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published in(发表于) 2016/9/4 9:01:01 Edit(编辑)
Ma talking about money: 20 years without wages, not love of money there are so many resources

Ma talking about money: 20 years without wages, not love of money there are so many resources(马云谈金钱观:20年没拿过工资,不爱钱才有那么多资源,)



Ma talking about money: 20 years without wages, not love of money there are so many resources-Ma-IT information

On September 4, B20, held a few days ago, MA puts forward and expounds the philosophy of eWTP, vision and action plan. He hoped that eWTP buy global sell as a global platform, can help the 2 billion young people can sell on the Internet via mobile phone, 72-hour service.

In addition, recently told the CCTV of the face to face interview, Ma said, "I make all the important decisions about the company, all the important decisions had nothing to do with money. As long as the decisions to do with money, are colleagues, I do not do this, and only in this way can we go today. ”

Mr Ma said: "I have not paid for about 20 years, I don't know how to spend money, I have no money with. But just because I don't love money, today there are only so many resources, and if you love money, your money will not be much. ”

Here are excerpts from the face to face interview with dialogue (full version: click here to read | | Video: click here to watch )

Reporter : there is something entrepreneurs did not make money?

Ma : I made all the important decisions about the company, all the important decisions had nothing to do with money. As long as the decisions to do with money, are colleagues, I do not do this, and only in this way can we go today. If a business brain, I say you think of is money, this is the Yuan, dollars, mouth is HK, people don't want to make friends with people like you, doing bad things, employees look down on you, right, talk about money too vulgar.

Reporter : I can't dialogue with you on this level, because we have a completely different understanding of money.

Ma : we're all the same, I so far, I've not paid for about 20 years, I don't know how to spend money, I have no money with.

Reporter : is it because there are a lot of people around you for you to do these things?

Ma : Yes, but just because I don't love money, today there are only so many resources, and if you love money, your money will not be much.

Reporter : do you do business is not for the money, and for what?

Ma : I was named because that was the year the ten outstanding teachers of the school, I said, how could I when I teach students are my own, so I want to be a company ten years later to go back to school to teach, and that was my starting point. Is later, mostly were bragging of capital. So I never thought that this was just kidding people ask me, do you? I said I would be rich, but the money I have no concept.

马云谈金钱观:20年没拿过工资,不爱钱才有那么多资源 - 马云 - IT资讯




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