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published in(发表于) 2016/9/22 16:04:19 Edit(编辑)
NASA released 13th constellation Ophiuchus? The truth is,

NASA released 13th constellation Ophiuchus? The truth is,(NASA新增第13星座蛇夫座?真相在此,)



NASA released 13th constellation Ophiuchus? The truth-NASA, constellations, horoscopes-IT information

IT information news on September 20, recently, maybe you will see a circle of friends has passed NASA modified the 12 constellations dividing date of message, and added a 13th constellation, that is, Ophiuchus, if that's the case, that seems to mean a lot man of constellation, and astrology who went crazy. However, NASA has conducted a rumor, said NASA would not have no interest to change the constellation diagram.

Initially of message derived from NASA Space Place page released of a article articles, tells has modern sky in the stars location relative ancient Babylon astronomers period of changes, thousands of years to, with axis of minor swing, these constellation of location has occurred changes has, scientists think xinhuangdao with by 13 a constellation composition, ancient scientists also observation to has 13 a constellation, but to convenient had to gave up a constellation, this is 13th a constellation, snake husband seat. So, the message is immediately forwarded by the General media and thought NASA Division of constellation a date you want to modify.

However, at present, NASA spokesman Dwayne Brown's foreign denial, saying, "NASA is the study of astronomy, is not the constellation", "we have not changed any of the 12 zodiac signs, we are doing the math."

In NASA Space Place of page in the, we found has that article articles, in articles of beginning, NASA concise directly to stressed road "Astrology is not Astronomy (Astrology learn not astronomy)", following of illustrations villain also in reminded, "Astrology is not Science (Astrology learn not science)", and this page Shang also completely no appeared any with again calculation 12 constellation about of content, NASA is to explain to the children of modern stars opposite the ancient Babylonian astronomers in the sky changes with time.

"This article describes why astrology is astronomy, and historical heritage, how it is, and points out that those really comes from observing stars that produced the scientific and mathematical knowledge. "Dwayne Brown explains, obviously, on the NASA modified Division of constellation, is indeed a misunderstanding.

NASA新增第13星座蛇夫座?真相在此 - NASA,星座,占星 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 9月20日消息,近日,也许你会看到朋友圈里有流传NASA修改12星座划分日期的消息,并且称新增了第十三个星座,也就是蛇夫座,如果真是这样,那这似乎意味着很多信仰星座的人,以及占星学的人要抓狂了。不过,目前NASA方面已经进行了辟谣,表示NASA不会也没兴趣去修改星座图。

最初的消息源自NASA Space Place页面发布的一篇文章,讲述了现代天空中星辰位置相对古巴比伦天文学家时期的变化,几千年来,随着地轴的轻微摆动,这些星座的位置已经发生变化了,科学家认为新黄道带由13个星座组成,古代科学家也观测到了13个星座,但为了方便不得不放弃一个星座,这就是第13个星座,蛇夫座。于是,这一消息立刻被广大媒体转发,认为NASA要修改星座的划分日期了。

不过,目前,NASA发言人Dwayne Brown对外进行了辟谣,称“NASA是研究天文的,不是研究星座的”,“我们并没有改变任何十二星座,我们是做了一下算术”。

在NASA Space Place的页面中,我们找到了那篇文章,在文章的开头,NASA简明直接地强调道“Astrology is not Astronomy(占星学不是天文学)”,下面的插图小人也在提醒,“Astrology is not Science(占星学不是科学)”,而这个页面上也完全没有出现任何跟重新计算十二星座有关的内容,NASA只是给孩子们解释现代天空中星辰位置相对古巴比伦天文学家时期的变化。

“这篇文章是在介绍为什么占星术不是天文学,以及它是怎样的历史遗产,并且指出了那些确实来自于观察星空所得来的科学和数学知识。”Dwayne Brown解释道,显然,关于NASA修改星座划分的说法,确实是一场误会了。

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