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published in(发表于) 2016/4/5 7:04:16 Edit(编辑)
If there is no app, you can’t go a day? ’ ,

If there is no app, you can’t go a day? ’ ,(如果没有微信,你的日子就过不下去了么?,)



If there is no app, you can't go a day? ' -Micro letters, phone control, head-IT information

Before the reading this, might as well do this simple test [1]:

(Order the following topics if the network you are using, please fill out Yes or No)

1, circle of friends, which concentrate on micro-communication activity, line continues to think of Internet cases.

2, felt the need to spend more time using the app can be met.

3, had tried many times to control the use of micro-impulse to the letter, but did not succeed.

4, when attempts to reduce or stop using the app, feel frustrated, depressed mood or temper impatient.

5, time spent in the letter longer than expected.

6, will be to use the app and would rather risk an important relationship, work, education, or the risk of job losses.

7, to family, friends or others lied to conceal rely on micro-level.

8, uses the letter to escape problems or to relieve feelings such as helplessness, guilt, anxiety or depression.

If the question, five answered "Yes", and the symptoms may continue for some time has a tendency to micro-dependent.

We then discuss why there is such a situation, and how can we freely use the app without being micro-life?

§ Network utopia?

Looking to the 21st century, computers and networks (Internet) research pioneer Alan Kay has two quotes: one is the " best way to predict the future, is to create the future ", and the other one is "the software really is interested in people, and the hands to create hardware".

When everyone now has a machine, the Internet is filled with filled in details of our life anytime, anywhere. Kay was not predicted, when he look ahead to the future of life, but also changed the look of our lives. People use the Internet, has become conjoined, and even United States Psychiatry learned to consider "Internet addiction" in the diagnostic and Statistical Manual of mental disorders (The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders).

In order to solve this "problem", Western scholars to study, explain how people become a slave to network, particularly severe dependency on social software, like Facebook or micro.

However, should we regard it as a "diseases", "problems"? At least in my opinion, these words are emphasized unusual side, but in my opinion with "addiction" or "dependent" is more in line with the general situation of the majority.

We just use the app brought some impact on lives, occasionally brushing his head, influence business-like people occasionally have a small cold – it does not mean that we can't live without the app.

§ Why it is hard to put down the app?

In General, the network of four psychological environment has its own unique characteristics (Wang Zhihong, 2004, Li Weibin, and Wang Zhihong, and Chen Qingfu, 2002) [2], resulting in our online community activities stop. Readers may wish to examine itself whether be unusable due to the following four:


We can micro-blogging, micro-select open or hide our personal information, which allows us to feel better with the case, does the greatest degree of expression. Don't have a boyfriend, or can print a bunch of seemingly happy pictures. Or groups, complained to work colleagues hate relationships on the job.

The low social presence of the network. App has a similar real-world interpersonal interactions, such as communication, but still dependent on a limited number of uses, and interaction each user deliberately contrived way, reality is not high. Photorealistic high results, is that people will not get any sense in the real world, usually because of the sense of morality, civility and to maintain image and did not dare say, in wanton out on the network. So when we are attracted to a person on the Internet or bad feeling, are likely to be amplified feeling because we are more likely to put their emotions (likes and dislikes) projection and fantasy.

Virtual sex

Real life could not be repeated, in accordance with what we mean to build, but the virtual online community, our own sense of the real world cannot progress in social activities, role play. We can change sex, occupation, through photos, and even ways to disguise their identity, to meet our difficult addiction. But behind the benefits of virtual sex, might get too addicted people can not tell the real and the virtual boundaries. Give up in ideals, motivation to change the plight of real-world practice, engaged in a virtual social networking brings satisfaction.


Convenience generally has three aspects: the use environment, tools, use, and to meet the demand. A mobile app, we can anytime, anywhere, through accessible hardware, instantly eliminating when we lack in emotion, curiosity, and feel. This is the significance of networks, enables us to and not much more far-reaching and people around the world are linked.

Long-distance love letters in the past, and protracted. Now just miss each other, use app will instantly solve suffering. Similarly, we are eager to receive, or how his group was disturbed by positioning, micro-circle of friends, we settled we can send or receive information. But on the other hand, we also became subject to attacks of negative energy by various.


Network opens up new languages, app has changed people's way of life. Through our new text, interactive, allows us to get more freedom in thought, but also because you want to learn and adapt to meet new trends allows us to continuously micro-letter culture and culture in real life, trying to find a harmonious way. Like for some people, the app is a tool for business; but for some people, the app community on more hot than real-life community, and when these people use language in small communities on the app, for most people in the real world, both strange and unable to communicate.

§ Micro-problem? '

Opened the Taiwan Ministry of education at addicted to network young people develop guidance books [3], we can easily find the current counseling and guidance-oriented, is not attributed to a network, or a single Web site or app. All the cases are centered around a problem, that is, "solitude", or emotional satisfaction.

Stephen Chow in the movie Wu Zhuang Yuan Su Qi-er, one scene is: Emperor dreaded Su Qi-er head of forces, expressed his concern regarding the Su Qi-er. Su Qi-er said, "If you are really wise, who also want to be beggars. ”

When we meet emotional needs in real life, when we are alone, and no one company, we will need to look for a consolation, one outlet. The four characteristics of the network, so we easily get warm. Compared to the real trouble with building a relationship, or disappointed time and time again, and finally we choose more likely to be happy, this logic is consistent with common sense.

"Addicted," modern studies also show a way is not far from the items, like get rid of app is to put the app. But to see dependent behind, in the end what we really need is, what is the higher value of our loss?

Johann Hari of the addiction many years cited two examples in the TED speech [4], early for cocaine in mice when caged rats with only pure water and water can choose cocaine, coca base were most rats will choose to add water, so zoologist inferred addiction to cocaine are easy to make. However, Vancouver University Professor Bruce Alexander was new experiment, overturned the earlier conclusion.

Many mice in cages with live, Alexander, and give them toys and comfortable environment, as well as the mice had a free room for socializing, mating. Results no mouse will also go to drink water with cocaine, emotional because mice have been met, without the solace of drugs.

§ Hold true we

If you feel you are micro or community software to control life, I suggest you take the bottom, to make a change in life. These changes are not going to let you out of control, but so that we can regain our true human interaction and emotion:

Set a specific itinerary of life: for example, from 8 to 9 points to concentrate on work, an hour that do not use a mobile phone. If had a habit of brushing Mail got up, changed to wash first, then open the phone.

Ideas, calculating gains and losses: on the one hand specific app caused your life impact and negative effects the writing, posted in a visible place, remind yourself why you want to change. App does not use time on the other hand, to be used to achieve life goals written down, posted in a visible place, remind us of meaning and value. Like you used to because of frequent micro-letter, missed the opportunity to care for children at the dinner table, you can write it down, remind yourself after work today, to talk to kids.

Diversified life when living single, people tend to continue to use the familiar pattern, "point to point" to life-Home Office-will give us new life habits. If we want to eat instant noodles themselves regularly, you can slowly reduce the frequency of eating instant noodles, then we need to try something you haven't tried dinner, more choices for themselves, rather than always makes the noodles become the first option in the brain. And we develop each new mode of life, and includes the possibility of developing new relationships.

Search for friends and family, community assistance: most of the time we are alone in the fight, it's very tiring, ineffective. Micro-fridge cake porn racks, calling for us, as long as open to instant gratification. We need to find at least one trusted person, sharing with him our situation, take the initiative to request his help. He went out for a walk, or to share in a mutual aid group, to work together. Tried to solve the problem, the easier it will return to the loneliness of the individual.

Rather, all attempts are designed to make us find the true sense of the life.

Taiwan recently has a buzzword called "stratosphere". Its allusions from legislation members election zhiqian, some support a, party of friends thought a, party will has many candidates Shang legislators, results out is poor, they review behind of reasons, is will and they concern, and discussion, for they of statement click like of friends, all is a, party of supporters, so this in psychological Shang caused a illusion, seems many people are support himself of party, support himself of concept. But in fact only a small group gathered together for warmth causes the illusion of this illusion is no way to change reality.

We are easily found on the Web a "stratospheric" community, make friends.

Facebook, micro, the popularity of community software, like link gave rise to unprecedented heights. But as the Johann Hari stated, "when you get into a crisis, you will find the help you are not friends on Facebook, but those who are flesh and blood friends. ”

Micro letter lost behind is embodied in our emotional needs are not being met.

So the way to solve the problem is not in the virtual world, but to return to the real world is not abandoning micro letter but return the value, and media tools to solve problems.

We are lonely, but mistakenly links to others, meet the emotional tools, mistaken for a purpose.

But in the real world, people's emotional needs clear, we will liberate brushed micro-hand and instead hold true in reality a pair of hands. When in reality, we get from skin to convey inner warmth, we don't have on the cold screen looking for virtual body temperature in the CPU heat sink.

[Language] we don't have to leave the app, but we have to make the app just as a part of life, but life is not all.

[1] adapted from National Chung Cheng University Counseling Center's "Internet addiction" tests.

[2] Wang Zhihong (2008). Cause analysis of Internet addiction and counseling strategies. Guidance quarterly, 44 (1), 1-12.

[3] Ministry of education mentoring program reality and fiction books: Internet addiction counseling.

[4] Johann Hari: Everything you think you know about addiction is wrong.

如果没有微信,你的日子就过不下去了么? - 微信,手机控,低头族 - IT资讯


(依序下列题目,若符合您使用网络的状况,请填写Yes 或No)











§ 网络乌托邦?

放眼21世纪,计算机与网络(互联网)研究先驱,Alan Kay有两大名言:一是“预测未来最好的方式,就是去创造未来”,另一是“对软件真的有兴趣的人,也该动手打造硬件”。

当现在人手一机、互联网充斥随时随地充斥在我们生活的细节。Kay没有预测到的是,当年他遥想的未来虽然带来生活的便利,却也改变了我们生活的样貌。人们从利用网络,成了网络连体婴,甚至美国精神医学学会考虑将“网络成瘾”列入《精神疾病诊断与统计手册》(The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders)。




§ 为什么我们很难放下微信












§ 问题出在微信身上?





对成瘾有多年研究的Johann Hari在TED的演讲上举了两个例子[4],早期对于古柯碱的老鼠实验,当笼子里的老鼠只有纯水跟加了古柯碱的水可以选择,多数老鼠会选择加了古柯碱的水,所以动物学家就推断古柯碱易于使人成瘾。然而,后来温哥华大学Bruce Alexander教授做了新的实验,推翻了这个早期结论。


§ 拥抱真实的我们









Facebook微信,社群软件的普及,好像给人们带来前所未有的高度连结性。实则诚如Johann Hari所说,“当你遇上危机,你会发现能助你一臂之力的不是脸书上的朋友,而是那些有血有肉的朋友。”





[解语] 我们不用离开微信,但我们得让微信仅仅做为生活的一部分,而不是生活的全部。


[2]王智弘(2008)。 网络成瘾的成因分析与辅导策略。辅导季刊,44(1),1-12。

[3]教育部辅导计划丛书 现实与虚幻:网络沉迷辅导。

[4]Johann Hari: Everything you think you know about addiction is wrong.

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