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published in(发表于) 2013/11/12 12:32:00 Edit(编辑)
Humayun to regain “Alibaba“ General website

Humayun to regain “Alibaba“ General website(马云夺回“alibaba”通用网址 )

Humayun to regain "Alibaba" generic-generic URLs and online brand protection, Alibaba-IT information Humayun to regain "Alibaba" General website

Electricity industry, has always been the brand infringement the worst-hit areas. A few days ago, I learned from the Asia domain name arbitration centre, through arbitration, General Web sites for Alibaba Group Holding Limited Company successfully recaptured "Alibaba", which is the "Taobao", "Harbin" and other common address after the contested case, world-renowned brand case for successful online brand protection.

"Alibaba" General Web site down

Laiti Ju Jiang·simayi is the cause of this dispute before the "Alibaba Group Holding Limited" has registered "Alibaba" General Web site. After several twists and turns, finally Ma back "Alibaba" General website, but the case took a long time, as well as malicious cybersquatting on the negative impact of corporate brand, or to all well-known corporate brand protection sounded the alarm.

It is reported that in 2007 "Taobao" General Web site has also been squatting, Alibaba has recaptured by arbitration. The Alibaba group is choosing the wrong ones, did not conduct a comprehensive network of brand protection, led to only passively through arbitration to take back its own network of brand equity.

In this regard, the experts say, this approach is not only so that enterprises themselves by means of publicity via the Internet, to the detriment of sales as consumers confuse the two products, has also hurt the brand image.

The rapid development of the Internet today, General Web site has also become an important enterprise on the Internet sign function with a business identity and significance, is an integral part of the enterprise brand asset. With a pair of the trademark registration system is different, common address one registration principle and pursues international practice on a first note, trademark right of no use against a domain name, registration is difficult to recover. Marks compared with the entity, the network logo competition will become even more popular.

Enterprise online brand protection shoulders heavy responsibilities

With the rise of the Internet, gaming, reading, shopping, business ... ... It would seem to be a net in hand, will be able to survive in this age of information. Because of this, the Internet became the battleground of large enterprises, and online brand protection fight cood. Author in-depth survey found that commercial industry as a whole there is a serious lack of brand awareness to your network. In addition to General Web sites for Alibaba was squatting outside, such as the "East", "the first shop", "when" the well-known commercial enterprises such as General Web site had been squatting, on the loss of electricity supplier network brand in the industry as a whole is extremely serious, industry brand protection of every Member of the network can be seen.

In fact, not only is the Internet industry, similar to the "hijack keyword search thrown bait" abound. By contrast, once a "brand protection tool," said General Web site is lost, and consequences for enterprises will be more brutal: in Chinese Internet address bar enter the hard earned brand keywords, jump will likely be irrelevant, or even a competitor's Web site. Many renowned companies have been planted on this fall, pay a tuition fee.

The "Alibaba" common address cybersquatting incidents, it can be said to be shrewd and flexible small businesses to large enterprises had a vivid lesson in online brand protection. Experts believe that, at present, the enterprise brand protection, a better approach is to "trademark + domain name + Web site resource" means the whole network and brand protection.


马云夺回“alibaba”通用网址 - 通用网址,网络品牌保护,阿里巴巴 - IT资讯

电商行业,历来是品牌侵权重灾区。日前,笔者从亚洲域名仲裁中心获悉,通过仲裁,Alibaba Group Holding Limited公司成功夺回通用网址“alibaba”,这是继“淘宝网”、“哈尔滨啤酒”等通用网址争夺案后,又一起世界知名品牌成功进行网络品牌保护的案例。


这场纠纷的起因是居来提江·司马义早于“Alibaba Group Holding Limited”注册了“alibaba”通用网址。虽然几经波折,最终马云拿回“alibaba”的通用网址,但是案件耗时之久,以及恶意抢注对企业品牌所造成的负面影响,还是给所有知名企业的品牌保护敲响了警钟。









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