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published in(发表于) 2016/8/27 18:53:53 Edit(编辑)
Two men holding a stick hit a number of mobile phone shops in Beijing, the whole not robbed the cell phone,

Two men holding a stick hit a number of mobile phone shops in Beijing, the whole not robbed the cell phone,(北京两男子持棍打砸多家手机店,全程不抢手机,)



Two men holding a stick hit a number of mobile phone shops in Beijing, the whole not robbed the cell phone-mobile phone robbery-IT information

Night at 10 o'clock, half Tower, Changping District village, two young men holding a stick hit a number of shops. Witnesses said two people was very arrogant, no one dared to go near discouraged. According to the injured owner recalled, two men didn't hurt, phone and other activity. From the store's surveillance video transcript, two men rushed into the shop hit counter picked up a stick and hit all but 20 seconds of the shop. Cases are under investigation.

At least 4 shops were smashed

Yesterday morning, the Beijing morning news reporters along the half village entrance on the South side of the Tower Street, saw the road along the West side of 4 cell phone store, laid the night before was hit counter (see chart).

Witnesses said Mr Meng, roadside barbecue with friends when the incident first heard a smashing sound across the street, some screaming. "Then saw the two men go south, into a mobile phone shop continues to hit", Mr Meng said, "when two people are very arrogant, and no one dares to near block or take pictures, even barbecue the people were scared to check and head home. "According to neighboring inns boss introduced, shops that were battered over 4, mobile phone shop," some closed the door today, can not see outside. "

Battered men are not robbed the cell phone

A smashed cell phone store manager Mr LI told reporters that the incident is about 10:15, and a female employee in the shop. Two men suddenly rushed in their jump, but did not return to God, and two people have hit counter. From Lee in-store surveillance video, two strong black men each armed with a stick and went straight into the shop later picked up a stick, and full of no more than 20 seconds. Store Manager Lee says, "they did not hurt nor take phone, just hit side while swearing".

Mr LEE's shop after it was smashed, he hastened to call their own in the same street, from hundreds of yards away, another same brand shops. Small shop staff said they received on the telephone immediately after closing the door and pulling metal shutters, "well we move fast, just close they came, broke down the door hit a few I didn't go." Zhang also said that they did not know why the move "does not offend anyone."

Night time public alarm, but the whole process will last for a short time, two perpetrators fled the scene before police arrived. Yesterday morning, the police station in Changping Public Security Bureau Hall camp shops in and around visits to look for clues and witnesses, the case is still under investigation.

北京两男子持棍打砸多家手机店,全程不抢手机 - 手机,抢劫 - IT资讯









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