently broke recently, hammer sues Luo Yonghao and hammer technology of mobile phone users in Nanshan, Shenzhen Court, which sued on the grounds that Luo Yonghao said hammer to cell phone will unlock the boot loader, but Luo Yonghao didn't deliver.

Meanwhile, the user also said in the lawsuit, Luo Yonghao live demo at the product launch of the obvious false part, which belongs to the fraud, should bear the corresponding legal responsibility.

网曝90后用户状告罗永浩虚假宣传 - 罗永浩,锤子手机 - IT资讯

6月21日消息,众所周知,许多安卓厂商出于安全考虑,会禁止用户对系统进行root,新兴国产品牌锤子就是其中一例。然而有趣的是,为了满足部分刷机发烧友的需求,罗永浩曾在2014年承诺,锤子手机将会提供官方解锁的boot loader。或许连罗永浩也没想到,他的这一承诺竟引来一场官司。

日前有网友爆料,近日,锤子手机用户状告罗永浩及锤子科技在深圳南山法院开庭了,该用户起诉理由是罗永浩当初称锤子手机会提供解锁的boot loader,但是罗永浩并没有兑现承诺。


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