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published in(发表于) 2016/8/29 14:22:17 Edit(编辑)
Mr Wang visit of the Lu Yu is about: Shanghai Disneyland can’t profit profit within 20 years,

Mr Wang visit of the Lu Yu is about: Shanghai Disneyland can’t profit profit within 20 years,(王健林做客《鲁豫有约》:让上海迪士尼20年内盈不了利,)



Mr Wang visit of the Lu Yu is about: Shanghai Disney 20 years can't profit-Wang, Wanda, Shandong, Henan and some-IT information

IT information news on August 29, we micro-circle of friends has been Wang Jianlin today "a billion small target" crowding the screen, Wang does it when they visit the Lu Yu about say, then in addition to the sentence, Wang also said some what?

Lu Yu has about big Lady day line of King health forest series has in Southeast TV broadcast, in first program in the Chinese richest man Wang will appeared show himself of mystery collection, led Lu Yu into million up canteen, first open private aircraft carrying Lu Yu together travel, full interpretation "how set Chinese himself of discourse right", about and son Wang Sicong of "each other wash brain", this is Wang I first debut variety show.

Mr Wang says in the program, our goal is to make Shanghai Disney profit cannot benefit within 20 years, be sure to let worship these people have a good understanding of it.

New life goal, Wang said it is not the pursuit of wealth, but a State and feelings, change the world "to Western standards as international standards," the matter. New life goal is, be sure to do a few things, at least some awards and make foreigners feel about it, "said the Chinese", the thing on the line. Movies, now only an Oscar, a Golden Globe this, we thought of ways to fix hash.

On its favorite industries, Wang said it was the sports industry, "is a good ornamental, confrontational, and looked excited. You can still make money in the fun, and can even make a lot of money, my favorite is this now. ”

Wang also said, "I also said I was the Bill Gates of China happy, at least he's positive energy. Bill Gates wealth, Buffett, at least at the outset of the Earth's most cattle, every aspect of the return to the practice of wealth was positive. ”

Video: (IT News Mobile client users who cannot view the video, please click here to view )

王健林做客《鲁豫有约》:让上海迪士尼20年内盈不了利 - 王健林,万达,鲁豫有约 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 8月29日消息,相信大家的微信朋友圈已经被今天王健林的“一个亿小目标”刷屏了吧,这句话是王健林做客《鲁豫有约》时讲的,那么除了这句话,王健林还说了些啥呢?







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