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published in(发表于) 2016/4/10 8:07:22 Edit(编辑)
Asia’s longest subway station started construction in China,

Asia’s longest subway station started construction in China,(我国开工建设亚洲最长地铁车站,)



Construction of Asia's longest Metro station-Metro station-IT information

North Gate is located in Shenzhen Pinghu, Shenzhen Metro Line 10, line stood 10th overall to start the construction of the Centre, which is currently under construction in Asia's longest underground single station.

Shenzhen Metro Line 10, line belongs to the third phase project of Shenzhen Metro in the South, bordering Hong Kong, Futian port station, North of Pinghu town, Longgang District, hub, 29.2 km in length, in 2020 will be opened to traffic. Among them, Pinghu terminal station design for two-layer structure of the island, by the open cut method construction depth of 22 meters, with a total length of 710 metres, upon completion, will become Asia's longest underground single station.

CRC 18 Bureau of the Shenzhen subway project manager Luo Haibo introduction, has been building so long Metro station, Pinghu town centre station of Shenzhen Metro Line 10 is end of line, considering the station after the future overall development of surrounding commercial, property, Metro transport volume increased by at least 20%, in order to alleviate the traffic pressure, reserved for the late subway transfer conditions. Two are domestic Metro for 6 cars, namely, Shenzhen Metro Line 10, line designed for 8-car group, but limited by environmental terrain, plus station reentrant line with the train set, length increases brought the station. In order to facilitate travel, Pinghu Center station entrance over 12, entrance also features crossing the street.

It is reported that currently operating in Shenzhen subway 187 kilometers, are building rail lines with a total length of 211 km. 3 operation of the Metro traffic this year, construction of 4 metro lines. With the formation of rail traffic network, Shenzhen Pinghu Line 10 subway station will be connected with many rail routes, Shenzhen has become an important transport hub.

我国开工建设亚洲最长地铁车站 - 地铁,车站 - IT资讯





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