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published in(发表于) 2016/3/15 17:25:43 Edit(编辑)
Cell phones are “private split“, goes the warranty? ,

Cell phones are “private split“, goes the warranty? ,(手机被“私拆”,保修就泡汤?,)



Cell phones are "private split", goes the warranty? -Cell phone repair, warranty, 315 parties-IT information

If your phone is in "three guarantees" period fails, how to properly safeguard their legitimate rights and interests? Mr Ma said a few days ago, his iPhone6 is just more than a month there body heat Burns, unable to picture failure, when he designated maintenance repair mobile phones, and they inadvertently strayed into a non-designated repair, cell phones are the "after". He then transferred to the designated repair maintenance, the result was "private split" to refuse repair, leading to a string of troubles.

Non-Apple authorized service point openly with their "Apple repair"

In counsel's view, non-designated repair rushed over right to disassemble, violating the consumer originally enjoyed by the "three packs of" lawful rights and interests of owners can claim the corresponding direct and indirect losses. But in the process, computer itself has some faults. Industry veterans say, in this case, specify repair phone repair at reasonable prices can be, because providing after-sale repair services is the most basic responsibility one of the operators.

Cell phone repair in mind

Voted at the wrong gate repair phone repair worse

Smartphones now brings users various communication facilities, happy to spend time at the same time, its various after-sales maintenance "entangled" consumers often the slightest mistake will lead to trouble.

"Last May, for operational requirements, the units for the staff assigned to buy iPhone6, I was secretly happy for a while. "Mr Ma said. Unexpectedly arrived in early July, a problem with the phone is capable of normal switches and phone calls, but the fuselage started to get some heat, even hot, and the situation got worse. Fully charged, only one morning, SLES, and camera are also not open properly.

IPhone cell phone problems encountered for the first time his view the paper distribution of theiPhone6 information, failed to find information about the authorized service provider. Eventually through Web searches, his queries to the iPhone mobile phone authorized service providers in Dongguan city in South China Kai-Plaza.

He then proceeded to repair phones, didn't think waiting for him was a bunch of trouble.

He took the elevator from the HomeKey Plaza, 12/f, Tower a, out of the elevator, turn to the left, we see a "phone service". Its taped to the wall of the reception room are striking "Apple repair service" and a built-in maintenance tools of Apple. A receptionist in black face calmly motioned him to the inner Chamber, Chamber, with couches and chairs, during which time customers come to repair mobile phones from time to time.

A staff surnamed Liu said, such faults are generally phone wet, you need to check. Inside the small room testing, later told Mr MA phone is damp, and need to replace a chip, the cost is 650 Yuan . Tests after the current operation, mobile phone failure still, also known as the phone back to factory testing, if they meet the conditions for the new, fees are 2298, the time required is about half a month. Repair acceptance form issued by the stamp it as "Dongguan culvert of communication technology".

Horse waiting after 10 days, they informed him: cell phones do not meet the conditions, could not be replaced with new machines. For specific reasons, not why other road. He started to feel wrong, then query and call Apple technical support hotline .

After information about the operator informed Mr MA phone is still in the "three guarantees" period, and asked Mr MA before repairing mobile service's address and house number. Learned that service points of house number for 1208th, Hou, operator told horse Mr voted wrong has door, said 1215th, is Apple authorized of specified maintenance points, but on horse Mr proposed of why 1208th, also using Apple identifies, problem, operator is not to answered, and said "yiqian no received had similar of reflect and complaints", recommends horse Mr will phone sent to 1215th, China reputation dimension Cheng maintenance processing.

In the 1208th "Dongguan culvert of communications technology," Mr MA asked the clerk why "fake" Apple specifies the maintenance staff avoiding answers, saying only that he returned to service acceptance form will be able to take the phone. But this time, Mr MA phone is not charging and power on the system.

For compensation, the other side says "do you have problems to repair is not a phone." Annoyed, while Mr MA blurted out "shops", two shop assistants suddenly turned, stalking even waving his fists, claiming that "should not affect business."

Later, a middle-aged man attitude softened, approached Mr MA, whispered, "do not say that we have taken in the past, this does not affect your warranty. ”

Two phones are "private split" is no longer under warranty

And Apple technical support hotline operator told Mr MA's 1215th Apple repair point is specified, in the 1208th diagonally opposite.

1215th, as Apple's designated service point and the door doesn't stand out, the door can be seen on the wall of authorized service providers. Mr MA asked why not the elevator as a clear sign, Huayu Weicheng said tubes do not allow us to post freely, but "they have a business license."

Huayu-d open inspection of maintenance personnel claimed that Mr MA phone is still in the "three guarantees" period, and no signs of moisture, said after the inspection if the identified quality issues can be replaced with new machines.

And when a horse to get the phone, Huayu Weicheng told the phone staff were not covered by the warranty, because mobile phones have been "private split." In later telephone communication with Apple technical support hotline, said men's Technical Director, in accordance with the provisions of the Apple, mobile phone once the "private split" should not be enjoyed after-sale warranty, "refuses to accuse."


More than maintenance of the right to recover losses

Cell phones are "private split", a City Council, former General Secretary Deng Guoping said, holding banner that maintenance points even if Apple repair service repairing mobile credentials, but without Apple's authorization, registration would not have "iPhone repair" this one. Because even made Apple authorized maintenance points are required to consumer publicity authorization.

In this case, non-Apple authorized repair and Apple authorized service points "next to" save, essentially unfair competition, and common sense, Apple authorized service point should not acquiesce in such cases. Experience this kind of situation, Apple authorized service point and consumers are entitled to and should complain to the business sector and reflect the situation, so as to better protect their rights and interests.

"Two adjacent, really easy to mislead consumers. "Continent of Guangdong lawyer Chen said. In accordance with the "three guarantees" provisions, is still in the "three guarantees" period of goods without authorization by the manufacturer qualified shops can't repair, maintenance goods because the consumers are not required to pay any fee. In this event the non-Apple authorized service point rush over right to disassemble, violating the legitimate rights and interests of consumers, mobile phone to warranty. "To which party can claim phone direct losses and the resulting rates and other indirect losses. "Chen says," of course, in the process, consumers have some fault, no identification of the other party without proper authorization. ”

Deng Guoping recommended that consumers keep invoices and maintenance form evidence cases, consultation with business compensation. If negotiations fail, you may make a complaint to the Consumer Council and the competent departments or apply for arbitration. If there is no demand, you can go the legal way.

"Repair" and "warranty"

Many consumer goods "warranty period" and "warranty" do not get too understand .

"Repair" means "three packs of products" repairs, replacement or return of the period of validity, generally for one year. During the period of the manufacturers maintenance product quality problem for the consumer, including maintenance, fees and materials fees shall not be charged a fee, this is a mandatory requirement of the protection of the legitimate interests of consumers and the quality of goods.

"Warranty" is the manufacturer according to the nature and value of its own product maintenance periods of different lengths, repair parts can be charged to cost of goods within the time limit, but not charge maintenance fees. "Warranty period", consumers will pay special attention to the exclusions.

If your phone is in "repair" quality problems arise, you must go to factory authorized "three guarantees" service maintenance, General authorized service point striking marked "authorized". Must not be in unauthorized repair boot repair, otherwise it will result in termination of warranty. While consumers want to keep maintenance records and accepting vouchers, best to ask when state phone repaired is intact, keep evidence for future rights.

"If the repair is not authorized qualification, no request for invoice, warranty certificate, consumers should be on the alert and careful handling. "Zou Jie, Deputy Secretary General of the Consumer Council, but also to remind.

手机被“私拆”,保修就泡汤? - 手机维修,保修,315晚会 - IT资讯


































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