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published in(发表于) 2016/8/29 14:22:23 Edit(编辑)
Or Michigan will become the United States the first State to allow unmanned vehicles on the road,

Or Michigan will become the United States the first State to allow unmanned vehicles on the road,(密歇根或将成为美国首个允许无人驾驶汽车上路的州,)



Michigan or will be the United States first State to allow unmanned cars-unmanned, vehicle-IT information

According to foreign media reports that United States Michigan has the potential to become the first self-driving cars allowed on the road, and no human pilot sits in the driver's seat ready to take over the vehicle.

As we all know, there are already many companies across the United States testing self-driving cars on the road, but almost all manufacturers will arrange a driver in the driving seat for the danger in time to take over the vehicle. However, recently Michigan has proposed a bill allowing driverless cars on the road, and no human drivers prepare to take over the car after sitting at the steering wheel.

It is reported that the proposed purpose of the Act is intended to serve as an economic development measure to retain and attract businesses across the State engaged in the research and development of self-driving cars. Moreover, the Michigan Senate Economic Development Committee plans to hold hearings on the Bill Wednesday, and supporters say that the Bill has bipartisan support, and therefore most likely to be passed.

"I want to make sure we are able to quick step, and self-driving cars maintain a leading position in research and development. "The Republican State Senate, responsible of this measure is to promote Cornwall, Mike (Mike Kowall).

Cornwall said the passage of the Bill to allow automatic driving a motor vehicle on any road in the state roads, including interstate and national highway. Currently, there is no federal law prohibits self-driving cars on the road, but now each State requires that a human driver accidents in such cars.

In addition, the Michigan law and even clear up once the automatic driving automobile accident who is responsible for the provision. Think of Cornwall, car manufacturers and suppliers should bear the responsibility.

Now, almost every major auto manufacturers in the development of autonomous driving technology, even a public technology companies such as Google are also actively involved. Earlier this month, Ford expects the company will be in production within five years without the steering wheel, brake pedal or throttle-free automatic transmission models.

However, the safety issues relating to self-driving cars are still plagued by doubts. In May this year, a drive a Tesla car drivers killed so far believe the autopilot system, the outside world's doubts are rife. Also, Tesla's autopilot system currently has a number of non-fatal accidents.

In this regard, Tesla said the driver in using the autopilot functions should remain vigilant and ready to take over driving preparation. The company stressed that Tesla currently use automated driving systems have been driving for more than 130 million miles, and this is now the only fatal accidents, this data has suggests that automatic mode of driving over the traditional drive has a higher safety factor.

Last year, the United States on the road due to traffic accidents killed more than 35,000 people. According to United States security regulators ' data show that 94% of the accidents are caused by driver error.

密歇根或将成为美国首个允许无人驾驶汽车上路的州 - 无人驾驶,汽车 - IT资讯




“我想确保我们能够快人一步,并在自动驾驶汽车研发方面保持领先地位。”共和党州参议员、负责对这项措施进行推广的麦克-康沃尔(Mike Kowall)表示。







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