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published in(发表于) 2016/8/31 12:22:37 Edit(编辑)
Study: If there is a code: agro-Olympic Games, programmers must win gold medals in China,

Study: If there is a code: agro-Olympic Games, programmers must win gold medals in China,(研究:如果有码农奥运会,中国程序员必然斩获金牌,)



Study: If there is a code: agro-Olympic Games, Chinese programmers must win gold medals-programmers, the Olympics-IT information

Beijing time on August 31, according to foreign media reports, during the just-concluded Olympic Games in Rio, United States team took the Gold Medal tally. However, if the coding community is organizing an Olympic race, who got the gold medal? Coding community HackerRank research shows that United States team in this game is doomed to defeat, programmer, China gold medal in the bag.

This study analyzes the HackerRank community 1.4 million codes challenges completed 300,000 developers, they eventually found that programmers in China in the first place, while United States Code came in 28th place.

? China and Russia programmers in the world of coding ahead

"I think this result is not surprising," says HackerRank founder and CEO of Wiewecke. "The United States team won this ranking is very normal, after all they had in a variety of coding competitions have ranked in the middle. ”

Chinese programmer is a worthy of the King code, it is followed by Russia, and Poland, and Switzerland and Hungary. The worst three countries included Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Nigeria.

Of course, this result is more than a challenge and integrated. In the algorithm, Russia programmers have absolute dominance, but Chinese programmers in the data schema to build self-esteem.

Experts believe that China and Russia leading programmers on the code the world thanks largely to students earlier access to mathematics and computer education. Russian code on the HackerRank also agree with the idea of God, saying, "the code is already Russia was one of the many children's early education curriculum."

研究:如果有码农奥运会,中国程序员必然斩获金牌 - 程序员,奥运会 - IT资讯








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