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归海一刀 published in(发表于) 2014/2/17 8:10:33 Edit(编辑)
Treasure: a vulnerability has been fixed, a reward of $ 5 million award finders,

Treasure: a vulnerability has been fixed, a reward of $ 5 million award finders,(淘宝:漏洞已修复,将悬赏500万重奖发现者,)

Treasure: the vulnerability is fixed, will be a reward of 5 million award Finder-online vulnerability PayPal vulnerability balances treasure holes, no password to log on Taobao, Taobao, Alipay, Po-IT balance information Treasure: a vulnerability has been fixed, a reward of $ 5 million award Finder

This afternoon, IT was reported by the news " revealed Taobao and Alipay was seriously flawed: without any login password " message, attracted heated debate. In an essay on time, Taobao has not yet responded, presumably Ali's little friends are busy to troubleshoot.

Just, Taobao official Micro-Blog announcement explains why, and announced that it would spend 5 million to continue the seizing of bug hunters.

Taobao explains that media reports of this vulnerability is caused by a new business rule in the near future short-time vulnerability has now completed the repairs, and verify that there are no users of vulnerability raised financial risks and losses .

At the same time, in order to thank the vulnerability discoverer, Taobao will give authors 50,000 dollars in cash incentives . At the same time, to come up with $ 5 million worth of bonuses to reward this year found Taobao white hat vulnerability .


淘宝:漏洞已修复,将悬赏500万重奖发现者 - 淘宝漏洞,支付宝漏洞,余额宝漏洞,淘宝无密码登录,淘宝,支付宝,余额宝 - IT资讯






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