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published in(发表于) 2016/9/7 8:31:45 Edit(编辑)
AMD and Intel slug, but they are convinced that Moore’s law is not dead,

AMD and Intel slug, but they are convinced that Moore’s law is not dead,(AMD跟Intel争得你死我活,但他们都坚信摩尔定律未死,)



AMD and Intel slug, but they are convinced that Moore's law is not dead-Moore-IT information

AMD and Intel in years in to be cut-throat, K10, begins after the bulldozer processor can't keep up with times, has been losing money with Intel AMD can't do, especially in semiconductor technology, AMD no funding, no frequent upgrade strength process directly stopped playing. However, despite the different, but look at semiconductors golden rule "Moore's law" on the matter, AMD and Intel is the same--they don't think Moore's law is dead, it will continue to develop.

▲ AMD, Intel to fight to fight, but, in Moore's view on line

About Moore law a thing, we zhiqian also reported had times has--it is Intel veteran level founder one of of Gordon Moore in 1965 proposed of, he in a article articles in the predicted semiconductor chip Shang of transistor number will to annual turned times of speed growth, but this growth now has not too may has, so Moore law has had amendment, Intel official recognized of Moore law is "each 24 months transistor number turned times", this is Intel famous of " Tick-Tock "strategy was based on 2 years upgrading manufacturing processes.

Moore last year ushered in 50 years, 50 years ago, the law still can guide the development of the semiconductor industry? This issue has been discussed for many years, industry insiders view into two factions-the one that semiconductor development has slowed, impossible 2 years a technology upgrade, Moore's law is dead, Intel presented as Moore's naturally disagreed, that Moore's law will continue to exist, they are also trying to practice it.

So as the main rival AMD Intel how to think? AMD CTO Mark Papermaster also answered this question in an interview a few days ago, he believed that Moore's law was not dead, and live very well, he said that only a narrow-minded person would think technology upgrades are only related to transistor size.

He said, "it no longer have to do with transistors, each node, we cannot achieve improved transistors. It does bring the transistors improved, but also with our made in design, architecture, and how to mix with solution and so on, these guarantees Moore continues to advance. ”

PS: whatever Intel on the mouth to admit it or not, Moore really was a big challenge, 10nm and technology upgrade cycle after getting longer and longer, transistors also may not always be obvious upgrade, AMD said, Moore's law is not death improvements outside of the transistor.

AMD跟Intel争得你死我活,但他们都坚信摩尔定律未死 - 摩尔定律 - IT资讯





那么作为Intel主要对手的AMD如何看呢?AMD CTO Mark Papermaster日前在采访中也回答了这个问题,他认为摩尔定律并没有死,而且活得很好,他说只有思路狭窄的人才会觉得工艺升级只跟晶体管大小有关。



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