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published in(发表于) 2016/8/26 8:56:26 Edit(编辑)
She is an outcast, has become to stay cute mesh red,

She is an outcast, has become to stay cute mesh red,(她本是一名弃儿,如今却成为呆萌网红,)



She is an outcast, has become deeply reticulocyte-reticulocyte, abandoned-IT information

5, Rosie is a network of thousands of Internet users favor a red girl, whether it is a photo of her on Instagram is a video on YouTube can easily access thousands of praise, and a hundred thousand of hits.

But you may be surprised, and she used to be a suffering from down's syndrome, little girl, abandoned by biological parents.

In 2011, due to illness, newborn girl abandoned by biological parents, was sent to an orphanage. Due to mental disorder, it seems "silly stupid" so when other children one by one were adopted, such as has been selected by the parents.

0-4 this photo is almost her whole life in an orphanage and memory.

But when everyone knew that the girl may have no hope in this life when she was a United States couples adopt, taking an English name is Rosie. Against all expectations, joined the new family in less than a year, ever stay dull stupid little girls like has then become a MoE, unbounded positive energy in life NET red Girl Rosie.

Rosie's popular from her first "home" started to say.

In January 2016, Angela decided to adopt Rosie a mother of 4, through the cumbersome adoption procedures and brought her back to the United States. Back to the United States, had just left the airport and was warmly welcomed.

Welcome on the day Rosie "home" crowd full of dozens of people, everyone was very excited. In addition to the new outside the family's father, sister and brother brother, there are some similar families with adopted children with disabilities to celebrate the arrival of new members for the family, very warm.

When someone screamed after seeing these Rosie, a group of children began to scream, lifted his hand-made by the welcome panel even jumped with excitement:

Stepped off the elevator Angela holding Rosie hugged her husband and children. This is the first reunion of the family of seven.

Despite Rosie because of mental deficiencies of nature very shy with strangers, but the enthusiasm infected her brother and sister. She started to celebrate High fives to every family member.

When this video was put on YouTube and then, struck a chord with large numbers of users, prompting tens of thousands of views, harvested more than 3,000 more praise and accidentally catapulted the special child Rosie.

Netizens have a message expressed hope that Angela will update more about Rosie's video. Angela would be happy to do so.

From Rosie to become a family member since the first day, Angela is continuously updated on the daily cute for more people to see Rosie--just like every mother does. She on Instagram, and YouTube to record the lives of children-especially petty, special life, but full of spoiled for the children. She hopes that upload live videos, photos of Rosie, to record daughter growing up bit by bit and tell people, children with special needs and children in general the same cute, also need to be loved.

"What I do not want to be Internet sensation, just wanted to pass this form, encourage more families to join the ranks to care for abandoned children with special needs . "Angela said in the blog hope that interested adoptive families to abandon prejudices against children with special needs, give them a chance. In her eyes, Rosie is a fallen angel, cute, love trouble, often because there is a bit of progress but the family is proud of her.

Angela and Rosie video channel has also become a part of life for many people – to understand the kind of pure love and warmth, are starting to reflect on whether we should have been even more our children with Down syndrome are treated equally and give them more care and even tap their potentials.

"You'll never know how many of these kids are potential. As long as you give them a chance to dig, they will give you a surprise. "Angela said.

As Angela in the network is updated on Rosie's cute, gradually, Rosie stay cute cute big fan she got skillz. It can be said that that had been regarded as "mentally challenged" child has become a social media network, Red Princess: cute, pretty, cute, talented people to her up to the evaluation.

In social media, Rosie is a natural model – the pursuit of beauty and compared to the little girls of the same age, more so. She can be a lady serves you:

Occasionally, a Cosplay. Rosie of the tooth are sprouting.

However, most powder is Rosie's face. Second a life-sized Fu Yuanhui, right?

Snapchat with new features, Rosie was willing to give it a try:

In addition to pose, but social media is more about Rosie past life records.

For example, when Rosie's first tooth, and friends all cheered for her.

Rosie and brothers and sisters to be treated, also were asked to handle simple chores at home:

And four other brothers and sisters stay at Papa watching a ball game,

Learn to swim and Rosie self-help course in swimsuits. Angela said, Rosie a little afraid of the water, but doesn't seem so difficult for her learning to swim.

However, still proud of Rosie loves Petite Princess is ... ... To eat! Angela even clip a Rosie eating video collection, and called "she seemed to eat anything." Of course, being a net red she also likes YouTube video recorded with my mother. As long as there is video of Rosie sits, hits will be explosive form. Rosie would always laugh, look in the video.

Rosie despite intelligence may be lagging behind their peers, and unable to express himself in flowing sentences, but under the guidance of Angela, became interested in reading some simple fairy tale book.

Language skills in children with down's syndrome is probably the most difficult to cross the gap.

"Some words to teach a two times she might not remember, but patiently repeated to her will really be effective. "Angela is teaching how Rosie said the word nose. At present, Rosie has been able to use simple vocabulary to express their views and wishes.

Perhaps it was because Angela's patience, Rosie went to United States less than six months to be fully heard in English, even in a short speech and play with other children. "She chose the life term in English, but in view of her physical flaws, we do not wish to force her to learn two languages, it is too cruel. However, I have been playing some Chinese nursery rhymes to her, took her to the supermarket in China, this is one of her favorite things. "Angela said.

In Angela's view, Rosie the children with special needs as long as you don't give up, not only can have a bright future, and even has its own ideal.

"Make the audience aware of these is too important. "Angela had said in the video.

Less than a year in the past time, Rosie from one no one wants to take the baby with disabilities, became a happy child surrounded by love. Many people say that Rosie is a miracle.

Rosie's future, Angela said they hope to have the opportunity to get Rosie to pursue his dream. This fall, Rosie will open pre-school and special children of the same age school road.

"If you don't take care of them, the lives of these children with disabilities may be bleak, there is no hope. But we want these kids to have a normal child with all the love, even the hope of a bright future, and you can achieve the desired. "Angela said.

IT information in English: Rosie,['r ? Uzi:], Rosie (female name).

她本是一名弃儿,如今却成为呆萌网红 - 网红,弃儿 - IT资讯





但当所有人都认为这个女孩可能这辈子都没有什么希望的时候,她被一对美国夫妻领养了,取了一个英文名字叫做Rosie。出乎所有人的意料,加入新家庭不到一年,曾经呆呆笨笨的小女孩如如竟然转眼成为了一个呆萌的、集万千宠爱于一生的正能量网红Girl Rosie。

















Snapchat有了新功能, Rosie也愿意试一试:

















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