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published in(发表于) 2016/9/6 8:32:21 Edit(编辑)
Japan home appliances group declined, bid farewell to price wars crazy expansion of Chinese manufacturers,

Japan home appliances group declined, bid farewell to price wars crazy expansion of Chinese manufacturers,(日本家电集体衰落,中国厂商告别价格战疯狂扩张,)



Japan home appliances group declined, bid farewell to price wars-crazy expansion of Chinese manufacturers Haier, gree-IT information

White giant gree electric appliances, China, Qingdao Haier and midea group have published half-yearly report on 2016, revealed strong net profit increase, but two of midea, gree's operating income fell, and investment losses are the main reason. Continued relative weakness in the domestic white goods market condition, the big three have been busy for transformation of mergers and acquisitions investment has become an important option.

The first half of the United States has launched three transnational business strategy of cooperation, with a total investment exceeding 30 billion yuan is expected. Gree has recently announced a 13 billion yuan yinlong 100% stakes. After following the mobile phone, new energy vehicles, news that Hercules is still in the production of washing machines and continue to diversify the direction of development. In March this year, Haier has released U+ 2.0 strategy of wisdom, the first to introduce artificial intelligence solutions for smart appliances, to the "hardware + software + service" model. In June this year, Haier has also announced $ 5.58 billion acquisition of GE appliances, continues to widen the road of internationalization.

China economic NET I financial commentator said in the program, said real expansion of the home appliance industry has reached a phase of mergers and acquisitions, and now also some international opportunities for home appliances industry, noting Japan after the appliance giant collapses, China is a large market space. So how to occupy the international market quickly, shuffling rapidly, this is a very important aspect, although operating income fell, but profit, for these enterprises is a good thing.

Once home appliances to market share and price wars, very little such competition cannot be sustained, and now business turned a profit-center, to expand overseas investment as the Center, this is the result of restructuring. Meanwhile, these groups of home appliances from a single transition to a diversified group of the household appliance industry, advantages can have some cross with each other, with different product market of resources, and a variety of technical resources, making it the brand extension to expand further, make great premium, this is a reasonable option.

日本家电集体衰落,中国厂商告别价格战疯狂扩张 - 海尔,格力 - IT资讯





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