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published in(发表于) 2016/9/17 20:05:18 Edit(编辑)
The son helpless: father to hire senior players, specifically killing their game roles

The son helpless: father to hire senior players, specifically killing their game roles(儿子无奈:父亲雇佣高级玩家,专门虐杀自己的游戏角色)



The son helpless: father to hire senior players, specifically killing their game characters-game role-IT information

Xiao feng, 23, for a year, he had been sitting at home playing video games. Do not go out to work, or to communicate with people. During the day, in addition to the laksa, he stared at his computer.

Small peak actually used to be in the software development company, he started with the company for three months, but he did not enjoy, so quit this job. Later at home depressed, addicted to the Internet game.

After a lot of persuasion failed, his father, Mr FUNG finally the last straw, but the boy so much, not to hard, so he came up with a good solution. Mr Feng online employs a large number of "Internet thugs", these thugs are professional game players. Mr FUNG to their labour costs, let them flog the small peak's character in the game, enable the small to lose confidence in playing games.

At first, small peaks for other players in the game of Hunt and suppression, but just feeling angry. He later were hunted down each time the line, he doesn't feel right, and after much questioning the other players in the game, he found his father's "conspiracy."

This thing did not kick the small peak's addiction, just let the bad blood between him and father more. In China, in such an extreme way to kick the addiction of children was not Mr a.

儿子无奈:父亲雇佣高级玩家,专门虐杀自己的游戏角色 - 游戏,角色 - IT资讯






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