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published in(发表于) 2016/9/17 20:05:38 Edit(编辑)
United Kingdom cracked down on Internet piracy: increased maximum sentence to 10

United Kingdom cracked down on Internet piracy: increased maximum sentence to 10(英国重拳打击网络盗版:最高刑期增至10年,)



United Kingdom cracked down on Internet piracy: increased maximum sentence to 10-piracy-IT information

IT information piracy exists in all countries, but severity varies. In contrast, European and American countries hit more in this area. Recently, the United Kingdom Government's digital economy Bill will become the new legal, online piracy will be increased to a maximum term of imprisonment of ten years.

At present, the United Kingdom entities piracy conviction and higher, up to ten years in prison, and sentencing and online piracy is relatively low, for up to two years. But in recent years the copyright organizations have been lobbying the Government to increase the intensity of combat, claiming copyright and copyright entities is no different, should be treated equally, the maximum two-year sentence was too low, there is no deterrence.

Persuasion of the copyright organizations, United Kingdom in 2015, the Government announced a new Bill to online piracy penalty will be increased to up to ten years. Today, the once controversial bills have been passed in Parliament a secondary consideration, is about to become law.

英国重拳打击网络盗版:最高刑期增至10年 - 盗版 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 盗版问题在各国都存在,只不过严重程度各不相同。相比之下,欧美国家对这方面的打击力度更大。近日,英国政府的数字经济法案即将成为新的法律,网络盗版的刑期将增至最高十年。



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