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published in(发表于) 2016/9/22 16:04:01 Edit(编辑)
Liu bilked $ 1 million? Nobel Peace Prize laureate Yunus sent allegations to the Jingdong,

Liu bilked $ 1 million? Nobel Peace Prize laureate Yunus sent allegations to the Jingdong,(刘强东赖账100万美元?诺贝尔和平奖得主尤努斯向京东发出指控,)



Liu bilked $ 1 million? Yunus Nobel Peace Prize winners sent allegations to the Jingdong-Liu Jingdong-IT information

Volunteers for Grameen China, economists Wen kejian witnessed Jingdong between Grameen Bank and close to alienating the entire process.

2014 on November 24, Liu himself signed a letter to Yunus, invited him to preside over the upcoming Beijing East breakfast with Grameen China. Liu also suggested in a letter to talk Yunus into Grameen Bank model of Chinese Internet finance innovation, opportunity and challenge.

Grameen Bank and Grameen Bank, dedicated to rural poor people unable to get traditional bank loans provide loans, is the world's largest and most successful microfinance institutions. In 2006, the Grameen Bank and its founder Muhammad Yunus, was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

At mail less than a month after Liu Jingdong a Grand Conference was held in Beijing, and Yunus himself attended the meeting with Liu. In addition, Jing dong has invited famous economist Xu xiaonian, and Tang min arrived at the scene, witnessed the Jingdong this cooperation with Grameen China.

December 17, 2014, this event has also been widely reported by the media. At that meeting, Jingdong and Grameen China signed a strategic cooperation agreement, discuss cooperation in many areas, work together to provide farmers with financial solutions.

Although so-called "strategic cooperation" more retreats, but according to the head of Grameen China Gao Zhan memories, two days before the announcement, Liu I personally promised a contribution of $ 1 million for Grameen China specific commitments.

Journalists obtained a confidential meeting at the level of the interface appears in the memorandum, December 15, 2014, including Liu, Chen Shengqiang (Jingdong financial CEO), number of Jingdong executives had a meeting with Gao Zhan and others.

Among them, Grameen made in China, plans to establish the Board of Directors, raising at least $ 5 million in start-up capital, funding can come from the Board of Directors and Council, Grameen China will run as a social enterprise, money in the form of equity investment into, but not dividends. Grameen need to keep 50%+1 a seat on the Board.

Liu expressed interest in joining the Board of Directors, capital contribution and commitment of $ 1 million as a Director. Follow-up to raise capital by Grameen China Board of Directors, the wall will help raise in three months to complete. As leader of the Director's primary responsibility is to play influential for the realization of Grameen which raised funds for poverty alleviation.

In addition, the meeting also shows, Jingdong and Grameen mutual consent for Grameen China engage with East Beijing follow-up business cooperation, including through the Beijing Platform to raise funds in the East, Beijing East China Group-Grameen micro finance strategic cooperation framework based on the memorandum.

However, the $ 1 million pledges and the absence of any written agreement.

Interface Gao Zhan told journalists, Liu was the reason given is that East is a public company, there is a strict limit of use of funds, funded by his personal contributions, you don't need to write to launch strategic partnership agreement signed by both parties in the same day.

"I think that Jingdong such a large company, Liu is so well-known, certainly not dead beat. "Gao Zhan says.

Unexpectedly, after the Conference finished, he could not contact Liu himself. Now for more than two years in the past, Grameen and Beijing, China East cooperation there has been no real progress, he repeatedly found the Jingdong asked when donations, is kicking back and forth between the various sectors.

Wen kejian said Jingdong initially had requested that Grameen China provided material, including a $ 1 million contribution corresponding to the asset planning, Grameen China's qualification, but after the information is ready, Jingdong and still no reply.

High times to Beijing and East communications, finally find the Dong Guan Peisheng, President Zhang 雱, Beijing. According to Gao Zhan, said Jing dong people, including Zhang 雱 "promised $ 1 million contributions" this raised no objections, but for various reasons are not implemented.

"Yunus himself has sent a message to Liu last asked this, but received no response. "Wen kejian said later Liu Jingdong never read a message from shirk. In October 2015, Yunus has openly acknowledged in an interview, Jingdong financial cooperation with no apparent progress.

Wen kejian said Yunus himself has on many occasions asked the course of events, but hard to Yunus started Grameen China regard a clear reply, finally dragged out communication with the East failed to tell the truth after Yunus, he was disappointed.

Liu failed to carry out pledges of us $ 1 million, and interface journalists also confirm with Jing dong, but it was also a statement.

"As the Grameen Bank has yet to solve relevant financial qualification, resulting in contributions could not be implemented. "Beijing East official interface reporters, East of Beijing in December 2014, with the Grameen China strategic cooperation, with Grameen micro finance models to explore the creation of a suitable sample of financial services in rural China. In the course of discussion on both sides, Jing dong said on the premise of consistent with China's relevant laws and regulations, contributions to support the Grameen Bank project in China fall.

The reasons for the delays drag not contributions, these people said it was about Grameen Bank: qualification of individual contributions, Grameen China needed an NGO entity, but there has been no application and qualification of microcredit each other has been made.

But Wen kejian said concerned needs NGO entity, did not listen to the Jingdong mentioned previously, while Liu pledged contributions must be, China did not say that Grameen micro-credit qualification. Of course, the Grameen China is open, if the East Beijing wants, Grameen can match the Jingdong Chinese thinking, make some necessary adjustments, issues based on mutual consensus follow-up contributions.

Most importantly, replication of the Grameen global campaigns in the host countries to provide technical and management services, commonly referred to as BOT (build-operate-transfer), not directly engage in the Bank, so you don't have any financial qualifications or licences. Rich Yunnan-Yunnan and Grameen Bank at present cooperation is going well, the people's daily also reported "the Grameen Bank model in China".

Although China has a lot to India's vast rural population, but Grameen model in China since the fall, has been suffering acclimatized.

According to the investor's report, from as early as 1993 Du Xiaoshan, Mao yushi, try the Grameen model has 22 years, only the North foreland village survives, its founder, is the current President of Grameen China Gao Zhan.

Caixin reported once remarked, if China continued the Grameen Bank model pilot, you may need to first clear cutting on the relations with local governments, strengthening the independence of the micro-finance institutions, promotion agencies loan officers directly in the village exists, better communication and mutual trust Center and group meetings on a regular basis information mechanisms.

Jingdong after work with Grameen announced over the years but always in a separate attempt to promote rural finance.

July 2015, Beijing East financial for village market launched has credit consumption products "village white", currently cover has national 150,000 villages; September 2015, Beijing East financial released rural financial strategy, building full industry chain products chain rural financial service; October 2015, Beijing East financial and species industry company du State pioneer and dealer cooperation, aimed at for farmers provides planting link by needed production of financing loan service; November, Beijing East financial rural financial business online, Above 150,000 rural extension agents into rural finance business promoters.

刘强东赖账100万美元?诺贝尔和平奖得主尤努斯向京东发出指控 - 刘强东,京东 - IT资讯





























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