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published in(发表于) 2016/9/1 12:38:20 Edit(编辑)
France famous photographer Marc Riboud’s death: the first Western photographer to Chinese leaders,

France famous photographer Marc Riboud’s death: the first Western photographer to Chinese leaders,(法国著名摄影师马克·吕布去世:首位拍中国领导人的西方摄影师,)



France famous photographer Marc Riboud's death: the first Western photographer-photographer of the Chinese leaders, Marc Riboud-IT information

According to France Press reported, the famous France photographer Marc Riboud (Marc Riboud) died of illness in local time on August 30, at the age of 93.

Mark ? Lu BU is known for extended coverage from the East. His main works are: The Three Banners of China (China's three red flags), Face of North Vietnam, Visions of China code. He is the 50 's of the last century the first Western photographer allowed into China, then repeatedly came to China at the invitation of Premier Zhou Enlai. More than half a century ago, mark ? Lu BU from India traveled to Hong Kong to Guangzhou, and then all the way North, first recorded Chinese scenery on the way, including his experience and in the construction of Yangtze River Bridge in Wuhan.

France celebrated cameraman of many black and white photos, a historical archive of the great changes China has become. 1957 mark ? Lu BU published his reports on China's first picture, since that time, Marc Riboud travelled to China more than 20 times. He claimed to be wandering Wangfujing Street in Beijing than the Champs Elysees Avenue in Paris, and more. "He's always energetic, almost every year on the road. Even though he was almost 90 years old, but also on the streets of Guangzhou fireball chasing beautiful women pictures. "His impression of Chinese students, mark ? Lu BU never take the elevator, always insists on climbing the stairs for exercise.

2012 mark ? Lu BU: Oriental impression is Mark ? Lu BU photographic work was officially launched on the Chinese mainland for the first time, limited printing 5000 sets. Book most of the picture was appeared in public for the first time in the country, is the lack of images of the 1950 's with cherished memories of the East.

? Mark ? Lu BU shot liulichang Street

? 50 Wangfujing Street

? Mark ? Lu BU shot of Zhou Enlai

? Mark ? Lu BU under the lens of Deng Xiao-ping's

Reports were published in 1957 in the first picture, he has visited China many times since then, observed and recorded a number of historical events took place in China.

At the age of 14, father mark ? Lu BU a Kodak camera and from then on he was closely connected with photography. During the second world war, Marc Riboud took France underground antifascist partisans against fascist rule. The war, mark ? Lu BU into Lyon's mechanical engineering from EcsleCentrale College and graduated in 1948. But in 1951, he decided to give up his stable's engineers work, devoted all his energies to photography.

30 years old, a beginner in photography. Marc Riboud first came to Paris, he met Kate·buliesong. In the absence of prior to any discussion, Kate·buliesong persuaded mark ? Lu BU using a old viewfinder it has an upside down picture of singular characteristics.

Initially working as a freelance photographer, 1952 and joined the famous Magnum. In 1959, mark ? Lu BU to Magnum Europe's Vice President-elect, in 1975, 1976 and was elected as President of the Magnum-Europe. Then, Marc Riboud took a box of film to the Eiffel Tower Paris, filmed the Eiffel Tower painted a worker. Workers involved in the photo wearing a hat, holding a cigarette, take a brush, the feeling is light drift dancers in mid-air, doesn't like to work, but is a lightweight musical rehearsal. So, the picture became his first work, published in life, he entered the prestigious Magnum photo after that.

Mark ? Lu BU initially as a freelance photographer, 1952 and joined the famous Magnum. In 1959, mark ? Lu BU to Magnum Europe's Vice President-elect, in 1975, 1976 and was elected as President of the Magnum-Europe.

Riboud's photographs have been published in many magazines, including life, g e o, national geographic, Paris-Match, Stern, etc. He has twice won the Overseas Press Club Award, and Stedelijk modern art museum in Paris, New York's International Center of photography (ICP) do a retrospective.

You can say, mark ? Lu BU is the true meaning of Luke Skywalker. More than 60 years, he kept walking in various different places, everything is captured in his eyes with a lens and at the same time impress his moments are recorded in the original silver halide in the film. He initially only in accordance with his wishes, works out at the many beautiful mountains near Lyon, he found himself in the journey almost impossible for any interaction with strangers. So he decided to give up the stability of the architect's work, devotion to photography. Early years, filming him for a company and soon found that, even if the photographer at work and also unable to communicate, we regularly talk about all related equipment and technology topics, and he had no interest. So he left that company, started doing some longer trips.

Xiao Quan is Marc Riboud, a famous Chinese photography student, and Marc Riboud has 20 years of deep love. In 2014, Xiao Quan interview column in the Phoenix culture age when he talks about his mentor, here is the content:

The first Western photographer Marc Riboud took Chinese leaders: 80 or filming

Phoenix culture: you did mark ? Lu BU Assistant, can you tell the story?

Xiao Quan: my first contact with him was in 1993, 94, 95, 96. 93 is a what? We all know that Deng Xiaoping's 92 drew a circle in the South China Sea, China's reform has just started at this time. Actually mark o Lü BU special clear he to what, so he will let accompany he to shopping China maximum of electrical market, including railway station, he know has tide what, he although not understand Chinese, but from he took to of special typical of 1957 years of China, great leap forward wall Shang those posters, roadside of wall Shang also has many this symbol, he on these things very of sensitive.

Mark ? Lu BU bed backs with several cameras, he has three M6, Leica, two R5,M6 are different lenses, for example, he used fixed-focus, 28,35,50, then the R5 is an SLR, he can use 90, he still has a long. I think this is the father of the devil, he is very dynamic, work work work, until we got to a restaurant, order when he saw a boss on the cell phone, and he asked me to tell him, saying I wanted to shoot him. Because he's not on the street, walked up to someone else to shoot, he seemed a bit abrupt, a bit too polite. I told that person that later, I said there's a France a very famous photographer wants to take you with your mobile phone, he said. He took him in the past, then this photo appears on his album. Also has a I often told of story, I daily morning to find he, evening to work, has been go, go go go, days fast black has, to has a is he awareness of a boss, in France do company of so a people, we to to see he, to has that yihou, I on said Oh, finally can put camera received up, not took has, then he said if in that place met Deng Xiao-ping's, I see you took not took.

He especially likes to eat mangoes, in Foshan as if we are one day, he saw selling mangoes, on the roadside, and then he called me to ask how much, after I said, he was too expensive, not willing to buy, go. I didn't tell him, just bought a few mangoes, placed inside the camera bag, I looked up and gave him a shot back. Later, when it was getting dark, I say mark, do you think this is what he said Wow, mango, he was very, very happy. Later, when I was in 2003, that is, when he was 80 years old, sent him a birthday gift, I took him in China, I shot some photos of him, made a postcard sent to him, he was happy to death, back cover photograph, is a figure, hung up on a machine, low head, a head of silver hair.

Then I say, as a photographer, he wanted to witness this day and age, as a man, he will bring home the bacon. I am the postcard to write a paragraph, I said to a man of 80 years old still photos, I said how I feel a photographer in the face of his work and life, I think mark ? Lu BU he can only admire, but he couldn't get people to follow suit.

Western photographers love story also fascinates me

Phoenix culture: don't you want to get to 80?

Xiao Quan: not really. I'm unable to follow his natural photography, AWE and love, his sensitivity, his thoughts, even his romantic. Especially not followed is that more of his life, he had participated in the resistance guerrillas, he photographed include first generation of Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, he was the first Western photographer of China's leaders. He was in India when acquainted with Premier Zhou Enlai, and he was invited to China by Zhou Enlai, soon gave him a visa. So he was here to take photos, almost beside him there is no other Western photographers. He also photographed Viet Nam Ho Chi Minh, Churchill, took some Nazi leader of the Nazi concentration camps are particularly important. Shortly before one of his exhibition, a chronology of his, he almost every walk around the world, very, very great.

He loved his family, he was married twice, he really affected me was the love story. He had a colleague named falanke·huowa, has a book out called the photographer of dialogues, falanke·huowa to chat with him, he said, when I met the woman I love, then she makes me a fresh start, his departure was that he loves Katherine. Yuesefu·koudeka reminds me of another photographer, he is a Czech man, was the unbearable lightness of Milan Kundera wrote this. I think it helped influence of Western photographers, in addition to their work, their love story is more fascinated me.

Like Mark ? Lu BU and, in the song, they have a lot of photos of the kind handed down, Marc Riboud first painter of the Eiffel Tower, he is so elegant, and his work, as he whistled like that is kind of romantic French. I climbed the Eiffel Tower a few years ago, I went to the places he photographed that painter, to pay tribute to him. The next day I see him, he is as old as that was, I showed him the photo, I think mark ? Lu BU didn't regret what he has at his age did what he had to do.

法国著名摄影师马克·吕布去世:首位拍中国领导人的西方摄影师 - 摄影师,马克·吕布 - IT资讯

据法国媒体报道,著名法国摄影师马克·吕布(Marc Riboud)于当地时间8月30日因病去世,享年93岁。

马克·吕布以来自东方的延伸报道而著称。主要作品有:《The Three Banners of China》(中国三面红旗)、《Face of North Vietnam》、《Visions of China》。他是上世纪50年代首位获准进入中国拍摄的西方摄影师,后来多次受到周恩来总理的邀请来到中国。半个多世纪前,马克·吕布从印度辗转香港来到广州,然后一路北上,第一次沿途记录中国风景,其中包括他在武汉的所见所闻及建设中的长江大桥。












吕布的照片在许多杂志上都有过登载,包括生活、Géo、国家地理、Paris-Match、Stern等。他曾两次获得Overseas Press Club Award,并在巴黎市立近代美术馆、纽约的摄影国际中心(ICP)办过回顾展。














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