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published in(发表于) 2016/9/6 8:32:04 Edit(编辑)
Dating site employees pretending to be a beautiful scam users, the boss was sentenced to 10.5 years,

Dating site employees pretending to be a beautiful scam users, the boss was sentenced to 10.5 years,(婚恋网站员工冒充美女诈骗用户,老板被判十年半,)



Dating site employees pretending to be a beautiful scam users, the boss was sentenced to 10.5 years-dating sites-IT information

Dating sites hidden trick, trap, from the so-called "send flowers" admirers to the later dating of objects all site staff virtual or pretend to, sticky, the marriage fraud for the purpose of site 43 people on trial, including the boss (this newspaper reported July 14 this year). Recently, luyang District Court case, dating site boss sentenced to 10.5 years, and a fine of 1 million and 42 other people were also sentenced.

Scam "matchmaker" provides four categories of people cannot be deceived

On July 13 this year, 43 accused luyang district, was brought to court for trial.

Prosecutors accuse Zhang, Liu Department of relationships, in August 2012, the two established companies dating sites. According to understand, couple II people established of East margin company have recruitment Gu xxx, 27 people and the items xxx, 32 people (the other case processing) for sale Qian Service staff, to so-called of "matchmaker" name and website new registered members contact, and lied about website within has members on its concern and has contacts intention, and and according to other needs recommended website virtual members, cheat trust, and stimulus its pay contributions upgrade for "senior members", pay more of costs also can upgrade for "Diamond members", and "Platinum Gold members".

Such confessions, gather some fake membership information from the Internet, some pictures pictures directly on a star, someone every day by some well-known Web site promotion, Internet users see the ads and click Web page, registration information. Companies to promote the geographical restrictions, first not promoting Hefei, have time to ask members not to Chengdu, Sichuan to promote, because the runtime has been member of the Chengdu complaints everywhere.

Pre-sales staff confirmed that the company provides for public security, government officials, local personnel in Hefei, the media is not allowed to introduce.

Employees fake lovers expire "break up"

Pre-sales confirmed four groups of employees, the company requires that each group's performance was 100,000 yuan per month.

For cover sale Qian Department personnel cheat registered members pay contributions of crime facts, East margin company while recruitment Lee a, total 22 people (the other case processing) for after-sales service Department staff, to employees posing as members of way, in website dedicated chat platform Shang and senior members chat, pretending and other dating chat and waiting find excuses "broke up", again to website "senior matchmaker" identity negative to for senior members provides so-called "marriage service", until three months service expires.

And technical staff of the company confirmed that they also need to maintain the company's image and treatment of negative information, negative information refers to the customer in the posted complaints, report company fraud information.

Company financial statements periodically destroy

It is reported that since January 18, 2015, 3302 people at least to the dating site to pay 7266054.49 Yuan.

Liu said his wife is not a corporation, was in investment of the wife's name, is his one hand operation. He said losses may be attached as a BMW for the return of victims. Advocates believe that indictments identified incorrect amounts of fraud, so part of the matchmaking business is legal.

Liu argued that the companies only pay salaries, not involved in the company, shall not be determined as the first principal. Liu statement said, pre-sales and after-sales staff salary is base salary (1800 and 2200) plus Commission, the company's financial statements and accounting documents destroyed on a regular basis, retention periods are generally not more than three months.

In addition, several defendants argued that the company receives more than 3,000 yuan monthly income is used for daily life, belong to the lowest-level employee, minor crimes and accomplices.

43 people sentenced the perpetrator was sentenced to 10.5 years

Luyang District Court believes that the eastern margin of the company amounts to deceiving 438 victims across the country pay 978843.39 Yuan, involving 43 defendants involved in fraud can range from more than 20,000 yuan to more than 900,000 yuan. Zhang, Liu and other acts 43 people have been constituted fraud, and is a common criminal, should be in accordance with the circumstances of the crime the defendant be punished according to law.

Defendant Zhang xxx played a major role in a joint crime, principal, 42 people such as Liu plays a secondary, supportive role in common crime, an accessory.

Taking all circumstances of the crime and the defendant pleaded guilty to repentance, luyang District Court of first instance to principal sentenced to 10 years and six months, and fined 1 million Yuan respectively for 42 accomplices to Jiajia Liu a prison term of three years, suspended for five years to a criminal prison terms ranging from six months suspended for eight months, and a fine of 500,000 yuan to 20,000 yuan.

婚恋网站员工冒充美女诈骗用户,老板被判十年半 - 婚恋网站 - IT资讯




















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