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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/26 7:43:58 Edit(编辑)
Amazon: us drones can fly,

Amazon: us drones can fly,

Amazon: us drones can fly-Amazon, UAV-IT news Amazon: us drones can fly

On June 24, according to foreign media reports, Amazon wants to use unmanned aircraft to deliver a package plan, had not been United States agencies to stop.

Amazon said on Tuesday that the United States Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) this week announced new guidelines for unmanned aircraft, led to questions about the development commercial UAV program cast doubts on the legitimacy of the company.

The company spokeswoman Mali·aosake (Mary Osako) noted that: "the new FAA guidelines applicable to unmanned aircraft of amateur enthusiasts and model aircraft, and does not apply to Amazon. "She said, the rule does not apply to businesses such as Amazon, so" has no impact on our plan. "

Last December, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos (Jeff Bezos) PrimeAir disclosure service. The service will use eight-rotor drone to deliver small parcels for consumers, most weighing up to 5 pounds. But no one at the FAA on how to regulate machine for commercial use before making a decision, Amazon PrimeAir courier services cannot officially started. Bezos said he expects the FAA will not be introduced until 2015 requirements.

FAA, said the Agency on Monday issued new guidelines for UAV, because a number of accidents that took place recently, mainly involving unknown model UAV (not a commercial UAV) perilously close to commercial aircraft in flight. FAA guidelines, there is a place mentioned, there are provisions that prohibit the use of drones to provide premium courier services, such as Amazon PrimeAir services. Amazon says this is completely wrong, and the FAA agree PrimeAir service do not fall within its scope of application of the guidelines.

FAA spokeswoman Laura Brown (Laura Brown) told the media that FAA guidelines apply only to drone amateurs, and in order to clarify what kind of services are considered to be legitimate, and which do not belong to legitimate. According to FAA guidelines, "in the absence of any compensation cases, used model drone to ship a package from one place to another place" is allowed, but in the charging case is not allowed.

Brown said the guidelines would not affect Amazon United States plans to use unmanned aerial vehicles to deliver parcels. FAA issued guidelines on using drones to provide courier services, including in the United States in six States for extensive testing. Brown said she did not know about the recent developments in the test.

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