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published in(发表于) 2016/9/22 16:04:16 Edit(编辑)
Mito, cannot be said of the secret? ,

Mito, cannot be said of the secret? ,(美图秀秀,不能说的秘密?,)



Mito, cannot be said of the secret? -Mito, Cai Wensheng-IT information

If there is such a company, more than 95% of revenue from hardware sales in the first half, how do you give this company's business nature? Hardware manufacturers?

Sorry, Cai Wensheng doesn't think so.

Listing on the Hong Kong stock exchange disclosure materials, Mito defines itself as a mobile Internet company--it should be said that this is a very good reason. 446 million monthly active users, Internet companies all over the world can stand on the issue. Compare Sina weibo has just exceeded billion dollars market capitalisation, which the monthly active user "only" 282 million, Mito MAU to 164 million higher.

However, relative to the microblogging 1.438 billion in advertising revenue in the first half, advertising revenue of Mito just 25.9 million people wondering if this document is wrong decimal counting advertising revenue per user contributions, at least 80 times times more powerful micro-bobimeituxiuxiu.

Advertising cannot sell it doesn't matter, we have the self portrait artifact, there is Angelababy. As the company's main source of revenue, Mito mobile phones sold 289,000 units in the first half and created 556 million of sales revenue or per phone, the ex-factory prices up to 1903. In the era of the thousand performances playing God now, Mito mobile shows the attractiveness of high-value users.

However, this does not guarantee that the United States chart company mobile phones businesses make money, for what?

Because, in the first half of 2016, the company has spent more than 200 million in marketing expenses, and in 2015, the company spent 650 million marketing cost. For a company with annual incomes of less than 1 billion, 1.5 years spend 850 million on marketing, what is doing what? I'd like to know.

So, I listed this 412-page disclosure documents double from head to tail, wondering what Mito 850 million marketing spend where it went? No answers.

Companies emphasized that most of the budget was used to promote the company's products and brands, relatively low for smart phone. But relatively low in the end is how much?

Why are you obsessed with marketing costs consist of? Because Mito's business model, based on a somewhat subtle logic chain: APP's massive user base into a mobile phone consumers, revenue from mobile phones and then feed into APP development and operation of business. This story to make sense, it is necessary to prove that mobile customers are converted from the APP's user base, rather than buy from other third-party channels. If the latter is the case, that means unprofitable APP and shipments of mobile phones businesses are two separate stalls, no way to pack into an IPO, continue to tell the whole story.

Starting from the launch in 2013 Mito mobile phone, as of June 30, 2016, Mito mobile phones businesses today create margins for the company is 300 million, while marketing costs have reached the sum of nearly 1 billion. A simple problem is, the company obtained from the Mito mobile phone business margin, enough to cover the marketing expenses to pay for?

If marketing is relatively small, it means that either the United States mobile phone quality, do not need to advertise to sell out or APP users a high conversion rate, without relying on external resources, relying only on their own user transformation can support sales growth. No matter what kind of situation, you can support the United States chart company competitiveness but if marketing spending is very high, for example, exceeds the total gross profit of 300 million Yuan, this thing just looks like the IPO money income.

That is, beauty figure company for phone business spent has how many marketing costs, is whole listed file in most sensitive of a data: If this part costs of proportion partial high, on means with beauty tuxiuxiu huge of user group and no approach into into phone of consumers, company had to from external channel to looking for customer, mass user of variable now problem actually no solution; instead, if this proportion is low, means with only by itself user group of into on can completed large of phone sales, future of prospects on optimistic has many.

Picture of the specific composition of the company's huge marketing costs, is listed as a whole most analytical value of file data, but unfortunately, American companies seem to use it as a "can't say of secret."

Actually, this cannot said of secret behind, also has addition of a layer meaning: 2014 end of, company months active user is 184 million, just one years zhihou, this digital into has 372 million, turned has a, but with user scale is closely related to of advertising income just growth has 25%, to June 2016 end of, months active into has 446 million, but advertising income compared instead fell has 32%, that is, If we believe that figure most of their marketing costs are used to promote the APP, then, in the APP's monthly active user growth and associated marketing costs can be found, but could not find an association between advertising revenues.

In this age of your mobile traffic, such as oil, what kind of new users are created (user) the number, do not produce the (advertising) revenue? Does that mean new users in a large number of users is a low consumption power of third world countries? So consumers can afford the average retail price of close to 3000 us mobile phone? If not, this part of the user how you want to generate income in the future?

Unfortunately, in terms of internationalization, Mito is still very Dim, a single national and regional distribution of the number of users are not willing to provide, nor tell you States the number of signing up for the past year.

As China's most famous retouching tools, Mito understands the "beauty" of the road. So, after reading this 412-page file, I still cannot make accurate judgments about the investment value of the company, as it is difficult to export based on Mito photos to determine network whether the girl is stunning beauty or a mediocre fat powder. The disclosure of information, I can give you two completely opposite prospect assessment-

Optimistic version are: the company spent very little on marketing in the mobile phone business, has made today's achievements, and most of the marketing costs to buy APP users, these users are mainly distributed in the high consumption of the developed countries, is not advertising because there is no rush to commercialize ... ... This version of the Mito, performance excellence, a promising future.

And pessimistic of version is is: company actually spent off has several billion used to marketing beauty figure phone, but also only sold has now of number, Maori even cover can't advertising fee, and APP of original user most are on beauty figure phone dull, past two years of added user main concentrated in developed, value is low, future variable now prospects difficult measuring......

It is clear that this version was unable to support the level of billions of dollars behind valuations.

Existing information alone, we cannot know which version is closer to the above. Maybe beauty Supreme is really like, and hazy, so you can't see the facts as they are. But as an investor, management will share more detailed business information, it does not have the courage to join them and "the beautiful" dancing, after all, in the investment world, which should not be existed could not say secret, isn't it?

Author: rain-Feng app public number: Feng said the rain

美图秀秀,不能说的秘密? - 美图秀秀,蔡文胜 - IT资讯























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