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published in(发表于) 2016/8/29 14:21:28 Edit(编辑)
Ant announced gold suit online “carbon account“ Alipay can plant trees,

Ant announced gold suit online “carbon account“ Alipay can plant trees,(蚂蚁金服宣布上线“碳账户”,支付宝从此能种树,)



Ant announced gold suit online "carbon account", PayPal-PayPal can plant trees, Ant-gold suit-IT information

On August 27, the Ant gold suit announced for its 450 million real-name users of the PayPal platform, launched a "carbon account". Officials say this is by far the world's largest personal carbon accounting platform.

Ant-gold suit says user login PayPal, adding "Ant forest" charity event, you can earn virtual plants a tree. Carefully nurtured every day, this tree grows up, we'll plant a real tree in the real world.

It is understood that the"carbon account" defined by Ant-gold suits as PayPal one of the three accounts (financial accounts, credit accounts, the carbon account), used to measure the carbon emissions of some everyday activities . Ant-gold suits think finance is the Green finance in the future, people's future lifestyle is a green lifestyle.

"Carbon account" will focus on creating the world's largest low carbon life measure, trading, sharing platforms, not only can record low carbon green footprint, the Green emission reduction activities can also be formed carbon trading account, future conditions, possible carbon trading, investment.

Paid treasure "carbon account" plans project will points stage for, in paid treasure client in, first "carbon account" concept focuses on highlight user carbon emissions of public value, was design for a paragraph "Ant forest" public action: user if walk, and Metro travel, and online paid hydropower gas fee, and online paid traffic tickets, and network registered, and network purchased votes, behavior, on will reduced corresponding of carbon emissions volume, can used to in paid treasure in raised a tree virtual of tree.

The tree grew up, public interest organizations, green ants, such as ecological partners, you can "buy" the user's "tree", in reality a regional plant a real tree. It is reported that the first user by the ALXA SEE Foundation virtual tree planted in the ALXA League, Inner Mongolia region.

Carbon accounts of direct significance, is making people more clearly perceive the accomplishment of sustainable behaviour. Ant-gold suits and the Beijing environment exchange cooperation, developing a methodology that calculates emissions.

Through PayPal to complete everyday activities, with clear and measurable carbon reductions, If each complete 3: within a 1 km walk to work every day instead of the other modes of transport; lines turned over once a month utilities; Alipay supermarkets use 5 times a week to eliminate paper documents, to achieve per capita emissions a day 142g.

According to statistics, if the 450 million PayPal users can act, could equate to the total annual emissions in newly-built around 41,000 square kilometers in Northeast China forestry carbon sequestration of forests a year, afforestation area the size of a small half of the daxinganling area.

蚂蚁金服宣布上线“碳账户”,支付宝从此能种树 - 支付宝,蚂蚁金服 - IT资讯










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