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published in(发表于) 2016/9/10 8:25:05 Edit(编辑)
To honour scientists with Obama to name the new parasites,

To honour scientists with Obama to name the new parasites,(为表敬意,科学家用奥巴马命名新寄生虫,)



To honour scientists with Obama to name the new parasites-Obama-IT information

IT information news on September 10 after IT news scientists the newly discovered species was named Obama 's message, now a new worm named Obama lies again.

The parasite called beilaketelaima-aobamayi (Baracktrema obamai), scientists believe the name to express respect for Obama, which new varieties of sea turtles in Southeast Asia are found in the blood.

Previously, researchers Cooray in Northwestern Hawaiian Islands atoll found more than more than 90 metres under the water a reddish-brown and gold fish. On the dorsal fin of the fish had a blue-filled circles Erythema, with the Obama campaign logo is almost the same as before.

The coincidence is, Obama last week approved the proposal to establish the world's largest marine protected area off the coast of Hawaii. Researchers thanks to Obama's efforts to environmental protection, so will the fish named "Obama".

为表敬意,科学家用奥巴马命名新寄生虫 - 奥巴马 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 9月10日消息,此前IT资讯报道了科学家将新发现鱼种命名为奥巴马的消息,如今一种新寄生虫的命名让奥巴马再度躺枪。

该寄生虫名为贝拉克特莱玛-奥巴马伊(Baracktrema obamai),科学家认为这种命名能够表达对奥巴马的敬意,这种寄生虫新品种在东南亚海域的海龟血液中被发现。



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