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published in(发表于) 2016/9/22 16:04:17 Edit(编辑)
Monitor website false papers exposing Chinese doctors: many papers written by a third party,

Monitor website false papers exposing Chinese doctors: many papers written by a third party,(监测网站曝光中国医生论文造假:很多论文由第三方代写,)



Monitor website false papers exposing Chinese doctors: many papers written by third parties-China, the doctor, the paper-IT information

On September 20, the United States well-known Plagiarism plagiarism monitoring website iPlagiarism Watch by internationally renowned English plagiarism detection system (Chinese name: Ai Pulei) follow discovered false papers in English of the history of science in the world's biggest company, the company and a Brazil SCI journal (Genetics and Molecular Research) cooperation and the rate for Chinese scholars published a number of papers on allegations of plagiarism, fraud.

? The Brazil magazine SCI h index of 34

Chinese Academy of medical sciences researcher Xu Peiyang revealed in a blog post, a large number of County doctor's paper to the Brazil journal, accounting for 54.901% of the total amount of the journal publishes papers. In 2015, the journal China scholar articles to a 1605, the proportion is as high as 78.1%.

Web of science bloggers Tan Xinjie Plagiarism Watch reporting. Reports revealed the cause of the incident: some readers to the website anonymously, a Chinese team's article has serious plagiarism, Ai Pulei system for staff in testing and found one-third of the text are copied, while artificial than on finding similar documents chart is also consistent with the highest percentage.

In the second and third until the sixth highest percentage of similar literature when compared to manual charts, have been found in Figure 3 are basically the same, detection by flow cytometry results.

All articles in the same issue of the journal check found that many Chinese authors articles there are charts. It was concluded that, Brazil is China's SCI-tech journals and scholars of money magazine and, in addition, according to copying each other's charts and discovered four SCI journal (GMR,Medical Science Monitor,OncoTargets and Therapy,Diagnostic Pathology) have a problem .

Author of different units from China, in the same month to pitch with an SCI journal, published in the same issue, suggesting that these articles cannot be copied, but third-party manufacturing false papers to write company, magazine and fraud company cooperation.

Report recommends that the Government, universities and institutions, journals or publishers research, China should take measures to stop sliding into the abyss , and given the SCI Journal of higher impact factor from Thomson Reuters (Thomson Reuters) should come forward to stop this sort of thing.

Some netizens pointed out, Chinese copy of the article at best, affecting individuals and units, English plagiarism or academic misconduct will greatly impact State and reputation in the scientific community as a whole, more attention is needed.

Ai Pulei had already discovered the copying of a large number of published papers, including United States and the United Kingdom and other native English-speaking countries, France, and Germany, and Japan and some other scientific powers.

监测网站曝光中国医生论文造假:很多论文由第三方代写 - 中国,医生,论文 - IT资讯

9月20日,美国知名抄袭监测网站Plagiarism Watch通过国际知名英文论文抄袭检测系统iPlagiarism(中文名:艾普蕾)顺藤摸瓜,发现了世界科学史上最大规模的英文论文造假公司,该公司与一个巴西SCI杂志(Genetics and Molecular Research)默契合作,收费为中国学者发表了大量涉嫌抄袭、造假的论文。



科学网博主谭新杰翻译了Plagiarism Watch的报告。报告披露了事件的起因:有读者向该网站匿名举报了一篇中国研究组的文章有严重抄袭,工作人员在用艾普蕾系统检测后发现确实有三分之一的文本抄袭,同时,人工比对发现了与其相似比例最高的文献有图表也基本一致。


在将杂志的同一期的所有文章检查后发现,很多中国作者文章均出现了图表的一致。由此推测,这个巴西SCI期刊是针对中国学者交钱就发的杂志,此外,根据互相抄袭的图表,又陆续发现了四个SCI杂志(GMR,Medical Science Monitor,OncoTargets and Therapy,Diagnostic Pathology)均有问题


报告建议中国政府、大学和机构、杂志或出版商应该采取措施阻止中国研究滑向深渊,同时,赐予这些SCI杂志高影响因子的汤森路透(Thomson Reuters)应该出面阻止这样的事情。



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