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qq published in(发表于) 2015/6/10 7:24:11 Edit(编辑)
Apple, Microsoft and Google, are caring for women,

Apple, Microsoft and Google, are caring for women,

Apple, Microsoft and Google, are caring for women-female employees, Microsoft, Google, Apple-IT information

There is a joke: whenever Technology Conference held at, always to be a long long line outside the men's room, and you see a figure outside the ladies ' room.

Microsoft, Google and Apple continue to extend the length of the men's team.

These technology giants some quite well known Developers Conference held every year, such as WWDC and the Google I/O Conference. Tens of thousands of people people at the meeting, but mainly men, whites and Asians. Most of these meetings is known for launching shiny new technology, participants to this purpose is often to learn new technologies and networks.

The rare female figure in the leadership of these companies, in their keynote held by women is even more unlikely anyway.

However, Microsoft recently took the lead in changing the situation. Build a speech, held in April this year, three women-agenizika-Greene (Agnieszka Girling), Brianna Roberts (Briana Roberts) and La-Lu Belk (Lara Rubbelke) – on the front desk, made an excellent speech. At its Google I/O Conference in May this year, Google was a great debut by three female employees, they are: nathacha appanah-shennapulaguda (Aparna Chennapragada), James-Fitz Patrick (Jen Fitzpatrick) and Eleonora-Bao Weisi (Ellie Powers).

On Monday morning, Apple introduced the two women in his WWDC keynote: Apple Vice President of Pay zhannifeier-Bailey (Jennifer Bailey) and product marketing Vice President Susan Doppler Scott (Susan Prescott).

"Let women engineers and innovators on the front desk, is essential. This will not only make women see women's presence in the audience, better able to let everyone with a common heart treatment of women in the technology industry. "From the United States national women and information technology industries Association (National Center for Women & Information Technology) Luther-Farmer (Ruthe Farmer) said.

Google and Apple are also working hard to allow more women to participate in their respective Developers Conference held.

"I know, women in the technology industry in China much more than we see women. "Google's women in technology supporter Natalie weilaluobosi (Natalie Villalobos) said.

Weilaluobosi helps Google I/O Conference 16% of the ratio of women participants from three years ago, increased to 25% this year. She is in charge of Google's Women Techmakers sector. This year, she has begun to be active and try to I/O Assembly can meet the needs of women, her major initiatives including the provision of mother-infant room, introduce a new code of conduct as well as for parents free childcare for its employees.

Apple's WWDC Conference provides 350 scholarships (many places for female employees); Google provides travel grants of us $ 20,000 for women and giving women a developer to distribute free tickets of the General Assembly, and encouraged them to bring their friends. (WWDC conference ticket is $ 1600, and Google I/O Conference fare is $ 900. )

Both companies also cooperation with external STEM tissue, these include the Women Who Code and the Anita Borg Institute, and Hackbright Academy and the Girl Develop IT. Apples from the United States national women's cooperation and information technology industries Association has for more than ten years ago.

These initiatives are excellent PR for these companies, because they are trying to improve their internal diversity statistics. However, these initiatives are a wise investment. For the company, internal friction between employees would greatly increase costs, and studies have shown that increasing diversity within the company can improve the level of innovation of the company.

"Now, people are very concerned about this area, employee diversity is inevitable. "The Farmer said.

On the eve of May's I/O Conference, Google held a grand banquet, hosted a meeting of more than 800 women employees. Share sex stories of the struggle in the industry, hoping not only to attract new employees, but also managed to retain experienced employees. Participants also agreed that the gender issue is still not resolved, all the prejudices still pervades the entire industry.

In the technology sector, women tend to opt out in the middle of their career development. Women are twice as likely as men to exit the tech industry.

Women left the technology industry may be due to the industry so that they get bored and lonely. Now, when a woman appeared on stage or in the audience, marking the Corporation diversity development direction of science and technology has taken a solid step. But when the meeting ended, when they returned to their jobs, they still have to face "alone" dilemma.

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