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published in(发表于) 2016/9/9 18:39:13 Edit(编辑)
Director of the forbidden city: to encourage tourists to take pictures, share as much as possible to your circle of friends,

Director of the forbidden city: to encourage tourists to take pictures, share as much as possible to your circle of friends,(故宫院长:鼓励游客拍照,尽量多分享到朋友圈,)



Director of the forbidden city: to encourage tourists to take pictures, share as much as possible to your circle of friends-forbidden city, self portrait-IT information

IT news , September 9, the Museum can take pictures has always been a very controversial topic, Beijing's National Palace Museum Director Shan jixiang, recently expressed his point of view.

Dean said that many museums prohibit tourists take pictures mainly for two reasons. First, Flash, this is the explicit prohibition of the use, because it will cause damage to the relic itself, others may also interfere with the watch collection.

Other is tourists using the self timer and tripod, the injury risk of relics and other audiences, it may also be used for other commercial purposes.

Dean said, as long as you don't use Flash, do not use a tripod and self-timer, so pictures are allowed in the Palace Museum, and the museum itself is encouraging people to take pictures, this information away artifacts, bring his family and take them to the circle of friends, the museum itself is also a very good communication.

故宫院长:鼓励游客拍照,尽量多分享到朋友圈 - 故宫,自拍杆 - IT资讯





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